
  • 网络agricultural archaeology
  1. 包括农业考古、人类起源与现代人起源等的专题研究。

    Studying of special archaeological fields , such as the agricultural archaeology , the origin of human , and so on .

  2. 植物硅酸体分析,将在农业考古研究中发挥重要的作用。

    Phytolith analyses have become an important research method in agricultural archaeology , and will play a more important role in the study of origin and propagation of cultivated plants .

  3. 汉代农业考古的发现和研究

    On the Archaeological Discoveries and Research-work Concerning the Agriculture of Han Dynasty

  4. 中国全新世暖期农业考古文化分区及人地关系特征

    Regional division of the agricultural culture in the Holocene warm period in China and the relationship of human and environment

  5. 他是一个期望在农业,考古,医学等。

    He was an expect in agriculture , archeology , and medicine .