
  • 网络irrigation and water conservancy projects
  1. 略论我国农田水利基本建设

    On farmland construction of water conservancy works in China

  2. 加强农田水利基本建设,提高土壤生产力。

    Strengthen irrigation construction , improve the soil productivity .

  3. 加强农田水利基本建设为四川新农村夯实基础

    Strengthening irrigation , drainage and rural water supply for building new countryside in Sichuan

  4. 甘肃省黄土高原地区农田水利基本建设中几个问题的商榷

    Several Problems on Basic Construction of Irrigation and Drainage of Loess Plateau in Gansu Province

  5. 运用一事一议开展农田水利基本建设的实践

    Thought on Building Basic Water Infrastructures in Rural Area By Applying " One Matter , One Approach "

  6. 盐渍土可持续利用的限制性因素为:淡水资源不足、土壤肥力低、土壤盐分含量偏高和生态环境脆弱。黄河三角洲盐渍土可持续利用的对策是:完善农田水利基本建设;

    The limited factors have deficiency of fresh water , lower soil fertility , higher salt and friability environment .

  7. 新时期农田水利基本建设的战略思考

    ON FARMLAND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER CONSERVANCY WORKS IN CHINA Strategic Consideration for Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Construction in New Epoch

  8. 浅议新形势下山西农田水利基本建设的问题与对策略论我国农田水利基本建设

    Discussion on the Problems in and Countermeasures for the Capital Construction of Rural Water Conservation in Shanxi Province under the New Situation

  9. 凡有条件的地方,最好结合农田水利基本建设修沟挖渠将水引入村寨。

    The place with conditional every , infrastructure of best union irrigation and water conservancy repairs channel to dig canal introduce water the village .

  10. 在搞好农田水利基本建设的同时,推广农田林网化,降低风沙对土壤的侵蚀。

    While attention is paid to farmland water conservancy construction , a forest shelter network is being built to protect farmland from being eroded by sandstorms .

  11. 邯郸县抗旱服务协会向我们展示了开展农田水利基本建设的一种新的组织形式。

    The experiences of Fight Droughts Association of Handan County provide us a new type of organization in the process of construction of water conservancy projects .

  12. 这些政策规定,不可避免地给农田水利基本建设带来影响和新的挑战。

    Many measures have been made after the reform of rural taxes and fees , which inevitably bring impacts and new challenges with the farmland water-conservation construction .

  13. 农田水利基本建设是农业生产的命脉,充分发挥农田水利设施的作用,是农业增效,农民增收的基本保障。

    The basic construction of farmland water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture production , and fully playing the role of the irrigation and water conservancy facilities is the basic guarantee for improving agricultural benefit .

  14. 此外,实施国家对农业水费的补贴政策,加大政府对农田水利基本建设的投入力度,建立与完善灌溉水费管理的法规与制度,也是加强水费管理的必要措施。

    In addition , implementation of agricultural water fee subsidy by the government , increase of the governmental investment for rural water projects , and establishment and improvement of irrigation water fee management rules and institutions are essential for water fee management .