
  1. 税务系统正在推行的能级制管理改革,这是对公务员管理体制的探索和细化。

    The competence level management system reform currently implemented in the tax system is to explore and elaborate the public servant management system .

  2. 本文主要研究的是公务员在中国行政管理体制下存在的心理健康问题,以及在对问题分析的回应&从管理的角度反思如何提高我国公务员的心理健康水平。

    This paper expounds chiefly the study of the Chinese civil servants on mental health problem in Chinese administrative system , and in response to the problem of analysis from the management of Chinese civil servants on how to improve the mental health standards .

  3. 第二章对中西方国家公务员培训制度的历史沿革、公务员培训的管理体制,培训内容、培训方式及质量评估情况进行比较分析;

    Chapter 2 : this part describes the history development , the management system , the training way , the training contents and quality evaluation of both the western developed countries and ours , and analyses comparatively .

  4. 其次,回顾公务员分类管理制度产生与发展的历史,厘清我国公务员分类管理体制发展演变的规律。

    Second , the review produced the civil service classification system and development of history , to clarify the classification of civil service management system development and evolution of the law .

  5. 第五部分详细分析了我国公务员财产申报制度面临的现实困境,主要包括心理因素,制度因素,技术因素以及公务员财产申报管理体制不完善。

    The fifth part which has been carried out in the analysis the dilemma when facing the reality , including : psychological factors , institutional factors , technology factors , the civil property declaration management system is not perfect .

  6. 阐述了当前我国公务员激励机制的发展现状和存在问题,最后针对问题,提出了笔者的对策建议,希望能够对我国的公务员激励机制建设以及公务员管理体制改革有所裨益。

    It also expound the status and problems of the civil service incentive mechanism in our country and finally put forward the suggestion to improve .