
  • 网络the market for corporate control;corporate control market
  1. 公司控制权市场与相关重大制度

    The Market for Corporate Control and the Relevant Important Regulations

  2. 公司控制权市场及其发展的影响因素研究

    Research on the Market for Corporate Control and Influencing Factors of Its Development

  3. 行业集中度与公司控制权市场效率

    Microconcentration and the Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control

  4. 发展完善公司控制权市场优化资本市场运行机制&兼谈“有效市场理论”的局限性

    On the Improvement of Market for Corporate Control and Capital Market Performance

  5. 公司控制权市场与证券市场效率

    Market for Corporate Control and Effeciency of Stock Market

  6. 我国的公司控制权市场未能发挥相应的公司治理效应。

    The domestic corporate control market does not exert the corporate governance effect .

  7. 公司控制权市场生态系统及其平衡机制的研究框架

    Research Frame on Ecosystem of Market for Corporate Control and Its Balance Mechanisms

  8. 发展公司控制权市场;

    Develop thecontrol power market of the company ;

  9. 因此必须建立一个有效的、规范的公司控制权市场。

    So it is necessary to establish a standard , efficient enterprise control right market .

  10. 公司控制权市场研究

    Study on the Market for Corporate Control

  11. 但由于公司控制权市场非常活跃,相关方不可能做出此类承诺。

    But , with an active market in corporate control , such commitments cannot be made .

  12. 国内公司控制权市场对公司高管人员总体上无明显的更替作用。

    Generally , the domestic corporate control market has no distinct substitute function to the senior managers .

  13. 第一章:文献评论。回顾资本结构理论的发展历史,指出公司控制权市场学派是资本结构理论的重要后续发展;

    This chapter reviews the theory of capital structure with emphasis on the theory of market for corporate control .

  14. 与西方相比,我国公司控制权市场的市场化程度还一直较低。

    Compared with western developed countries , the degree of marketization of Chinese corporate control market are still very low .

  15. 降低这一成本,不仅要强化董事会治理,而且应激活公司控制权市场,构筑维护股东利益的双重防线。

    The author recommends to curb the cost by both strengthening board governance and activating the market for corporate control .

  16. 公司控制权市场向来被认为是控制管理人的有效机制。

    Market for corporate control has been regarded as an effective mechanism for disciplining managers ( Jensen , 1988 ) .

  17. 国有股减持的路径:一种基于公司控制权市场的观点

    The Way to Decrease the Proportion of State - Owned Shares & A View Based on the Market for Corporate Control

  18. 在实践中,许多资本主义经济体的确减轻了股东价值最大化和公司控制权市场的风险。

    In practice , many capitalist economies do mitigate the risks of shareholder value maximisation and the market in corporate control .

  19. 管理层往往会使用各种反并购措施的应用以保护管理层的利益不受损害,这很大程度上又削弱了公司控制权市场的作用。

    They also take reverse merger to protect their benefits , which has also weakened the function of market for corporate control .

  20. 在公司控制权市场来说,这是由政府垄断控制资本资源导致的寻租行为。

    This is a rent-seeking behavior in the market for corporate control induced by the government 's monopolistic control over financial resources .

  21. 兼并、收购、接管(敌意收购)和买断,是公司控制权市场常见的几种表现形式。

    Mergers , acquisitions , takeovers and buyouts are the most visible manifestations of the workings of the markets for corporate control .

  22. 紧接着本文将事件研究法和会计研究法结合运用,对我国上市公司控制权市场的绩效进行实证研究。

    This thesis employs event study and accountant study together to empirically study the performance of market for listed corporate control in China .

  23. 所有这些,对于我国的国有企业,民营企业和其他各类中小企业,对我国的证券市场,未来的公司控制权市场的发展,都有着积极而重要的意义。

    All these are greatly meaningful to the state-owned enterprises , private enterprises , the stock market and market development of company control rights .

  24. 代理权争夺作为公司控制权市场上一种公司控制权转移方式,具有其独特的内涵与鲜明的特点。

    Contention for procuration , as a way of control power transfer on the market for corporate control , possesses unique connotations and distinctive characteristics .

  25. 支持反收购行为的理论主要有还价能力假说和利益相关者理论;反对的理论主要是公司控制权市场理论。

    The theory supporting the measures is the bargaining power hypothesis and stakeholder theory . However , corporate control market theory is against such measures .

  26. 国外大量的实证研究认为公司控制权市场的存在能够为股东创造价值。

    Abundant literatures and empirical researches can verify that the market of corporate control rights plays a role in increasing the value of the shareholders .

  27. 公司控制权市场作用的发挥可以通过以董事会为代表的内部控制权市场完成,也可以通过以收购股权为代表的外部控制权市场完成。

    The usage of corporate control market can finished by board of directors representing internal control market or external control market be represented by purchasing equity .

  28. 通过介绍公司控制权市场理论的兴衰和利益相关者理论,提出法律制度应当为收购和反收购市场确立市场中立理念,确立对毒丸计划的法律规制。

    By introducing the prosperity and decline of the theory of the market for corporate control theory , it proposes neutrality idea for establishing legal regulation .

  29. 首先,以代理理论和公司控制权市场理论的相关文献为基础,本文分析了董事会选择经营者的有效性。

    Firstly , on the basis of agent theory and market for corporate control theory , this dissertation analyses how the board of directors select managers efficiently .

  30. 在西方发达国家,公司控制权市场对经营绩效的改善功能,已得到大量实证研究的支持。

    In western developed countries , the viewpoint that corporate control market has the function of improving the operating performance has been supported by substantial research evidence .