
Secondly , a model of the Enterprise Proprietorship is designed .
Analysis of the evolution of the ownership structure in family businesses
The control power arrangement is a central characteristic in the ownership structure .
A Comparative Analysis on the Relationship between Ownership Structure and Innovation in HT Enterprises
Research on Ownership Structure of the Firm Based on the Interactive Mechanism of Interest Group
The Analyse of Unsymmetry of the Proper Right Structure of the State-owned Enterprise in China
Ownership structure of the Firm results from negotiation of participants who own different kinds of production factors .
The paper focuses on how target firm 's ownership characteristics might influence the choice between the two processes .
By analyzing the factors influencing the evolution of the ownership structure in family businesses , a theoretical model of this evolution was presented .
The author using a Voting paradox model as an analytical tool explains conflicts of interest in the negotiation process of ownership structure of the firm .
The aim of this paper is to illustrate and test the relation between the ownership structure of the clients and the behavior of Big 4 providing differential product .
With the position of manpower capital owner advancing , the ownership structure of the firm changes . There are mutual governance mechanism and profit sharing system between manpower capital and physical capital developed in the firm .
The financial management affected by property of human capital is based on new property of corporate , depends on the equal property position of human capital and financial capital and takes the mutual action of them as clue .
Jensen and Meckling ( 1976 ) combined the various factors of the agency theory , property rights theory and financial theory to a kind of corporate ownership structure theory and intrigued the upsurge of the corporate governance study .
The Acting Theory , Acting Theory establish a business ownership structure on the theory that they were included in the transaction cost factors , particularly the economic factors on the concept of transaction costs for the conversion agent costs .
Foreign Investment Enterprises ' Property Right Changing Path and the Following Negative Effects to China Economy
The feasible method of governing monitor trading is increasing the price of monitor and perfecting the ownership structure of corporation .
And the related key problem is , how the allocation of the residual control rights of the firm affects the growth of the firm .
Chinese state-owned oil companies divide their ownership structure between an unlisted " parent " company , and a listed subsidiary , whose majority stakeholder is the parent company .
By define the enterprise structure of ownership , principal-agent chain , background and the interest to the people who conduct the economic activities in the organizations , property right institution influence the business activities directly .
However , the structure of mixed ownership of an enterprise is not designed by some people , it is exogenous , an equilibrium result of the game which is played by the participating parties under certain circumstances .
And some investors are wary of putting money into African firms because of their often labyrinthine ownership structures .
Change of Enterprise Ownership , Evolution of Governance Structure and Residue Measurement
Through arrangement influence element analyzing and structure analyzing of firm ownership , it can find inherent logic of firm system developing and explain developmental direction of firm ownership arrangement .
Compares the differences on ownership structure and on innovation in HT enterprises , and it explains the difference on corporate innovation from the point of ownership structure .
Entrepreneurial spirit , entrepreneurial culture , the demand of evolution , corporate ownership and governance structures are the inner motivation of evolution , the nonlinear interaction of these factors will produce the evolution dynamic capabilities .
The changes will promote the adjustment of firm contract to tend to the optimum conditions of ownership arrangement , and the effect form and way are the structure of firm ownership .
Principal-agent relationship in enterprises is gradually developed with the separation of ownership and operation , eventually forming agent cost theory and , on the basis of this , ownership structure theory ( equity structure theory ) .