
  • 网络Schneider Electric
  1. 本文运用分销网络的理论,对施耐德电气公司在中国成功建立分销网络案例进行分析,阐述了工业品分销网络建立与管理的一般规律和方法。

    This paper analysis the case that Schneider Electric setup distribution network in China successfully by using the distribution network theory and expound the rules and methods for industrial product distribution network building and management .

  2. 本文通过解读施耐德电气公司这个行业领头羊从产品营销过渡为解决方案式营销的过程,给出方案营销在工业品销售中的借鉴意义。

    In this paper , reading Schneider Electric , a leader in this industry transition from product marketing , solutions-style marketing process , marketing programs are given for reference in the significance of industrial sales .

  3. 在评价供电质量和分析中/低压配电网存在问题的基础上,详细介绍了采用施耐德电气公司的技术和电气产品,优化中压和低压配电网的具体措施。

    Baded on the evaluation of power quality and the problems existed on the MV and LV distribution networks , The paper introduces the technical solution by selecting the products and technology developed by Schneider Electric .

  4. 凭借施耐德电气集团公司在中国多年的经验、强大的销售网络、完善的管理体系以及高素质的团队。

    With so many years experience and powerful distribution network in China , Schneider Electric is your reliable partner .