
  • 网络Hongdong County;Hongtong
  1. 他生于天津,家里开办钱庄,早在明朝时期从山西洪洞县移居至天津。

    He was born in Tianjin to a banking family originated in Hongdong County , Shanxi , that immigrated to Tianjin in Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) .

  2. 比如因“黑砖窑事件”被撤职的洪洞县原副县长,复出后担任该县县长助理;

    Such as the former vice mayor from Hongdong County who had been removed because of the " Black Brick Kiln Incident " came back as a assistant to the county magistrate .

  3. 在洪洞县除了课税很重的猪肉生意以外,他一无牵挂。

    He had no ties at all in Hung Tung except his overtaxed pork business .

  4. 新华社星期一指称山西洪洞县劳动监管部门参与拐卖童工并向被调查的窑主通风报信。

    The Xinhua News Agency Monday accuses the labor supervision department in Shanxi province 's Hongdong county of taking part in the child labor trade , and of warning kiln owners who were under investigation .

  5. 造父因驾车马有功,被周穆王封地于赵(山西洪洞县北赵诚),其后人便以“赵”为姓氏。

    Cepheid result of driving horses meritorious , was King Mu of Zhou Yu , Zhao manor ( Shanxi Hongdong County , North Zhao Cheng ), then people will to " Zhao " as a surname .