
  • 网络NLC;the national library of china
  1. 论述了门户、门户网站、信息门户的定义,探讨了图书馆门户的内涵与功能,并介绍了中国国家图书馆数字资源门户与CNKI门户式数字图书馆。

    In this paper , the definitions of portal , portal website and information portal are proposed . The auther discusses implication and function of library portal and introduces the D-portal of National Library of China and digital library portal of CNKI .

  2. 2009年是中国国家图书馆百年诞辰。

    2009 is the100th anniversary of the National Library of China .

  3. 其次,分析各国图书馆WebOPAC存在的问题,最后,结合中国国家图书馆用户调查统计数据,对其WebOPAC的改进提出了建议。

    At the end , in light of the data collected from China national Web OPAC , offer suggestions to improve China Web OPAC system .

  4. 中国国家图书馆文献保护工作概述

    The Summarization of Document Preservation in National Library of China

  5. 出版著作被中国国家图书馆收藏。

    Publishing works by the Chinese national library collection .

  6. 双方的交流与互访非常密切,去年下半年,布林德利馆长应邀参加了中国国家图书馆百年馆庆纪念活动。

    Last year , Chief Executive Dame Brindley attended the centennial celebration of the National Library of China .

  7. 欢迎常副馆长率领的中国国家图书馆代表团来英交流。

    I would also like to warmly welcome Madam Chang Pijun and her colleagues from the National Library of China .

  8. 中国国家图书馆初名京师图书馆,敕建于清宣统元年(1909),1912年正式开馆接待读者。

    The predecessor of the National Library of China is the Metropolitan Library founded in1909 . In1912 , the Library opened to the public .

  9. 我很高兴地得知大英图书馆和中国国家图书馆保持着长期良好合作关系。

    I am glad to learn that the British Library and the National Library of China have developed a sound partnership based on close communication and regular exchanges .

  10. 俄罗斯国立图书馆是世界第二大图书馆,它的书刊国际交换工作开展得非常广泛,目前它与包括中国国家图书馆在内的111个国家的1834个图书馆建有书刊交换关系。

    The Russian State Library is the second largest library in the world . It has established its international exchange business with 1834 libraries in 111 countries including NLC . to develop international exchange of publications ;

  11. 中国国家图书馆的藏书与文献数量超过3000万册,年流通人次超过500万,是世界上中文藏书量最大的图书馆,也是亚洲最大的图书馆。

    Holding over 30 million books and documents , and visited by over five million people every year , this is the largest collection of Chinese writing in the world , and the largest library in Asia .

  12. 下午,我们首先参观了人民大学习堂,相当于中国的国家图书馆。

    In the afternoon , we visited at first the people studied the hall greatly , equivalent to the National Library of china .

  13. 面向研究生的集成信息服务&中国科学院国家科学图书馆总馆IC案例研究

    Integrated Information Service for Postgraduates & A Case Study of IC in the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Science

  14. 再论中国科学院国家科学图书馆学科馆员的学科化信息服务

    The Subject-oriented Information Service Again Exploration into " Subject Librarians " in National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  15. 中国科学院国家科学图书馆成都分馆启动中国科学院科技会议文献资源库的研究与建设,并取得阶段性成果。

    The research and development of Scientific and Technological Proceedings Repository of CAS initiated by Chengdu Branch of National Science Library of CAS has made some progress .