
zhōnɡ xīn fǎ zé
  • central dogma
  1. 方法以PVC板嵌合磁铁为基本材料,开展了中心法则直观演示模型系列开发研究。

    Technique : Do the series study of visible demonstration model of Central Dogma by PVC board tabled with magnet .

  2. 分子生物学的中心法则表明:遗传信息的方向是从DNA→RNA→蛋白质。然而,截止目前为止,中心法则仍未从控制论和信息论获得足够的理论支持。

    The " central dogma " of molecular biology indicated that the direction of the genetic information flow is from DNA - RNA - protein .

  3. 正如没有DNA双螺旋结构的发现,就没有遗传传达传递的中心法则,也就没有今天的分子生物学。

    Just like does not have the DNA double helix structure discovery , has not inherited the transmission transmission the central dogma , also does not have today 's molecular biology .

  4. 分子生物学“中心法则”揭示了DNA→RNA→蛋白质的遗传信息流的深刻内涵,它是现代基因工程技术发展的基础。

    As the basis of modern genetic engineering , the " central dogma " of molecular biology manifests that genetic information is transmitted by way of " DNA → RNA → protein " .

  5. 论文第二章重点介绍论文中涉及的生物学背景知识,阐明了生物信息传递的中心法则,DNA分子的半保留复制以及半不连续复制,密码子的基本特征等。

    In chapter II , the biological knowledge related to study in the thesis is explained , involving the central dogma , the semi-conservative replication and the semi-discontinuous replication , the basic features of codons , and so on .

  6. 生命的中心法则:基因型(DNA或基因)处于最原始和最本质的地位,主宰和制约表型(蛋白质→细胞→有机体)程序的发生发展。

    According to the life central dogma , the genetype ( DNA or gene ) is the most primary and the most essential matter of the life , and master and confine the phenotype program ( protein to cell to organism ) .

  7. 针灸学能防治遗传病主要是反中心法则(蛋白质→RNA→DNA)等作用,针刺产生能量,能量能打破蛋白质化学键,影响DNA。

    The therapeutics mechanism of acupuncture preventing and curing hereditary diseases is the action results of anti - central dogma ( Protein-RNA-DNA ) . Acupuncture can yield energy , while energy can cut chemical bond of protein , then can effect DNA .

  8. 确立了实践人类学哲学的边际关系与中心法则等。

    Establishing marginal relation and central theorem of practical anthropological philosophy .

  9. 遗传中心法则的教学策略与资源

    The teaching tactics and resources of the central dogma of inheritance

  10. 中心法则与分子生物学的生命观

    The Central Dogma and the Life View of the Molecular Biology

  11. 遗传学中心法则造就了11位获奖者;

    Genetic central dogma researches created 11 Noble Prize laureates ;

  12. 基于生物学中心法则的策略系统模型

    Policy System Model Based on Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

  13. 简论中心法则的发展

    A brief account of the development of the central dogma

  14. 企业中心法则研究

    The Research on Central Corporate Principle ENTERPRISE Business Data

  15. 中心法则与现代生物学的发展

    The Central Dogma and the Development of Modern Biology

  16. 基于遗传中心法则的零件逐步求精创新设计

    Innovative Design of Stepwise Refinement Parts Based on the Rule of Heredity Center

  17. 中心法则演示模型的开发研究及其在医学教学中的应用

    Development , study and the applications in medicine of demonstration model of Central Dogma

  18. 遗传病的发病机理是中心法则等作用的结果。

    Onset of illness machanism of hereditary disease is the action results of central dogma .

  19. 这就是分子遗传学的基本论点,或称中心法则。

    This is the essential thesis of molecular genetics , sometimes called the central dogma .

  20. 中心法则是延续开放的

    Central Dogma Is Open and Continuous

  21. 从遗传“中心法则”探讨编委会和编辑部的作用

    On functions of editorial board and editorial department in accordance with hereditary " principle of center "

  22. 目的探讨提高疾病发生机理的中心法则有关授课的课堂吸收率的新方法。

    Purpose : Try to find out the new schoolteaching method of Central Dogma in disease genesis mechanism .

  23. 从遗传学的中心法则来看,基因和蛋白质之间应该存在着一一对应的线形关系。

    According to the central rules , it seems that there has a linear relation between gene and protein .

  24. 中心法则形成了分子生物学的生命观:生命世界在信息和规律上是统一的;

    The Central Dogma forms the life view of the molecular biology : the life world has unity in respect of information and laws ;

  25. 作为分子生物学中心法则中一个尚未解决的重大生物学问题,蛋白质折叠不仅和蛋白质正确行使功能息息相关,更和人类的一些淀粉状纤维变性病的形成有重要关系。

    As a significant unresolved problem in molecule biology central rules , protein folding links closely with the correction of protein functioning and the formation of some human amyloidogenic diseases .

  26. 针灸防治遗传病除了对症治疗、基因调控、删除基因等作用外,根本是反中心法则。

    Besides treating the symptom , controlling the gene and deleting the gene , The therapeutics mechanism of acupuncture preventing and curing hereditary diseases is the action results of anti - central dogma .

  27. 蛋白质结构预测与蛋白质折叠是生命科学研究的核心问题之一,也是后基因时代推动生物学朝着定量化发展的重要方向之一,它是分子生物学中心法则还没有解决的一个重大生物学问题。

    The study of protein molecules is one of the kernel research field in life science , it is also an important direction for biology to develop quantitative approaches in this later-genetic age .

  28. 通过对生物学中心法则、基因结构、基因表达调控等机理概念的描述,提出一种基于策略运行的系统模型。

    With the description of the central dogma of molecular biology , the structure of gene , the mechanism of gene expression and regulation , a system model based on policy driving is described .

  29. 表示遗传信息传递规律的中心法则(CentralDogma),是现代生物学中最基本、最重要的规律之一,该法则的产生有其深刻的科学思想和科学社会基础。

    The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology , which summaries the hereditary information flow , is one of the most fundamental and important laws in modern biology . Its birth has solid bases of scientific thought and scientific sociology .

  30. 蛋白质折叠问题是分子生物学中心法则中联系生物遗传信息与功能的关键环节,这一问题的解决,将会极大的推动人们对生物大分子结构与功能的认识。

    Protein folding is the key point of the relationship between genetic information and biologic function in the central dogma of molecular biology . The biologic molecular will be well understood if the protein folding problem will be solved .