
  1. 中国经济建设进入了新的时期。

    China has entered a new stage of economic development .

  2. 上海和北京经常被认为是中国经济腾飞的缩影。

    Shanghai and Beijing are often used as shorthand for Chinese growth .

  3. 中国经济在腾飞。

    China 's economy is developing rapidly .

  4. 现代技术促成了中国经济的巨大发展

    Modern technology catalyzed tremendous economic growth in China .

  5. 中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力和回旋余地。

    China 's economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow .

  6. 这将为各国共享中国经济高质量发展成果带来更多机遇。

    This will create more opportunities for the world to benefit from China ’ s high-quality development .

  7. 中国经济的不统一、不平衡,对于抗日战争反为有利。

    The heterogeneity and uneven development of China 's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance .

  8. 总之,我们正在推行的全面深化改革,既是对社会生产力的解放,也是对社会活力的解放,必将成为推动中国经济社会发展的强大动力。

    Comprehensively deepening reform will not only liberate of the society . It will serve as a strong driving force for China 's economic and social development .

  9. 我想站在“互联网+”的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。

    I believe with the tail wind generated by our Internet Plus strategy , we will be able to bring Chinese economy off to a new level .

  10. 这是完善产权保护制度最重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力最大的激励。

    This is the centerpiece of the system for improving property rights protection , and it would provide the biggest boost to the competitiveness of the Chinese economy .

  11. 98%的企业家对中国经济复苏作出了非常乐观的展望,认为中国是发展最快的地区之一。

    China is seen as one of the fast-growing regions , as 98 percent of entrepreneurs said they are optimistic about China 's economic recovery in terms of GDP growth .

  12. 看中国经济,不能只看眼前、看局部、看“单科”,更要看趋势、看全局、看“总分”。

    When observing the Chinese economy , one should not just focus on its short-term performance or the performance of a particular sector . Rather , one should look at the overall trend , the bigger picture and the total score .

  13. 这一时期,中国经济大幅增长,成为世界上最先进的经济体,科学、技术、哲学和数学蓬勃发展。宋代中国是世界历史上首先发行纸币的国家。

    During this period , China ’ s economy grew significantly and became the world ’ s most advanced economy . Technology , science , philosophy and mathematics flourished over the course of the Song . It is the first government in the world history to issue paper money .

  14. WTO,并购与中国经济全球化

    WTO , Merger / Acquisition And Globalization of Chinese Economy

  15. 加入WTO后,中国经济的各个层面都必须按国际规则运作。

    Having Joined WTO , every aspect of Chinas ' economy must revolve according to the international rules .

  16. 其实,不管是否加入WTO,中国经济必将与世界经济接轨,中国汽车工业也必将融入世界汽车工业整体之中。

    In fact , no matter whether China will enter WTO , Chinese economy will be combined with the world economy and Chinese automobile industry will join the world automobile industry .

  17. 通过Granger因果关系检验,外商直接投资是中国经济增长的Granger原因,而反之却不成立。

    Through the Granger causality test , we find that FDI is the reason for China 's economic growth , and conversely , the conclusion isn 't true .

  18. 进入21世纪后,中国经济快速发展,特别是随着WTO的加入,国外优秀企业大量涌入,使本土人才的竞争问题日益突出。

    Entering the 21st century , China 's economy is developed fast . Especially entry of the WTO , foreign outstanding enterprises pour into China in a large amount , the problem of native talent competition standing out day by day .

  19. 从(PMI数据中的)新订单分类指数看,没有很多迹象显示经济形势出现起色,彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)经济学家、中国经济专家尼古拉斯•拉迪(NicholasLardy)表示。

    There are not many signs from future orders [ in the PMI index ] that things are picking up , said Nicholas Lardy , an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and expert in the Chinese economy .

  20. 投资、技术进步、货币供应与中国经济波动

    Investment , Technology Progress , Money Supply and Chinese Economic Fluctuation

  21. 当前,中国经济和世界经济高度关联。

    China 's economy is closely connected with the world economy .

  22. 进口贸易与中国经济增长互动关系探析

    The Analysis of interaction Relationship between Import Trade and Economic Growth

  23. 振兴东北:再造中国经济第四增长极

    Restore North-east region : reproduce Chinese economy 's fourth increasing top

  24. 它是21世纪中国经济发展研究的重要课题。

    It is the 21st century China economy development research important topic .

  25. 此外,中国经济依然有很大的潜力。

    Moreover , the economy continues to have much potential .

  26. 当代中国经济起飞:实质、机制、过程

    Current Chinese Economic Takeoff : Essence , Mechanism and Process

  27. 中国经济增长对房地产的依赖越来越大。

    China increasingly depends on real estate to drive growth .

  28. 中国经济必须走可持续发展的道路。

    So , China should promote sustainable development for its economic growth .

  29. 十一五规划与中国经济增长模式的转变

    The Eleventh Five-year Plan and Transition of the Chinese Economic Growth Model

  30. 中国经济增长放缓将在一定程度上打击全球大宗商品需求。

    Slower economic growth will play a part in denting global demand .