
zhōnɡ jiān lèi xínɡ
  • intermediate form
  1. 经220个F2单株分析,在高抗单株和高感单株中分别仅扩增出251bp和245bp的特异片段,而在中间类型个体中同时扩增出了该两个特异片段。

    The resistant and susceptible F2 plants possessed the 251 bp and the 245 bp fragment , respectively , and the mid-plants owned the two fragments .

  2. 常规籼稻的单位叶绿素的净光合速率(Pn/Chl)较NPT低,杂交籼稻为中间类型;

    The Pn per Chlorophyll unit ( PnChl ) was lower in indica inbreds than in NPT lines while indica hybrids appeared to be middle types .

  3. 不同气质类型军人SAS、SDS评分组间差异明显,得分高低次序为抑郁质、胆汁质、中间类型、粘液质、多血质;

    The scores of SAS and SDS among different temperament trait armymen had significant difference ; the sequence of the scores from higher to lower were melancholic , choleric , medium , phlegmatic and sanguine temperaments ;

  4. 结果分析表明:F1的簇生性为中间类型,F2、BF1的簇生性在簇生程度上产生分离;

    The main results showed : all F1 combinations performance a middle degree of clustering character and F2 , BF1 generations represent segregation in clustering degree ;

  5. 例如,搜索/重构操作都能意识到中间类型(intertype)声明,并做相应处理。

    For example , search / refactoring operations being aware of intertype declarations and doing the right thing with them .

  6. 为什么要把复杂数据包装在中间类型中呢?

    Why is complex data wrapped inside an intermediate type ?

  7. 理论研究型人才:本科教育一个逐渐逝去的神话&兼谈中间类型本科的培养目标

    The Research-typed Talent : A Vanishing Myth for University Education

  8. 这两个变种在较窄的过渡地带有中间类型。

    The two varieties intergrade over a narrow transition zone .

  9. 蜗牛苜蓿居16位,其耐盐性属参试30份材料的中间类型;

    Snail medic ranked 16th , in the middle of the 30 materials .

  10. 果实糖度的遗传较复杂,存在各种不同程度的中间类型。

    There are varieties of middle - type in the inheritance of fruit sugar level ;

  11. 以及5、特征不明显的或中间类型细胞。

    Cells without the above distinct characteristics .

  12. 叶下有毛和无毛类型间没有间断,而是有中间类型存在。

    There were not any middle type between the type of hairs and the type of non-hairs .

  13. 中间类型营巢的鸟类集团。

    Middle type birds guild .

  14. 安花2号属珍珠豆型品种,安花5号属中间类型。

    Belongs to the variety of pearl bean type ; Anhua No. 5 belongs to the middle type variety .

  15. 典型确定人格、中间类型以及典型不确定人格与积极应对均具有显著的正相关关系。

    And there exists positive relation between typical certainty personality , medial type , typical uncertainty personality and positive coping .

  16. Ⅱ中间类型,该类型菌株在培养过程中容易变异,但变异后代不稳定,可以发生回变,属于该类型的菌株有20个;

    II Easy to variance but the variant could return the original character , 20 isolates belonged to this type ;

  17. 在这些岛屿上,许多特殊的物种各自分别成立,没有中间类型在中间地带存在的可能性。

    In such islands distinct species might have been separately formed without the possibility of intermediate varieties existing in the intermediate zones .

  18. 在将推广或参加区试的品系和抗源中都有感病、抗病和中间类型的材料。

    The selections in regional test and to be released and source of resistance are either highly susceptible , intermediate or highly resistant .

  19. 网状纹饰;另外有11种具有上述纹饰的混合纹饰,被认为是中间类型。

    The remaining 11 species have spores with mixed surface ornamentation of the above three types , which are considered as intermediate types .

  20. 4~5裂叶半夏是否为普通半夏与掌叶半夏的中间类型有待于研究。

    It is reserved to be studied if the type of 4 ~ 5 dehiscent leaves is the intermediate type of P.ternata and P.pedatisecta Schott .

  21. 本省小麦品质改良应重点利用优质硬麦和优质软麦资源材料,改造不软不硬的中间类型。

    It is important to use good hard wheat and good weak wheat varieties to improve the middle gluten wheat with poor quality in wheat breeding .

  22. 蒙山脆枣为酸枣向栽培枣过渡的中间类型,在蒙阴当地栽培条件下,产量明显高于其它品种,表现出较好的抗旱性。

    Mengshancui jujube was the middle type between wild jujube and Chinese jujube , its drought resistance abilities and yields in Mengyin were higher than other varieties .

  23. 目的:研究不同种源厚朴的化学特征,有效鉴别厚朴、凹叶厚朴及中间类型,建立新的厚朴药材的质量标准。

    Objective : To study the chemical characteristic , to identify the different forms and to establish the new standard for the quality control of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis .

  24. 结果表明:金光杏梅是一种介于杏与李之间的中间类型,更进一步推断是杏与李的自然杂交实生后代。

    The results showed that " Golden Plum " was a medium cultivar between apricot and plum and then was deduced be the natural chance seedling progeny of them .

  25. 无论在意识性提取上,还是在自动提取方面,中间类型个体的成绩总是介于场依存型个体与场独立型个体之间。

    In both cases of recollection and automaticity , the result of the neutral style individuals is always between that of the field independence individuals and of the field dependence ones .

  26. 根据耐性系数和叶片缺钾症状可将供试品种(系)划分为3种类型,低钾敏感型、中间类型和耐低钾型。

    According to tolerance coefficient and leaf K deficiency symptoms , these soybean varieties ( lines ) were divided into three types : sensitive type to low potassium , middle type to potassium and tolerant type to low potassium .

  27. 本研究共调查统计了329个物种,包括低扩散力物种104种,高扩散力物种225种,植食性物种208种,捕食性物种和寄生性物种共101种,中间类型物种20种。

    A total of 329 species were founded in the research area , 104 species with low-dispersal ability , 225 species with high-dispersal ability , 208 herbivorous species , a total of 101 predatory and parasitic species and 20 . other species included .

  28. 本文总结了常见的成双件中间连接类型,基于UG平台下,开发了成双冲压工艺设计模块,实现了覆盖件冲压工艺的参数化设计。

    The paper summarizes usual type of joint face , and develops a parametric and associated design module for double stamping based on UG platform .

  29. 表皮角蛋白免疫细胞化学定位研究APUD细胞的中间丝类型及其组织起源

    Immunocytochemical Localization of Epidermal Keratin in Rat Gastrointestinal Epithelium-the Intermediate Filament Type of the APUD Cells and Their Histological Origin

  30. 金鲫鱼是由鲫鱼演化成金鱼的最原始的中间过渡类型。

    The goldfish is evolves goldfish 's most primitive middle transitional form by the carp .