
  • 网络The Napoleonic Wars;napoleonic war
  1. 在拿破仑战争结束以后,英国国债占gdp的比例曾高达270%。

    At the end of the Napoleonic wars , the UK had a ratio of public debt to GDP of 270 per cent .

  2. 卡梅伦是自拿破仑战争(Napoleonicwars)以来入主唐宁街10号的最年轻的首相就连托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)当年成为首相时也要比他大上几个月。

    Mr Cameron is the youngest occupant of 10 Downing Street since the Napoleonic wars ( Tony Blair was older by a few months ) .

  3. 拿破仑战争的历史环境成因探析

    Analysis on the Causative Factors of Historic Circumstances of Napoleonic Wars

  4. 拿破仑战争期间,优礼妇女作风未戢。

    During the Napoleonic Wars , chivalry was not entirely dead .

  5. 1801年的今天,拿破仑战争中的哥本哈根战役,英国催毁丹麦的舰队。

    1801-Napoleonic Wars : Battle of Copenhagen-The British destroy the Danish fleet .

  6. 因此,拿破仑战争才能又持续了八年。

    The Napoleonic Wars would continue for another eight years .

  7. 在19世纪初,拿破仑战争期间,又遭到了英国人的两次攻击。

    The British attacked twice during the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800s .

  8. 拿破仑战争期间,苏珊娜都在军中。滑铁卢之役她也有参加,身受重伤。

    She served throughout the Napoleonic Wars , and was badly wounded at Waterloo .

  9. 拿破仑战争的发生有一个特殊的历史环境,造成这个历史环境的因素是多方面的。

    Napoleonic Wars broke out under the certain historic circumstances which were caused by various factors .

  10. 拿破仑战争和拿破仑政权的压迫,破坏了法国的创意生活。

    The Napoleonic Wars and oppression of the Napoleonic regime , undermined France 's creative life .

  11. 维也纳会议:(1814~1815)在拿破仑战争之后召开的改组欧洲的会议。

    Congress of Vienna : ( 1814-15 ) Assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars .

  12. 本文旨在从传统和现实两个方面探讨拿破仑战争形成的原因。

    This article discusses the causes of Napoleonic Wars in the view of traditional and realistic facts .

  13. 1805年拿破仑战争:奥斯德立兹战役&拿破仑的法国军击溃了俄奥联军。

    Napoleonic Wars : Battle of Austerlitz - French troops under Napoleon defeat a joint Russo-Austrian force .

  14. 在拿破仑战争期间,偿债基金的机制继续运作,只是方式益发古怪了。

    The sinking fund continued in operation through the Napoleonic wars , though in an increasingly bizarre fashion .

  15. 英国陆军预计将缩减至仅8.2万人,这是自拿破仑战争以来的最小规模。

    The British army is scheduled to decline to just 82,000 troops & its smallest size since the Napoleonic wars .

  16. 从美国独立到拿破仑战争结束这32年时间内,英国调整了对印度的殖民统治政策。

    British adjusted the colonial policy to India during the period of the independence of America and the end of Napoleon war .

  17. 这套兵人是市场上第三款描绘波兰步兵的套件,他们在拿破仑战争中有着出色的表现。

    This set was the third on the market to portray the Polish infantry that fought so well during the Napoleonic Wars .

  18. 首先,奥斯丁生活的社会环境对她的文学创作产生了重要影响。工业革命、法国大革命,拿破仑战争等重大事件无一不对当时的英国的社会和生活造成巨大震撼。

    In her time , such events as Industrial Revolution , French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars had a great impact on English society and life .

  19. 一八一二年拿破仑战争期间,由于英国限制美国的贸易和航运,美国向英宣战。

    In1812 , in response to trade and shipping restrictions imposed on it by the British in the Napoleonic Wars , the USA declared war on Britain .

  20. 一八七○年至一八七一年间,法德发生战争,1805年拿破仑战争:奥斯德立兹战役&拿破仑的法国军击溃了俄奥联军。

    In 1870-71 there was a war between France and Germany . Napoleonic Wars : Battle of Austerlitz - French troops under Napoleon defeat a joint Russo-Austrian force .

  21. 就传统而言,主要是战争伦理、政治传统和民族观念的影响,这些构成了拿破仑战争浓厚的战争背景;

    In terms of tradition , the wars were affected by war ethics , political tradition and national values . These were the very background of Napoleonic Wars .

  22. 我们将总结本德国哲学革命,有趣的是,或多或少与法国大革命和拿破仑战争早期的一些主题相吻合。

    We 'll summarize some of the early themes of this German philosophical revolution , which interestingly enough , more or less coincides with the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars .

  23. 波兰军团在整个拿破仑战争中,几乎参与了所有战役。他们的汗水与鲜血洒在了从西印度群岛到意大利,甚至埃及的广褒大地上。

    The Polish Legions serving alongside the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars saw combat in most of Napoleon 's campaigns , from the West Indies , through Italy and Egypt .

  24. 为了向在欧洲的军事开支提供资金,英格兰人在1694年发明了中央银行;为了解决拿破仑战争所需资金,不列颠人发明了当代的所得税。

    It was to finance military expeditions in Europe that the English invented central banking in 1694 ; it was to fund the Napoleonic wars that Britain invented the modern income tax .

  25. 之后的几个世纪,各个帝国有过辉煌也有过衰败,但是在经历了大战西班牙无敌舰队(1588),法国大革命以及拿破仑战争之后,英国走到了前头。

    Each Empire had its successes and mishaps throughout the centuries , but with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and with the French Revolution and later the Napoleonic Wars , England came out ahead .

  26. 但是由于拿破仑战争,他走的路线不是通常那样由陆路从巴黎到罗马,而是通过海路到里斯本、西班牙和地中海一带。

    But owing to the Napoleonic wars , his route took him , not overland , as was usual by way of Paris to rome , but by sea to lisbon , spain , and the mediterranean .

  27. 上一次产婆宣布生了个女孩的时候,还是拿破仑战争时期,那时候人们还没发明汽车,疯癫的君主乔治三世还在位统治英国。

    The last time a midwife announced It 's a girl , the Napoleonic war was still being fought , the motorcar was yet to be invented , and mad King George III was on the English throne .

  28. 从拿破仑战争结束到普法战争爆发,或者从普法战争结束到一战爆发,都远远不到70年。

    Seventy years is much longer than the distance between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war ; or between the end of that conflict and the outbreak of the first world war .

  29. 我们拥有的最长的半官方价格序列显示,自1750年以来英国物价上涨了140倍,但即便如此,截至1938年的所有上涨均可归因于拿破仑战争以及第一次世界大战期间的通胀。

    The longest semi-official price series we have reports a 140 fold rise in prices in the UK since 1750 & but even then all the increase up to 1938 is accounted for by inflation during the Napoleonic and first world wars .

  30. 上一次产婆宣布“生了个女孩”的时候,还是拿破仑战争时期,那时候人们还没发明汽车,“疯癫的”君主乔治三世还在位统治英国。

    The last time a midwife announced " It 's a girl , " the Napoleonic war was still being fought , the motorcar was yet to be invented , and " mad " King George III was on the English throne 。