
  • 网络peak discharge;peak flow;flood peak;flood peak flow;CMS
  1. 基于Markov过程分析方法,对嘉陵江北碚水文站1939年~2005年历年最大洪峰流量序列进行状态变化的分析和预报。

    Markov model was used to analysis and forecast qualitatively the annual maximum peak discharge from 1939 to 2005 at Beibei station of the Jialing River .

  2. 水土保持综合治理对洪水过程的影响分析表明,水土保持综合治理后总径流量消减了20%左右,洪峰流量消减了30%以上,峰现时问推迟了60min左右。

    Comprehensive governance of soil and water conservation to the flood process indicated that after the governance , the total runoff and the peak discharge decreased approximately 20 % and 30 , respectively .

  3. HHT在年最大洪峰流量规律分析中的应用

    Application of Hilbert-Huang Transform on analysis of law of annual maximum peak flood

  4. 水文不确定性方面,分析了洪峰流量、洪量和历时的不确定性,并运用Monte-Carlo法来模拟施工洪水过程;

    This paper analyzes hydrologic uncertainties such as peak-flow , flood-volumes , flood-duration and simulates construction flood by Monte-Carlo method .

  5. 流域次降雨洪峰流量模数与输沙模数也为幂函数关系,但参数a、b在不同流域之间差别较大,其相关性不如径流深与输沙模数关系好。

    The flood peak volume modulus and sediment transport modulus is also power function relationship . But parameter a and b is different largely in different watershed and the relativity is not well than relationship between runoff depth and sediment transport modulus .

  6. 通过SqlServer数据库接口对实时洪水预报系统预报的入库洪水进行分析,统计其洪水特性,包括洪峰流量、洪水总量、洪水频率等。

    The reservoir inflow , which are forecasted by the real-time flood forecasting subsystem and stored in SQL Server database , are analyzed . The statistics of flood characteristic conclude peak flow , flood volume , flood frequency etc.

  7. 利用灰色系统关联分析方法来研究NAM模型参数对模型模拟径流深、洪峰流量和峰现时间的影响。

    The parameters of the NAM hydrological model are researched on affecting the depth of runoff volume , flood peak flux and flood peak appearance time .

  8. 在该模型中,可考虑水文中的洪峰流量、洪水总量和洪水过程的不确定性及水力的不确定性,提出了用Monte-Carlo方法计算施工导流风险的步骤和用近似法计算施工导流风险的方法。

    In this model , the peak of flood , flood total outflow and flood process are to be considered . A calculation program with Monte-Carlo method and a simplified method for calculating diversion risk are suggested .

  9. 用南方和北方地区六个流域的93次实测洪水资料对模型进行了检验,结果表明,地貌IUH计算的洪峰流量的合格率达到80%以上。

    93 flood events from 6 basins of Southern and Northern region are tested by comparing the observed runoff with the calculated one .

  10. 荆江以下最大洪峰流量和最大60d洪量对比表明,1998年洪水总体上小于1954年,在本世纪已发生的3次全流域性大洪水(1931、1954、1998年)中列第2位。

    In terms of maximum flood peak discharge and maximum 60-day flood volume below Jingjiang river , 1998 flood is smaller than 1954 one as a whole , and ranks second among three basin-wide large floods ( 1931,1954,1998 ) occurring in this century .

  11. 年最大洪峰流量预测的马尔可夫链模型

    The Markov 's Chain Model to Predict Maximum Annual Peak Discharge

  12. 新疆河流年最大洪峰流量系列初步研究

    Research on the Annual Peek Flood Series of the Rivers in Xinjiang

  13. 山西地区煤矿防洪设计洪峰流量分析

    Peak flow analysis in coal mine flood-prevention design in Shanxi

  14. 气候变化对洪水频率和洪峰流量的影响

    Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Frequencies and Peak Discharges

  15. 利用简测法施测分析山区河流最大洪峰流量方法探讨

    Discussion of Using a Simple Method to Analyze the Largest Peak Flood

  16. 历史洪水洪峰流量估算的不确定性分析

    Uncertainty Analysis in Estimating Peak Discharge of A Historical Flood

  17. 年最大洪峰流量灰色拓扑区间灾变预测

    A grey topologic interval method for the prediction of annual maximum flow

  18. 城市小流域洪峰流量计算方法的研究

    Research on the calculation method of flood-peak discharge in urban small watershed

  19. 论特大值对数理统计参数的影响&兼南沙河立山站设计洪峰流量的确定

    Effect of the especial value on mathematical statistical parameter

  20. 泥石流洪峰流量的研究与计算

    Study and Calculation of Peak Discharge of Debris Flow

  21. 流速仪水面一点法抢测洪峰流量可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis on Flood Peak Rush Measurement by Velocimeter with One Point Method

  22. 水位和最大洪峰流量的差异性;

    The differentia between the water level and the max.

  23. 嫩江流域设计洪峰流量与流域面积的关系

    Relation of Design Flood Peak Discharge Rate to Collecting Area in Nenjiang River Basin

  24. 黄河洪水对渭河的影响及潼关洪峰流量预报

    Effects of Yellow River Floods on Wei River and Flood Peak Forecasting at Tongguan

  25. 抚顺市最大降雨量达到227毫米,这也加大了浑河的洪峰流量。

    The flood crest flow is increased after the precipitation in Fushun City reaches227mm .

  26. 关于汛期交口渠首渭河洪峰流量预报的初步探讨

    The research on the flood peak flow forecast of Jiaokou head work in flood season

  27. 小流域设计洪峰流量计算参数的综合研究

    A comprehensive study on the parameters for calculation of small Water-shed design flood peak discharge

  28. 暴雨公式分析及其对小桥涵洪峰流量的影响

    Analysis of storm formula and its effect on flood peak discharge of minor bridges and culverts

  29. 基于主成分分析和贝叶斯正则化方法的神经网络年最大洪峰流量预测模型探讨

    Annual Peak Discharge Prediction Model of Neural Network Based on Principal Component Analysis and Bayesian Regulation

  30. 微机在洪峰流量预报中的应用

    Microcomputer Application in Flood Prediction