
sòng tǐ
  • Verdana;Song typeface;standard typeface of Chinese
宋体[sòng tǐ]
  1. 与此同时,宋体的形态平庸、单调,情感冷漠、机械,过于理性。

    Meanwhile , the song typeface forms mediocre , drab , emotional apathy , machinery , too .

  2. 专用章所刊汉字,除行名可采用宋体或各行行体字外,其他所刊汉字应为宋体并使用国务院公布的简化字。

    The Chinese characters chiseled on special stamps shall be the Song Typeface and the simplified characters published by the State Council except that the banks'names can be Song or Xing Typeface .

  3. 实验表明,该方法能识别任意大小的宋体、黑体、楷体和TimesNewRoman体印刷体数字。

    The experiment shows this method can recognize the digital of regular script , bold and times new roman in various size .

  4. 至今,“宋体”仍是印刷书籍的主要字体。

    This letterform is still the major book letter used today .

  5. 通过拖动可添加8磅大小宋体字体的文本块。

    Drag to add an 8 point size Arial font text block .

  6. “沈宋体”形式与内涵新论

    New discussion on the form and essence of " shen-song poems "

  7. 标准仿宋体多线体矢量汉字库的建立

    The creation of the multiple lines vectorial Chinese character data base for standard imitation Song-Dynasty style typeface

  8. 首次梳理了两种主要印刷字体(宋体、楷体)的研究现状。

    Set up the research of two main printing fonts for the first time (" Songti "," Kaiti ") .

  9. 在通篇红色粗宋体的印刷作品里,用小隶手写的信息最抢眼不过了。

    When every thing 's printed in bold red letters , a message written in small italics stands out .

  10. 宋体>在玫瑰绽放的日子,爱情是醉人的醇酒,&一旦花残红谢,它就成为饥馑中的食物。

    In the bounteous time of roses love is wine , & it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed .

  11. 比如字体一般用的是宋体、楷书、隶书以及篆书以及古代和现代的书法名家的手书体等。

    For example , the font is generally used in the font , the script , script and seal character and ancient and modern calligraphy calligraphy etc. .

  12. 笔者通过对目前国内市场上已有的宋体类字体和黑体类字体的分析。

    By analyzing the popular song front and black front , the author brings forward some questions in text front design and gives some solution and ways of handle this kind question .

  13. 本文介绍了基于笔划特征的轮廓汉字字形衍生方法,并叙述了宋体轮廓汉字衍生系统在微型计算机上的设计与实现。

    Abstract This paper introduces an approach to derive curve-outline Chinese character which is based on stroke feature , and describes the design and implementation of a Song Ti typeface deriving system on micro-computer .

  14. 实验采用3(字体:宋体、仿宋体、楷体)×3(行间距:无行距、单倍行距、两倍行距)组内设计,因变量为搜索时间。

    3 ( Font types : Song , Fangsong , and Kai )× 3 ( Line spacing : no spacing , single spacing , and double spacing ) within-group design was used with searching time as dependent variable .

  15. 首先分别分析宋体差异字形特点和楷体差异字形特点,接着从历史因素、语言文字政策、汉字信息处理角度去探讨差异字形原因;第五章为规范建议。

    First , analysis the characteristics of " Songti " difference-shaped and the characteristics of " Kaiti " difference-shaped , Then to explore the reason from historical factors , language policy , the Chinese Information Processing . The fifth Chapter is specification recommends .

  16. 对雕刻力及其控制技术进行了研究。对影响雕刻力的因素进行了分析,给出了雕刻力的计算方法,特别研究了常用的宋体、黑体、隶书和楷体四种不同字体对雕刻力的影响。

    Engraving force and its control technology is studied , the factors influence on engraving force are analysed , and calculating method of engraving force is given . Especially , the influence of different fonts such as Song , Hei , Lishu and Kai on engraving force is studied .