
  • Ultraman;Altman
  1. 奥特曼电视系列剧于1966年首播。

    The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in1966 .

  2. 阿美:他当然是在看《奥特曼》啊。

    May : Staying with Ultraman , of course .

  3. 奥特曼提出了Z计分模型预测财务风险,它是运用多变量分析技术预测企业财务危机,此模型已经在多个国家中得到了广泛应用。

    It uses multivariate analysis techniques to predict financial crises of companies . This model has got widespread application in many countries .

  4. 一战之后,随着奥特曼帝国的崩溃,国际联盟(theleagueofnations)将组成今天的黎巴嫩的五个省区委托法国统治。

    Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I , the League of nations mandated the five provinces that make up present-day Lebanon to France .

  5. 本文的主要目的是基于我国上市公司的财务困境,针对奥特曼Z模型的不足之处进行修正,寻找尽可能准确预测财务困境的模型。

    This paper , based on the financial distress situation in Chinese market , is aimed to find a better financial distress model for the ST companies by modifying Altman Z-score model .

  6. 实证研究结果表明这2个模型与奥特曼的Z模型相比均有较好的预测效果,针对我国上市公司财务困境的预测准确度有显著提高。

    The results showed that compared with Altman Z-score model , both of these two models are of good prediction effect , with more precision to predict the financial distress for public companies .

  7. 独立退休金分析师罗斯.奥特曼(RosAltmann)说,多数的雇员倾向于放弃最终薪金方案:“他们中的多数人在市场下挫之前就已经出现了赤字,现在几乎全部出现了赤字。”

    Altmann , an independent pensions analyst , says most employers are likely to give up on final salary schemes : " Most of them were in deficit before the market falls , and almost all will be now . "

  8. 现在曼因噶直视着奥特曼,几乎是在挑衅。

    Now Manyenga gazed directly at him , almost in defiance .

  9. 奥特曼发现分别就意味着礼节的缺失。

    Altman found the departure a strange breach of etiquette .

  10. “你可以走了,”奥特曼说。

    " You can go ," Altman said .

  11. 你也知道他非常喜欢《奥特曼》。

    You know he likes it very much .

  12. 假如我是奥特曼,我就会维护宇宙的和平。

    I 'd keep peace in the universe .

  13. 我正在看《奥特曼》。

    I am watching the Ultraman instead .

  14. 奥特曼帝国也有权力在整个地中海沿岸的北非。

    The Ottomans also have power over the whole of the Mediterranean coast of North Africa .

  15. 奥特曼现身手机游戏

    Ultraman Game Hits Cell Phone

  16. 让我懊恼的是,奥特曼告诉我说,斯坦福的成绩并不是特别好。

    To my chagrin , Altman told me , Stanford has not had a really great track record .

  17. 在这几十年间,奥特曼的生活似乎都与卢瓦河无关:做生意,结了婚,生孩子。

    The decades in between seemed almost a digression : the business , the marriage , the children .

  18. 爸爸:你要是遵守你的诺言,今天晚上我就让你看《奥特曼》。

    Dad : If you keep your promise , I will also let you watch Ultraman this evening .

  19. 奥特曼是一个来自外星球的、身穿银衣头戴面具的英雄,他的使命是战胜巨型怪物,拯救地球。

    Ultraman , a silver-suited masked hero , comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters .

  20. 如黑猫警长和“一只耳”、辛巴和木法沙、奥特曼们和怪兽们。

    Such as the black sergeant and " an ear ", Simba and wood method of sand , and Altman were monsters .

  21. 奥特曼注意到在曼因噶身上那种焦虑,那种算计,那种几近恐惧的沉默随着他的到来而消散了。

    The anxiety , the calculation , the reticence approaching fear that he 'd noticed in the young man on his arrival were gone .

  22. 就是这群人在奥特曼昏倒的时候怂恿着那个侏儒去打他,但是此时心情却不同。

    It was the same crowd that had encouraged the dwarf to attack him when he 'd fainted , but the mood was different .

  23. 日前,马来西亚的《每日新闻报》因刊登著名动漫形象奥特曼逃离日本大地震海啸追袭的漫画而引发骚乱,周一这家报纸公开表示道歉。

    A Malaysian newspaper publicly apologised Monday after it triggered uproar with a cartoon depicting the popular Japanese icon Ultraman running away from an oncoming tsunami .

  24. 嗨,奥特曼说,这时火车开出了波思维尔车站,两人都坐定了,预备赶这段漫长的路。

    " Say ," remarked Osterman , as the train pulled out of the Bonneville Station , and the two men settled themselves for the long journey .

  25. 在我们这个时代,你不得不在商店里买杂货,你可以在那里买一大箱谷物,和一个奥特曼。

    In our time-crunched life , it 's tempting to grab groceries at the pump or in a store where you can get a giant box of cereal along with an ottoman .

  26. 曼因噶笑了,看到奥特曼像往常一样坐在狭窄走廊上的自己的桌子边,旁边奇奇蹲坐在她自己的脚跟上,那个侏儒史奴东蜷缩在不远处的低矮的灌木丛里。

    Manyenga smiled , seeing Altman sitting as usual at his table on the narrow veranda , Zizi squatting on her heels near him , the dwarf crouching a little distance away by a low bush .

  27. 实际上,奥特曼几乎不加指导地让演员们在公演中随意发挥,这招来了严厉的批评,并导致该剧提前闭幕,令这座极赋名望的老剧院休演数月。

    In effect Altman allowed the cast to stroll through the production with minimal guidance . The penalty came in the form of blistering reviews and an early closure , leaving the venerable old theatre dark for several months .

  28. 这种感觉也并不奇怪:哈里•杜鲁门第二任期时重建白宫,使用了内部钢筋骨架,而且在装修主要楼层时,为节省经费,原材料购自纽约的一家奥特曼百货公司。

    That was not an accident ; after the White House was gutted and rebuilt with an interior steel frame during Harry Truman 's second term , Truman had saved money by having the New York department store B. Altman furnish the mansion 's main floor .