
  • 网络oran;Olam;Orlan
  1. 死亡的乌云笼罩着奥兰这座孤城。

    A dark cloud of death covers the isolated city of Oran .

  2. 但如今,奥兰周围到处是崭新的塔楼和大学建筑,其中许多都是中国人建造的。

    Now , however , Oran is ringed by bright new tower blocks and university buildings , many of them Chinese built .

  3. 奥兰斯卡夫人走上前去,轻言细语地向这对可疑的来客表示欢迎。

    Madame Olenska advanced with a murmur of welcome towards the queer couple .

  4. 在可可、咖啡、棉花和腰果的世界,卡森布洛克(carsonblock)会怎么看待奥兰(olam)公司?

    What in the world of cocoa , coffee , cotton and cashews is Carson block up to regarding OLAM ?

  5. 但上述谈判的知情人士表示,路易达孚商品公司(LouisDreyfusCommodities)的高级管理层更倾向于与奥兰全面合并。

    But people familiar with the talks said Louis Dreyfus Commodities ' senior management would prefer a full merger with Olam .

  6. 另一家新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡(temasek),也是奥兰(olam)的大股东。

    Temasek , another SWF of Singapore , is also a leading shareholder in OLAM .

  7. 奥兰上周向新加坡高等法院提起诉讼,指控浑水研究主管卡森布洛克(CarsonBlock)最近在伦敦一次发布会发表的类似言论为诽谤。

    It filed a defamation claim in the Singapore high court last week over similar comments by Carson Block , Muddy Waters ' research director , at a recent presentation in London .

  8. 这批香槟是在地处瑞典和芬兰之间的奥兰岛(alandislands)海域发现的,出售这些香槟将给奥兰岛带来一笔意外收入。

    The planned sale would deliver a windfall to the Aland islands , between Sweden and Finland , in whose waters the champagne was found .

  9. 新加坡大宗商品集团奥兰(olam)表示,除去特殊收益,由于销售额的增长和利润率的提升,一季度净利润上涨了48%。

    OLAM , the Singapore - based Commodities Group , said net profit for the quarter rose by 48 per cent , excluding exceptional gains , on higher sales and margins .

  10. 这次做空无疑是有备而来:根据Markit的数据,针对奥兰公司的空头头寸规模增长到今年早些时候的两倍,总计占了奥兰公司超过13%的股份,这差不多包括了可以拆借的所有股票。

    The shorts are certainly primed : short positions in Olam are double their levels earlier this year and represent almost all the stock that can be borrowed , according to Markit , or more than 13 per cent of the shares in total .

  11. 加蓬本周表示,正计划由亚洲公司进行45亿美元的农业和基建投资,包括由新加坡农业生产商和供应链管理公司奥兰(Olam)牵头的木材和棕榈油项目。

    Gabon said this week it was planning $ 4.5bn (€ 3.5bn , £ 2.9bn ) of agricultural and infrastructure investments by Asian companies , including timber and palm oil projects to be led by Olam , the Singapore-based agricultural producer and supply chain manager .

  12. 浑水称奥兰的资本支出为“一个黑洞”。

    Capital spending it describes as " a black hole " .

  13. 奥兰妮丝将在九月开始上班。

    Aurenes is due to start her new job in september .

  14. 艾伦奥兰丝卡:纽约就是这样一座迷宫吗?

    Ellen olenska : is New York such a labyrinth ?

  15. 他无疑是在追求奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人。

    He was undeniably in pursuit of the countess olenska .

  16. 不过我早知道你会喜欢奥兰斯卡夫人的。

    But I was sure you 'd like Madame Olenska .

  17. 业内高管表示,奥兰可能会成为下一个目标。

    Industry executives say OLAM could be the next target .

  18. 里奥兰德河墨西哥美界河。

    Rio Grande marks the border between Mexico and the USA.

  19. 他实际上是在用奥兰斯卡夫人作挡箭牌。

    He 's simply using Madame olensksa as a lightening-rod .

  20. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人说的是“5点钟以后”。

    The Countess Olenska had said " after five " ;

  21. 艾伦奥兰丝卡:我知道你会来。

    Ellen olenska : I knew you 'd come .

  22. 你认识我的侄女奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人吗?

    " You know my niece Countess Olenska ?" Mrs.

  23. 奥兰斯卡夫人高兴得容光焕发。

    Madame Olenska 's face grew brilliant with pleasure .

  24. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人的官司搅乱了陈旧的习俗观念。

    The case of the countess Olenska had stirred up old settled convictions .

  25. 如果你看过,你很可能还记得奥兰多鲁。

    If so , you probably remember Orlando bloom .

  26. 韦尔盖塞表示,奥兰“作为一家独立公司的未来相当光明”。

    Mr Verghese says the company has a " bright standalone future " .

  27. 奥兰斯卡夫人伸出一只手,仿佛向他告别。

    Madame Olenska held out her hand as if to bid him goodbye .

  28. 刘穿了几乎相同,俄罗斯制造的奥兰诉讼,根据报告。

    Liu wore a nearly identical Russian-made Orlan suit , according to the reports .

  29. 他站在奥兰斯卡夫人住宅的门口,心里充满了好奇。

    As he stood on Madame Olenska 's threshold curiosity was his uppermost feeling .

  30. 他立即走上前去,奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人突然站住微笑着表示欢迎。

    He hurried forward , and Madame Olenska stopped short with a smile of welcome .