
ào mì
  • secret;profound mystery
奥秘 [ào mì]
  • [profound mystery] 深奥莫测的秘密;奥妙;隐秘

  • 探索人和动物眼睛奥秘的仿生学研究工作,称为视觉仿生。--《眼睛与仿生学》

奥秘[ào mì]
  1. 汉语四声的数学奥秘&频率变比3∶2

    A mathematical profound mystery of Chinese word tone & frequency change proportion 3:2

  2. 只有深入揭示审美心理活动的规律,才能深刻地理解审美活动的奥秘。

    Only when the regularities of mental activities are known deeply , can people understand more about the profound mystery of esthetic activities .

  3. 她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。

    She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche .

  4. 科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。

    Science can penetrate many of nature 's mysteries .

  5. 她提出了对这个奥秘的一种可能的解答。

    She proposed a possible solution to the mystery .

  6. 这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。

    The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age .

  7. 奥秘在于易拉罐中的一个小玩意儿。

    The secret is a little widget in the can .

  8. 我们现在有机会去真正解开宇宙的奥秘。

    We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe

  9. 这个国家的起源似乎奥秘莫测。

    The origin of this nation is wrapped in profound mystery .

  10. 这个奥秘始终未得到解释。

    The mystery was never solved .

  11. 这是本世纪尚未解开的大奥秘之一。

    It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century .

  12. 你不晓得内中的奥秘。

    You don 't know the inside story .

  13. 科学能解开自然界的奥秘。

    Science can disclose the mysteries of nature .

  14. 他们被指派去与生疏人搭讪从并从他们那里套出奥秘。

    They have been assigned to accost strangers and extract secrets from them .

  15. 他对计算机的奥秘尚未入门。

    He has not yet been thoroughly initiated into the mysteries of computers .

  16. 你们可以想见这种关于“别的星球”的若明若暗的话语使我心里多么好奇。因此我竭力地想知道其中更多的奥秘。#

    You can imagine how my curiosity was aroused by this half-confidence about the " other planets . " I made a great effort , therefore , to find out more on this subject .

  17. 他在最新著作《如何创造智慧》(HowtoCreateaMind)的副标题中作出了一个极为自负的承诺:本书将揭示人类思维的奥秘。

    His latest book , How to Create a Mind , carries in its subtitle the immodest promise of the secret of human thought revealed .

  18. 经由日本法律理出其社会奥秘的头绪,正是密歇根法学院教授markwest的专长。

    Teasing out the mysteries of Japanese society by way of its statutes is the speciality of mark West , a professor at Michigan Law School .

  19. 最新研究帮助解决了HIV隐藏的奥秘,尽管或许还有其他未被探知的存储源存在。

    The new study helps solve the mystery of where HIV hides out , he says , although there may be other undetected reservoirs .

  20. 本书揭示STL的奥秘,告诉你STL不仅仅是一组方便运用的容器类(containerclasses)。

    This book reveals the mysteries of STL , to tell you more than just a set of easy to use STL container classes ( container classes ) .

  21. 由基因序列解开一切生命的奥秘是生物信息学的研究目标,而DNA测序是了解基因结构与功能的基础,是生物信息学研究的起点。

    The research target of bioinformatics is to reveal the secret of life . DNA sequencing is the foundation of finding out the structure and function of genes , so it is the research starting point of bioinformatics .

  22. 因此,一书在手,就能完整而清晰地把握现代企业信息化管理的架构和轮廓,领悟SCM的奥秘。

    Therefore , with this book , readers will be able to grasp structure and profile of modern enterprise information technology in a wholesome and clear manner and understand SCM 's secret .

  23. 爱看穿了人生的奥秘。CARVER说:“任何一种东西,只要你爱它到足够的程度,它便会放弃它的秘密。”

    Love penetrates the mysteries of life ," Anything ," said George Washington Carver ," Will give up its secrets if you love it enough . "

  24. 以Lakoff和Johnson为代表的语言学家从认知科学的角度研究隐喻,揭示语言的起源、发展和使用乃至人类认知思维和智能发展的奥秘。

    Linguists , such as Lakoff and Johnson , from the cognitive perspective , study metaphor to explore the origin , development and usage of languages as well as the cognitive mystery of human minds .

  25. 由于对月鱼的奥秘了解甚少,他们决定充分利用这次意外的捕获,送了一些组织标本给他们的同事NicholasWegner做解剖。

    Since very little was known about the elusive fish , the scientists decided to take advantage of the unexpected catch and sent some tissue samples to their colleague Nicholas Wegner for dissection .

  26. Steins小行星直径大约3英里,现在正在对它进行研究,这对揭开太阳系形成的奥秘非常关键。

    A roughly three-mile-diameter Steins Asteroid is being studied for keys that could help unlock some of the mysteries about the creation of the Solar System .

  27. 为了更好地了解保时捷成功的奥秘,我与保时捷北美分公司约好长时间试驾两款最新车型:911卡雷拉S敞篷车(CarreraSCabriolet)和博科斯特(Boxster)。

    To better understand the dimensions of the Porsche mystique , I arranged with Porsche cars North America to spend some extended time driving two of its newest models : the 911 Carrera s cabriolet and the Boxster .

  28. 我十分想知道他们的房间里有什么奥秘。

    I wonder what was in their walls of that room .

  29. 信仰的奥秘是感觉和理性所不能察知的。

    The mysteries of faith are hidden from sense and reason .

  30. 神赐比率与对数螺线、著名级数之间的奥秘

    The Mystery between the well-known Golden Section Rate and Logarithmic Helix