
  • 网络Panthera leo;African Lion;Lion
  1. 采取某动物园未免疫的东北虎、非洲狮、猞猁血样,用中和试验检测,结果显示这些动物的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)抗体水平均小于1:5。

    Blood samples from pre-immune Amur tiger , African lion and lynx were collected and the antibody against CDV was measured by neutralization tests .

  2. 非洲狮朊蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of prion protein gene in African lion

  3. Serbia是2011年4月20号出生的,在贝尔格莱德动物园出生的四只非洲狮幼崽皮毛全是白色,这在非洲狮中是非常罕见的。

    Serbia , Wednesday , April 20 , 2011 . The four white lions cubs , an extremely rare subspecies of the African lion were recently born in Belgrade Zoo .

  4. 非洲狮(Pantheraleo)群处于不断的分裂-聚合过程,其亚群大小与原狮群大小以及诸如狮群捕食成功度、协作幼仔保护及狮群领域防卫等社会性因素有关。

    Lions Panthera leo live in fission-fusion groups , with the size of the sub-groups being related to the original pride size and social factors , such as group-size-specific foraging success , cooperative cub defense and group territoriality .

  5. 非洲狮在绵延的白色海滩上嬉戏。

    African lions playing on the long , white beaches .

  6. 非洲狮幼崽在博茨瓦那的奥卡万戈三角洲。

    Lion cubs play in the Okavango Delta in Botswana .

  7. 寄生在非洲狮的绦虫一新种

    A new species of tapeworm from an African lion

  8. 在人类的足迹到达南非草原之前,非洲狮、鬣狗和豹是蓝马羚的最大捕食者。

    African lions , hyenas , and leopards hunted them before humans arrived .

  9. 博茨瓦那的萨谬提,一只非洲狮幼崽正和它的狮群在一起休息,它正打着哈欠。

    A small lion cub yawns while resting with its pride in Savuti , Botswana .

  10. 各方对非洲狮种群规模的估算不一,不过许多说法认为一个世纪前约为10万头。

    African lion population numbers vary , but many estimate there were about 100000 a century ago .

  11. 它的敌人非洲狮,意识到这一弱点,常常进攻正在喝水的长颈鹿。

    Its enemy , the African lion , senses this weakness and often attacks a drinking giraffe .

  12. 非洲狮幼崽可以自已行走了就加入狮群&大概它们出生三个月以后。

    Cubs join prides when they can move well enough to keep up & after about three months .

  13. 但是,研究人员还发现,家猫的这三种个性和非洲狮的很相像。

    However , what the researchers further discovered was that these three were the same personality traits prevalent in African lions .

  14. 爱登堡大学和布朗科斯动物园的研究表明,猫和非洲狮有相似的个性。

    Research from the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo suggests that cats have personalities similar to those of African lions .

  15. 到河南漯河的人民公园参观的游客,听到这只非洲狮汪汪叫时都开始生气地抱怨起来。

    Angry visitors to the People 's Park in Luohe , Henan province , complained when the ' African lion ' started barking .

  16. 狮子被认为是易危物种,而非濒危物种。去年秋天,一项新的调查显示非洲狮数量出人意料地锐减。

    Last fall animal conservationists were caught catnapping when a new survey revealed a sharp and unexpected drop in Africa 's lion population .

  17. 这个研究的名子是“家猫、苏格兰野猫、云豹、雪豹、非洲狮的个性结构”。

    The study is entitled " Personality Structure in the Domestic Cat , Scottish Wildcat , Clouded Leopard , Snow Leopard , and African Lion . "

  18. 鹿眠宁对6种猫科动物的麻醉剂量在非洲狮与虎、豹间存在着极显著差异(P<0.01),虎、豹间差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The dosages used were not different between tigers and panthers ( P > 0 . 05 ), but there were the significantly different between tigers and cats ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 但37岁的本布里顿表示,他的这三只非洲狮小室友的体重今年底可能会长到40公斤以上,到时他的沙发可就再也睡不下它们了。

    But by the end of the year , Ben Britton , 37 , expects his current African lion roommates to weigh up to 40 kilograms each and no longer fit on his couch .

  20. 在南美哥伦比亚西部城巿卡利,一只非洲狮和和它的救命恩人相拥亲吻,关系十分亲密,让人震惊。

    People in Cali , Colombia , are shocked to see the bond between a large African lion and a woman who saved it from abuse , involving long , affectionate kisses and hugs between the pair .

  21. 我带着儿子来这,让他听听不同动物的叫声,但是我们到了非洲狮的笼子时,里面的狗却叫了起来。

    I took my son there so he could hear the different sounds animals made but when we reached the cage where the African lion was supposed to be , the big animal in there started barking . '