
  1. 哈吉的最后是一个庆典,宰牲节会礼,由朝觐者一起祈祷庆祝。

    The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival , Eid Al-Adha , which is celebrated with prayers .

  2. 如今,为了保持传统节礼日的传统精神,企业、机构和家庭会通过礼赠穷人或帮助困难家庭来贡献时间、提供服务或捐赠款项,为食品银行献出帮助。

    Today , many businesses , organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating their time , services and money to aid Food Banks , providing gifts for the poor , or helping families in need .

  3. 书院学礼制度的主要内容分为两大类:一是修学与讲会之礼容礼仪;

    Academy school rites include both the rites of teach-learning processes and the sacrificial rites .

  4. 他们的婚礼会在圣乔治礼拜堂(St.George'sChapel)举行婚礼,该礼拜堂的唱诗班会表演。

    Since they are marrying at St. George 's Chapel , the church 's choir - The Choir of St George 's Chapel - will perform .

  5. 有爱就必然会谦逊有礼而不虚伪。

    When there is affection there is inevitably courtesy without hypocrisy .

  6. 这会使得希礼见了要十分难受,要越发舍不得自己。

    That would be cruel to Ashley , but would make him yearn for her all the more .

  7. 嗯记得我记得我妈妈因为你知道他们会举行颁奖礼晚宴

    Um , yeah , I remember my mother , because you know they have the Governors ball .

  8. 我会非常享受节礼日的比赛。

    I enjoy the Boxing Day game .

  9. 今年我会去到颁奖礼的现场,这是我第一次参加青少年选择奖的颁奖礼啊!!!谢谢你们为此的努力。

    I 'll be there this year and it will be my first time attending the TCA 's !!! Thank you !

  10. 家中有超过一位儿童的员工常会收到优渥的礼卷,部门并常安排社交聚会,希望能媒合更多同事成为佳偶。

    Generous gift vouchers are on offer for officials who have more than one child and the department organises social gatherings in the hope of fostering love amongst its bureaucrats .

  11. 周一时候各位好莱坞明星齐聚洛杉矶比弗利山庄出席每年一度的奥斯卡提名午餐会,而颁奖礼的组织方趁此机会向各奖项的有力竞争者约法三章。

    The Hollywood stars gathered in Los Angeles for the annual Oscar nominees luncheon in Beverly Hills on Monday , and organisers of the upcoming show took time to hand out advice for the potential winners .