- leap day;intercalary day;February 29 in a leap year

(1) [intercalary day]∶阳历的平年只有365日,与回归年比较,每年相差5时48分46秒,所以每四年积成1日,加于2月成29日,这一天称为闰日,这一年称为闰年
(2) [leap day]∶2月29日,格里戈里历的闰日,泛指任何历法的闰日
Feb. 29 is an intercalary day ; leap year is an intercalary year .
Now we have discovered the laws of the Natural Calendar and leap year and the cycle of the leap year .
and that 29th day is sometimes called Leap Day .
This year the leap year will celebrate its 366th birthday after it was implemented in 1582 as part of the Gregorian calendar .
Mr Walsh said he was not worried about the extra day . It all works out in the wash over the next four years , Mr Walsh said .
Yesterday is " Leap Day " and for centuries has been traditionally associated with the idea of romance reversal as women take to one knee to propose to their men .
Mr Walsh said he was not worried about the extra day . " It all works out in the wash over the next four years , " Mr Walsh said . Mrs Campbell shared a similar view .
Research conducted by Twentieth Century Fox found that Australian workers would spend an extra 6.5 hours in the office this year and lose an average of $ 180 pay as a result of the year 's extra day .