
rùn miǎo
  • leap second
闰秒[rùn miǎo]
  1. 举个例子,英国就表示闰秒应该保留。

    Britain , for example , has said that the leap second should stay .

  2. 国际地球自转服务组织负责决定何时加减闰秒。

    Deciding when to introduce a leap second is the responsibility of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service .

  3. 摆脱了闰秒就意味着由太阳测出的格林威治标准时间的消亡,GMT也不再精准了。

    Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time , which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate .

  4. 下一次的闰秒将出现在今年末。

    The next leap second comes at the end of this year .

  5. 当地球(自转)慢下来的时候,科学家便给我们的时钟添加闰秒。

    When the earth slows down , scientists add leap seconds to our clocks .

  6. 记者当地球(自转)慢下来的时候,科学家便给我们的时钟添加闰秒。

    CORRESPONDENT When the earth slows down , scientists add leap seconds to our clocks .

  7. 闰秒起先一年至少增加一次,但是自从1979年来就放慢了。

    Leap seconds were initially added at least once a year , but have slowed since 1979 .

  8. 但是上一次闰秒是发生在2012年,冲击了一大片互联网。

    But last time it happened , in 2012 , it took down much of the internet .

  9. 如果有必要将闰秒计算在内,用户需要在应用程序级别上进行适当更改以处理这些日期。

    Users need to make appropriate changes at the application level to handle such dates if it is important to keep track of leap seconds .

  10. 它说当2011年出台了这个方案时,新闰秒到来之际的未来也能用到同样的技术。

    It said when it laid out the plan in 2011 that it would use the same technique in the future , when new leap seconds are announced .

  11. 自从1972年引进闰秒这个概念以来,重置发生了25次,但是随着电脑(和原子钟同步)数量的增长,电脑的问题变得越来越严重。

    The reset has happened 25 times since they were introduced in 1972 , but the computer problems are getting more serious as increasing numbers of computers sync up with atomic clocks .

  12. 科学家们把2006年的到来推迟了一“闰秒”。此次全世界调时距上次已有7年时间,而调时的主要原因则是地球自转速度的变化。

    Scientists are delaying the start of2006 by the first " leap second " in seven years , a timing tweak meant to make up for changes in the Earth 's rotation .

  13. 但是卫星全球定位电话、计算机、激光器和几乎所有带芯片的东西都没有添加闰秒,除非有人每次都重写软件。

    But things like satellite GPS phones , computers , lasers , and almost anything with a chip , doesn 't add these leap seconds , unless someone re-writes the software each time .

  14. 它更改服务器使得每回在更新时都会增加一点额外的时间,如此到闰秒的时候,他们已经赶上了新时间。

    It modified its servers so that they would add a little bit of extra time every time they were updated , so that by the time of the leap second they were already caught up with the new time .

  15. 有学者建议改变我们记录时间的方法,忽略闰秒,这样计算机、全球、定位电话、原子钟和人们的时间将会一致,将(闰秒的问题)留给我们的后人去解决。

    Change the way we tell time that is , forget leap seconds , say a few academics , so computers , GPS phones , atomic clocks and people are all on the same time , and let our descendants sort it out later .

  16. 记者有学者建议改变我们记录时间的方法,忽略闰秒,这样计算机、全球、定位电话、原子钟和人们的时间将会一致,将(闰秒的问题)留给我们的后人去解决。

    CORRESPONDENT Change the way we tell time that is , forget leap seconds , say a few academics , so computers , GPS phones , atomic clocks and people are all on the same time , and let our descendants sort it out later .