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huì shì
  • the metropolitan examination
会试 [huì shì]
  • [the metropolitan examination] 科举时代,聚合各省举人在京城进行的考试

会试[huì shì]
  1. 他参加了这次的会试,终于考取了功名。

    He took the metropolitan examination and finally won an official rank .

  2. 我会试着更清楚地向你描述一下这些男孩子都干些什么。

    I 'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do

  3. 这是因为RationalApplicationDeveloper会试着检查选择的标签库并选择敏感的默认值。

    That 's because Rational Application Developer attempts to examine the selected tag library and choose sensible defaults .

  4. BIOwrite会试着将字节写入套接字。

    BIO_write will attempt to write bytes to the socket .

  5. 我们会试着以自己风格的演出来呈现给US的观众,就像我们在日本的演出一样。

    Alice Nine . : We will try to perform our typical show to the US audience , similar to what we would do in Japan .

  6. 但是,Ajax程序会试着从一些外部服务器上载入feed。

    However , the AJAX application tries to load the feed from some external server .

  7. 如果全新的F系列皮卡大获成功,他们可能也会试着采用铝制车身。

    If the new F-series pickups are a smash , they may try aluminum bodies as well .

  8. 但不知怎的我觉得Daniel实际上会试着为我实现它

    but somehow I think Daniel will actually try to make it happen for me .

  9. 比较一下:当使用TCP作为协定时,工作电脑会试著启始到另一台机器的连接。

    In comparison : When using TCP as protocol , the workplace machine would try to initiate a connection to the other machine .

  10. 这是因为“创建Jazz服务器”处的存储库连接会试着访问已经关闭的Jazz服务器。

    This is because the repository connection at the section " Set up Jazz server " tries accessing stopped Jazz server .

  11. 除了一系列的选项之外,当-qipa选项处于可用状态时,如果汇编器不能进行向量化,那么它会试着在决定调用它们之前去内联MASS标量函数。

    In addition to any of the preceding sets of options , when the-qipa option is in effect , if the compiler cannot vectorize , it tries to inline the MASS scalar functions before deciding to call them .

  12. 有了ExtCore发行版,开发人员于是很自然地会试着将该版本的特性与其他流行框架如jQuery进行比较。

    Given the release of Ext Core , it 's only natural that developers try to compare the features of this new distribution with that of other popular frameworks such as jQuery .

  13. 获取列表后,集群服务会试着扫描共享SCSI总线上的所有设备来寻找匹配的磁盘签名。

    After the list is obtained , the cluster service attempts to scan all of the devices on the shared SCSI bus to find matching disk signatures .

  14. 如果我为巴宝莉(Burberry)工作,我会试着让它看上去像一个巴宝莉女孩,一个巴宝莉时刻。

    If I 'm working for Burberry , I 'll try and make it look like a Burberry girl , a Burberry moment .

  15. 我会试着为你找出那些旧照片。

    I 'll try and hunt out those old photographs foryou .

  16. 我会试释一下汽车引擎的工作原理。

    I will try to explain how a car engine works .

  17. 听着,我会试着帮你找汤姆。

    Listen , I 'll try to track Tom down for you .

  18. 我会试着照你的话做。

    I will try to put your ideas into practice .

  19. 会试后一般要举行复试。

    Generally , all of the gongshis would be reexamined .

  20. 他感激地笑了。你会试着弄明白吗?

    He smiled gratefully . 'Will you try to find out ? '

  21. 我们会试着用转移光束救你出来。

    We 're going to try and beam you out of there .

  22. 我会试着不追求完美;

    I 'd try not to be so damned perfect ;

  23. 在事件还在进行的时候我都会试着去拍些照片。

    I try to take pictures while the events are playing out .

  24. 父亲一开始会试着叫我起床。

    First my father would try to rouse me . '

  25. 我甚至会试着保持开明的态度。

    I 'll even try and keep an open mind .

  26. 我怎么知道你会试着打劫自己的家呢?

    How did I know you were robbing your house ?

  27. 我裙子会飞起来,不过我会试。

    My kilt will fly up , but I 'll try it .

  28. 在每一场比赛前我都会试着去在脑海中预想下比赛的大致走向。

    I always try to imagine a match before I play it .

  29. 你是知道的,他会试着向我们要现钱。

    You know he 'll try to hit us up for cash .

  30. 我想今晚我也许会试上一堂新的瑜伽课。

    I thought I might try out a new yoga class tonight .