
bīng bù
  • the Ministry of War in feudal China;Department of War in feudal China
兵部 [bīng bù]
  • [Department of War in feudal China] 古时官署名,掌管全国武官选用和兵籍、军械、军令之政,长官为兵部尚书,有时称为武部,清末改为陆军部

兵部[bīng bù]
  1. 从嘉靖七年(1528年)明朝兵部尚书王琼总制三边、安辑东迁后的撒里畏兀儿诸部,至明、清之交。

    From 1528 to the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  2. 研究了装甲兵部(分)队战术仿真中的射手建模问题。

    Gunner modeling problem for tactical simulation of armored force ( unit ) is discussed .

  3. 六部中兵部变化较大,其权限小于明代,一些具体办事机构的分工上也与明代不同。

    Of them , the Ministry of War went through a bigger change with power inferior to that in Ming Dynasty .

  4. 海军下辖北海、东海、南海三个舰队和海军航空兵部。

    Under the Navy , there are three fleets , namely , the Beihai , Donghai and Nanhai fleets , as well as the Naval Aviation Department .

  5. 1060年《新唐书》完成之后,欧阳修很快升任枢密副使,次年任参知政事,以后,又相继任刑部尚书、兵部尚书等职,在社会事务、财务、军事等方面留下了值得注意的记录。

    When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .

  6. 郭氏的长子郭信拥有一身好武艺,年轻力壮时就从军,在随军征战中立下了许多功劳,官升兵部侍郎。

    Guo Xin , the eldest son of this family , was skilled in martial arts and took service when he was young . He was a courageous warrior and won a lot of credits during campaigns and expeditions . Later , he was promoted to assistant minister of the war department .