
bīng chē
  • chariot;military train
兵车 [bīng chē]
  • (1) [chariot]∶古代作战用的车辆

  • (2) [military train]∶指运送军队的列车

兵车[bīng chē]
  1. 陆军士兵用运兵车封锁了十字路口。

    The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets .

  2. 街上有装甲运兵车和坦克。

    There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets

  3. 在这种情况下,他试图建立一个小型武器,在拥挤的机动装甲运兵车(BMP和全钢载重子午线)或乘坐直升机部队合适。

    In this case , he tried to create a compact weapon , suitable for motorized troops riding in cramped armored personnel carriers ( BMP , BTR ) or helicopters .

  4. 担心炸毁些遗弃的伊拉克坦克和装甲运兵车

    worried about blowing up some abandoned Iraqi tanks and other personnel carriers

  5. 装甲运兵车车内噪声控制研究

    A study of noise control inside the hull of armored personnel carriers

  6. 后来军人开动一辆武装运兵车把这个身受重伤的人救了出来。

    The severely wounded man was later rescued by an armored carrier .

  7. 敌军有四部坦克和一些运兵车。

    They got four Shermans and some deuce-and-a-halves .

  8. 延后一周我给你装甲运兵车。

    If you can delay a week , I can get you armored personnel carriers .

  9. 以色列在加沙周围集结军队、坦克和装甲运兵车,为可能发动的地面进攻做准备。

    Israel has amassed troops , tanks and armored personnel carriers around Gaza for a possible ground offensive .

  10. 只要马健康、兵车坚固,甲胄兵器精良,虽是小部队也能起大部队的作用。

    When the horses and chariots are sturdy , the armor and weapons are strong , then even a small force can perform like a big force .

  11. 各种运兵车和卡车陷进了雪里,或者它们的发动机因为长时间超负荷运转而熄火,这些卡车或者被粗暴地推倒或被从路上强行拖走。

    Various passenger cars and truck stuck in the snow , or their motors wouldn 't start after a longer stop were ruthlessly overturned and pushed off the road .

  12. 在克里斯琴-贝卡谷地城镇扎赫勒附近的另外一个投票站,那里的局面看上去得到了控制,武装运兵车上的安全部队人员正在守卫那个地区。

    At another polling station near the Christian Bekaa Valley town of Zahle , the situation appeared under control , with security forces guarding the area in an armed personnel carrier .

  13. 星期四,一位德拉居民通过卫星电话告诉美联社说更多的乘坐装甲运兵车的士兵涌入德拉城,而狙击手已经在屋顶以及清真寺等制高点就位。

    On Thursday , more soldiers in armored personnel carriers rolled into Deraa while snipers took up positions on high rooftops and mosques , a resident told the AP news agency by satellite telephone .

  14. 以色列昨日威胁称,要加大对哈马斯控制的加沙地带的打击。目前以方正在边境一带集结坦克和装甲运兵车,同时征召6700名预备役军人为可能入侵加沙做准备。

    Israel threatened to escalate its attacks on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip yesterday , positioning tanks and armoured personnel carriers close to the border and calling up 6,700 reservists for a possible incursion into the territory .

  15. 治理拥有一千辆兵车的国家,要严肃认真地处理政事,诚信无欺,节约费用,爱护人民,农闲时役使老百姓。

    To rule a country of a thound chariots , the ruler should attend strictly to business , keep his promises , economize in expenditure , love the people , and use the labour of the peasantry at the proper seasons .