
hóu jué
  • marquis
侯爵 [hóu jué]
  • (1) [marquis]

  • (2) 古时封建五等爵位的第二等

  • (3) 欧洲和日本贵族的世袭身分。尤指英国第二级贵族的成员,位于公爵之下和伯爵之上

侯爵[hóu jué]
  1. 第四魔神是Samigina,一位伟大的侯爵。

    The Fourth Spirit is Samigina , a Great Marquis .

  2. 外界认为,这款表最终由groyeofprovins侯爵所有,1838年,他将其归还宝玑厂房,之后从未再拿走过。

    The watch is thought to have ended up in the ownership of the Marquis de la groye of provins who returned it to the Breguet workshops in 1838 and never picked it up again .

  3. 那老太婆,确也当得起这个称呼,她是r侯爵夫人。“睡在这石凳上吗?”她又问。

    The good woman , who was well worthy the name , in fact , was the Marquise de r & " on this bench ?" she went on .

  4. 在西方,尤其在英国,象征地位的头衔与社会等级差别紧密相关,如阿普莱勋爵、伯纳德伯爵(西欧国家用count一词)。英国上层社会的家族大都有世袭头衔,例如:公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵。

    In the west , especially in Britain , status titles are associated with class distinctions ―― Lord Apley , Earl Bernard ( 'Count " is used in Western European countries )

  5. 在维奥兰特·格里瑞里·贡扎加侯爵夫人(MarchionessViolanteGuerrieriGonzaga)家中享用午宴,以及参观罗马圆形大剧场等必去之地。

    a luncheon at the home of the Marchioness Violante Guerrieri Gonzaga , and a few inevitable sites , like the Colosseum .

  6. 立刻把这封信送去给蒙特斯奇侯爵。

    Have this letter dispatched to the Marquis de Montesquieu immediately .

  7. 我曾经对你施以援手,侯爵。

    If ever I showed you a kind hand , marquis .

  8. 在那一批人中,有波弗多布夫人和迪费雷纳侯爵夫人。

    Among the number were Madame Beaufort d'Hautpoul and Marquise Dufresne .

  9. 侯爵渐渐明白穿靴猫的妙计。

    The marquis was beginning to understand Puss-in-Boots ' clever plan .

  10. 我们这里有一份侯爵送你的礼物。

    We have a present for you from the Marquis de lauzun .

  11. 侯爵问,他已经注意到维尔福满脸愁云。

    Asked the marquis , remarking the cloud on villefort 's brow .

  12. 卓以兰先生是侯爵的私生子。

    Mr zovland was the bastard son of the marquis .

  13. 这些被单是我们的朋友侯爵的。

    These sheets once belonged to our friend the marquis .

  14. 答案就在侯爵的床上。

    The answer lay in the bed of the Marquis .

  15. 一位法国侯爵于17世纪建造的城堡。

    A Chateau built by a French marquess in the seventeenth century .

  16. 他跑掉了,但是那天晚上侯爵就被暗杀了。

    He ran away , but that night the Marquis was murdered .

  17. 安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。

    The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist .

  18. 侯爵不耐烦又厌恶地回头看着他们。

    The Marquis looked back at them in bored dislike .

  19. 以萨德侯爵为主人翁的那些小说是有关性变态的。

    The novels of the Marquis de Sade deal with sexual perversion .

  20. 我想致电侯爵公司,安排一个会议。

    I 'm gonna go call Marquis jet and schedule a meeting .

  21. 侯爵大人说,带住马!

    Said Monsieur the Marquis . ' Hold the horses !

  22. 侯爵挽起了他的手臂,同他一起走出客厅。

    The marquis took his arm , and they left the salon .

  23. 人群围了过来,望着侯爵大人。

    The people closed round , and looked at Monsieur the Marquis .

  24. 什么男人?侯爵生气地问。

    ' What man ? ' asked the Marquis angrily .

  25. 这侯爵穿上华服看起来非常英俊。

    The marquis looked very handsome in the fine clothes .

  26. 他是一个伟大的力量侯爵、最严峻。

    He is a Marquis great in power , and most stern .

  27. 我是劳赞侯爵的侍从。

    I am the valet of Le Marquis de lauzun .

  28. 到这时候,国王觉得侯爵真了不起。

    By now , the king was thoroughly impressed .

  29. 侯爵,侯爵将你的居心不良。

    Scaramouche , scaramouche will you do the fandango .

  30. “那么,你要到那里去?”侯爵夫人问。

    " Where , then , are you going ?" asked the marquise .