
  • 网络cell homogenate
  1. 方法采用细胞匀浆丙二醛(MDA)比色法(体外法)测定大鼠肝脏粗线粒体脂质过氧化作用产物MDA的含量。

    Methods Applying cell homogenate , the crude mitochondrias were prepared . Using MDA colorimetry , the content of MDA , the production of lipid peroxide of the rat liver 's mitochondria was determined .

  2. 蛭弧菌在细胞匀浆中增殖的初步研究

    The primary study of bdellovibrio 's multiplication by using cell homogenate

  3. 同皮肤细胞匀浆代谢相似,酮洛芬异丙酯被代谢成原药酮洛芬。HPLC法测定复方布洛芬干混悬剂中布洛芬及苯巴比妥钠的含量

    Ketoprofen isopropyl ester was hydrolyzed into ketoprofen when penetrated through the cultured skin , which resembled in the skin cell homogenates metabolism . Determination of Ibuprofen and Sodium Phenobarbital in Compound Ibuprofen for Suspension by HPLC

  4. 而小鼠Hepa腹水肝癌(简称Hepa)细胞匀浆中由这两种底物所引起的此效应均十分明显。Hepa中,丙酮酸激酶(PyK)的活性为正常小鼠肝的4.7倍。

    The pyruvate kinase ( PyK ) activity in Hep A was 4.7 times as high as that in normal mouse liver .

  5. 将白细胞匀浆沉淀残渣按Scherrer和Darnell的十二烷基磺酸钠加苯酚的热抽提法抽提。

    The iRNA was extracted from the residue of the leucocyte homogenate by a modified method of Scherrer and Darnell using hot phenol with sodium dodecyl sulfate .

  6. 凤眼莲净化含酚污水的研究&Ⅱ.组织、细胞和匀浆水平的试验

    Studies on removal of phenol from polluted water by water hyacinths ( eichhornia crassipes ) & ⅱ . experiments on the tissue , cell and homogenate level

  7. 采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定红细胞和肝匀浆SOD活力,以硫代巴比妥酸法测定血清和肝匀浆MDA含量。

    SOD activities in RBC and liver were measured by xanthine oxidase method . Serum and hepatic MDA contents were assayed according to thiobarbituric acid method .

  8. 经6、24、48和72h后,用四唑蓝(MTT)法测定细胞增殖率、细胞匀浆中癌胚抗原(CEA)及和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)的表达;

    The cell proliferation rate was measured by MTT and expression of CEA and ALP were detected after 6 , 24 , 48 and 72 h.

  9. 转输正常肾细胞或注射正常脾细胞匀浆对L615白血病细胞攻击也无任何保护效应。

    Also transfer of normal renal cells or injection of spleen cell homogenate did not exhibit any protective effect .

  10. 结果显示:血管内皮细胞在缺氧环境中,上清液和细胞匀浆中MDA含量明显增加(P<0.001),加入不同浓度川芎嗪后均可阻止上述现象的发生。

    The results showed that the MDA level in supernate of culture media and cell homogenate increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) when the cell was cultured under hypoxic environment , and added various concentrations of tetramethylpyrazine could prevent this phenomenon .