
quán lèi
  • aldehyde
  1. DNA链断裂作为醛类污染物接触标志物的研究

    DNA Strand Breakage as Possible Marker of Exposure to Aldehyde Pollutants

  2. 用紫外光谱法检测三种醛类化合物与DNA的结合

    Detection of Binding of Three Aldehyde Compounds With DNA Using Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry

  3. C(60)醛类衍生物非线性光学特性研究

    Nonlinear Optical Properties of C_ ( 60 ) Derivatives

  4. C2的醛类物质含量较高;

    The contents of aldehyde was highly formed in C2 process than in C1 process ;

  5. 醛类化合物DNA化学损伤机制及生物标志物的研究

    A Study on DNA Damage and Biomarkers of Aldehydes

  6. 典型醛类污染物与DNA形成加合物的机制及检测方法

    Mechanism and Determination of DNA Adducts Formed by Typical Aldehyde Pollutants with DNA

  7. 典型醛类污染物与细胞DNA分子的结合作用

    The Bindings of Typical Aldehydes Pollutants with Cell DNA

  8. 典型醛类污染物单独及联合作用对小鼠脾淋巴细胞DNA损伤的离体实验研究

    Effect of typical aldehyde pollutants on the DNA damage of spleen lymphocytes of mice

  9. 应用紫外及荧光光谱法研究三种醛类污染物对牛腺DNA的损伤作用

    Studies on the damage of calf thymus DNA induced by 3 kinds of aldehyde pollutants using ultraviolet and fluorescence spectrum

  10. 结果表明,醛类污染物染毒细菌DNA紫外吸收峰位移不显著;

    The shifts of maximum UV absorption peak of prokaryotic DNA contaminated by 3 kinds of aldehyde pollutants are not significant ;

  11. V2O5催化剂上甲醇乙醇一步合成醛类化合物的研究

    Study on the One-Step Synthesis of Aldehydes from Methanol and Ethanol over Vanadium Oxide Catalyst

  12. 上述结果提示醛类污染物潜在致癌性的一个可能机制以及DNA断裂作为醛类化合物接触标志物的可能性。

    Our data indicates a possible mechanism of aldehyde pollutants potential carcinogenicity and DSB can be used as the biomarker of exposure to aldehyde pollutants .

  13. 研究醛类污染物与DNA形成加合物的机制,建立DNA加合物检测新方法对DNA加合物的研究具有重要意义。

    It is important to research mechanism of DNA adducts formed by aldehyde pollutants with DNA and to set up a new method to detect DNA adduct .

  14. 某些苯二醛类双Schiff碱及其双铜(Ⅱ)配合物研究

    Study on some Bis-Schiff bases from isophthalic aldehyde and their copper (ⅱ) complexes

  15. 因此有关含有水杨醛类席夫碱SOD模拟化合物的研究迅速发展起来。

    The investigation of SOD mimics complexes with Schiff bases ( in particular derived from the salicylaldehyde ) are developed rapidly .

  16. TiO2/羟基磷灰石的结构及其光催化降解醛类的性能

    The Structure of TiO_2 / Hydroxyapatite and Its Photocatalytic Performance in Degradation of Aldehyde

  17. 水杨醛类Schiff碱配合物在介孔分子筛MCM-41上的组装与表征

    Synthesis and characterization of Schiff base complexes functionalized MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves

  18. 醛类的光分解与光氧化初级过程的esr研究取代苯甲醛的研究。

    ESR Study on the primary processes in the UV peotolysis and photooxidation of aldehydes . a study for substituted benzaldehydes .

  19. C6醛类和醇类的含量在绿熟期最高,随着果实成熟逐渐下降;

    The maximum of C6 aldehydes and alcohols were found at mature green stage , diminishing in concentration as ripening proceeded .

  20. 酚醛树脂(PF)是酚类和醛类化合物(特别是苯酚和甲醛)在催化剂作用下缩聚的产物。

    Phenolic Resins ( PF ) are polycondensation products of phenols and aldehydes formed on the catalyst , in particular phenol and formaldehyde .

  21. 以1,3-二氨基硫脲与含有不同取代基的水杨醛类(控制醛与氨的物质的量之比1∶2)发生反应时,直接合成了五种对称的双Schiff碱。

    Five symmetrical bis-Schiff bases have been synthesized by the reaction of thiocarbohydrazide and substituted salicylaldehydes ( controlling their molar ratio 1:2 ) directly .

  22. 通过FTIR技术,对燃用混合不同比例的棉籽生物柴油的柴油机的气态非常规排放物进行了在线测量,对生物柴油排放的二氧化硫、醛类、苯类进行了分析。

    Based on FTIR technology , the paper measured the unregulated gaseous emissions from diesel engine which fueled with different blends ratios of cottonseed biodiesel and pure diesel .

  23. a.完成了一条实验室方便简易地由酮类化合物制备不同α-炔醇的路线,但这一方法用醛类化合物制备相应的α-炔醇化合物尚不甚理想。

    They are summarized as following : a. Completed a route for synthesis a - alkynol from ketone , but it is not satisfactory for aldehyde to get the corresponding a - alkynol ;

  24. 柴油机燃用DME的非常规排放物试验研究结果表明,这两种方法均能对醇类燃料发动机非常规排放物中的醛类物质进行定量分析。

    An Experimental Study of Unregulated Pollutants from a DME Fueled Diesel Engine Experimental results indicate that both methods are capable of quantitative analysis of aldehydes .

  25. 结果如下:1.合成了8种水杨醛类衍生物,并对其进行了1H-NMR的表征和熔点的测定,部分做了13C-NMR分析。

    Kinds of salicylaldehyde derivatives had been synthesized and their structures were characterized by 1H-NMR spectroscopy and melting point testing . 2 .

  26. 维生素B12可被氧化剂和还原剂、醛类抗坏血酸、二价铁盐、香草醛和阿拉伯树胶破坏。

    Vitamin B12 is destroyed by oxidizing and reducing agents , by aldehydes , ascorbic acid , ferrous salts , vanillin and acacia .

  27. 研究了Hantzsch反应在测定油烟气中醛类化合物时的反应条件。

    The conditions of Hantzsch reaction were studied .

  28. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)在乙醇水溶液中在酸性条件下与醛类缩醛化制成PVA缩醛的乙醇水溶液。

    After degraded by oxidation process , polyvinyl acetals , prepared from acetalation of PVA with aldehydes in aq . alcohol solution under acid conditions , can be directly used for adhesive and coating .

  29. 本文首先讨论聚丙烯酰胺交联凝胶的多价金属离子交联体系、醛类交联体系和酚醛类树脂交联体系的交联机理、交联体系的组成和适宜配比、适宜的pH值范围及交联凝胶的特性。

    Firstly we research and discuss the various kinds crosslinked gel systems of polyacrylamide with many prices metal ion , aldehyde and phenolic resin . The crosslinking mechanisms , formulation , suitable pH value and the property of these gel systems are researched .

  30. 主要创新性研究成果如下:OMS-2催化剂具有良好的低温醇类醛类氧化性能。

    The main results were summarized as follows : OMS-2 catalysts demonstrated good reactivity towards alcohol and aldehyde oxidation .