
  • 网络Vichy government;Vichy France;Vichy administration
  1. 维希政府迫害犹太人问题研究

    A Research of the Persecution of the Vichy Government on the Jews

  2. 这一仗标志着诺曼底战役的结束,盟军解放法国,法兰西共和国恢复和维希政府灭亡。

    This battle marked the end of Operation Overlord , the liberation of France by the Allies , the restoration of the French Republic and the exile of the Vichy government to Sigmaringen in Germany .

  3. 法国人非常不愿意开诚布公地讨论维希政府,以至于最终由一位美国人罗伯特帕克斯顿(robertpaxton)在1972年率先描写了这段历史。

    The French were so loath to discuss Vichy honestly that it took an American , Robert Paxton , to write the path-breaking history in 1972 .

  4. 将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。

    When he died , broken and under the scowl of Vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me .

  5. 泽穆尔的祖父辈是阿尔及利亚犹太人,却为维希法国政府辩解,还认为身在法国的人就应该给自己的子女起法国名字。

    Mr. Zemmour , the grandson of Algerian Jews , is fairly apologetic for Vichy France , and argues that people in France should give their children French names .