
  • 网络Wieland;Weyland;Mats Wilander;Wallander
  1. 维兰德:可能吧,不过有时也是鼓舞人心的工作。

    Wieland : It can be , but it 's also inspiring sometimes .

  2. 维兰德:我非常喜欢,而且受益颇多。

    Wieland : I like it a lot . It 's really rewarding .

  3. 维兰德:是的,有些老兵遭受了一个部位或者几个部位的截肢。

    Wieland : Yes , some of the vets have had one or more limbs amputated .

  4. 尼柯尔是美国国家科学院院士,也是维兰德奖的新近得主。

    Nicoll is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and recent winner of the Heinrich Wieland Award .

  5. 维兰德:我的任务就是帮助从战场回来、负伤的老兵适应残疾的生活。

    Wieland : My job is to help returning vets who have been physically injured adjust to living with their medical disabilities .

  6. 布朗在《维兰德》中尽力地调和理性和宗教的思想但他并没有给出任何调和二者的具体方法。

    In Wieland , Brown tries to compromise rational and religious ideas , yet , gives us little suggestion for how to compromise them .

  7. 在此之前,大满贯男单决赛耗时最长的比赛时1988年的美网决赛。那场决赛中,维兰德和伦德尔打了4小时54分钟。

    The previous longest major singles final was Mats Wilander 's win over Ivan Lendl at the U.S. Open in 1988 , which lasted 4 hours , 54 minutes .