
  • 网络werner;Tom Werner
  1. 2005年5月,维尔纳•塞弗特(WernerSeifert)辞去了德意志证交所首席执行官一职,因为当时一些投资者强烈批评称,他准备以过高价格收购伦敦证交所,而没有关注于为股东带来回报。

    Werner Seifert resigned as chief executive of the Frankfurt-based exchange in May 2005 amid fierce criticism from some investors that he had been prepared to overpay to acquire the LSE , instead of focusing on delivering shareholder returns .

  2. 利物浦的大老板亨利和主席维尔纳在一场“不能接受的”比赛之后像霍奇森发出了一份通牒。

    Liverpool principal owner John W Henry & chairman Tom Werner fire warning shot to Roy Hodgson over'unacceptable'results .

  3. 我把维尔纳夫人的案子搞砸了

    What 's right ? Iscrewed upMrs . Wellner 's case ,

  4. 当他们操纵帕拉仁斯基时,机组同事道格。维尔纳克会负责控制机械手臂。

    Fellow crew member Doug Wheelock will guide arm operators as they maneuver Parazynski .

  5. 维尔纳夫人你觉得自己值多少钱

    Jane : Mrs. Wellner , how much do you think you 're worth ?

  6. 这派的人要求从维尔纳攻入波兰,并摆脱所有预先制订的计划。

    This party had urged an advance from Vilna into Poland regardless of all previous plans .

  7. 随后是73岁的维尔纳•格林盆在印加古道上因山石松动而死亡。

    It follows the death of 73-year-old Werner Grimpen along the Inca Trail after a section of rocks came loose .

  8. 皇帝骑马游览了维尔纳城,心里觉得挺愉快,这个城的人群异常高兴地迎送皇帝。

    The Emperor was in excellent spirits after his ride about Vilna , greeted and followed with acclamations by crowds of the inhabitants .

  9. 他们又从奥尔沙沿着通往维尔纳的大路继续向前逃跑,还是那样,和追击的军队又玩起了捉迷藏的游戏。

    From Orsha they fled on along the road to Vilna , still playing the same game of blindman with the pursuing army .

  10. 皇帝在维尔纳期间对库图佐夫更加不满,这特别因为库图佐夫明显地不愿意或者是不能够理解未来战役的意义。

    The Tsar 's displeasure was increased at Vilna by Kutuzov 's obvious unwillingness or incapacity to see the importance of the approaching campaign .

  11. 作为感谢你对我们的忠诚的星际选手,特别值得将给予本地维尔纳球员代表你过去的服务器。

    As a thank you to our loyal PlanetSide players , special merits will be given to native Werner players to represent your past server .

  12. 之后,旅行团会在侯爵夫人的塔维尔纳宫的楼顶天台上享受私密的午餐和招待,之后去往维亚·维内托城区,以及卡拉卡拉古浴场。

    Later , the tour stops for a private lunch and reception on the rooftop terrace of the Marchioness 's Palazzo Taverna before heading to the Via Veneto neighborhood and the ancient baths at Caracalla .

  13. 行程安排、午餐与交通可由客人定制,但必须至少提前10天预订,如在塔维尔纳宫吃午餐,则需提前至少三周预订。

    The tour , as well as lunch and transportation , can be customized but must be booked at least 10 days in advance and at least three weeks ahead if participants plan on lunch at the Palazzo Taverna .

  14. 柯南·道尔在创造出这个人物时就想杀死他,维尔纳说,对他来说,它只是个通俗故事,他想以更严肃的文学作品闻名。

    As soon as Conan Doyle created this character , he was trying to kill him off , Mr. Werner said . For him , it was just a popular story and he wanted to be known for more serious literary works .

  15. 俱乐部主席维尔纳说:“我们和国王一家很开心的共进了晚餐,席间他说的话我也似懂非懂,五五开,当我听不懂时,我也只能点点头。”

    The club 's chairman Tom Werner said : " We had a lovely dinner with Kenny , his wife Marina and his son Paul-I understood about half of what he said , and I just nodded when I couldn 't understand . "

  16. 运用维尔纳(A.Werner)配位学说和立体化学有关理论,分析研究了无机、有机缓凝外加剂的分子结构和特征,发现缓凝外加剂都是配位化合物,化学本质是配位键。

    Werner 's theory of coordination and some related theories of 3D chemistry were employed to study molecular structure and characteristics of inorganic and organic retarding admixtures . It was found that retarding admixtures belonged to the category of coordination compounds , its chemical nature was attributed to coordination bond .