
  1. 本文就脚击球做为防守中一项新技术,谈其在比赛中的运用情况。

    This article centers on kicking as a new technique in defence and its application in matches .

  2. 一时性起,他就提起脚来将一些沙子踢进里奇的坑里。

    On an impulse he kicked some sand into ridge 's foxhole .

  3. 如果门开大了,她就用脚把它钩回来。

    If the door swung in , she flung it back with her foot .

  4. 片片棕榈树叶就在脚前方。

    And palms before my feet .

  5. 当这个军人又继续他那一本正经的短距离踱步时,其他的人就拖着脚走上前来。

    Even while the soldier resumed his short , solemn walk , other figures shuffled forward .

  6. 顺便说一句,他踢起足球来就好像脚上长了一对天使的翅膀。

    And by the way , he plays football as though with the wings of angels on his feet .

  7. 凡不接待你们,不听你们话的人,你们离开那家,或是那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去。

    If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words , shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town .

  8. 你刚把他救下来,他就拿脚踹你,因为你看到了他非常丢脸的样子,见证了他原始的恐惧。

    The second you save him he kicks you in the shin because you witnessed him in a very degrading situation , facing his primal fear .

  9. 何处的人,不接待你们,不听你们,你们离开那里的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去,对他们作见证。

    And whosoever shall not receive you , nor hear you , when ye depart thence , shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them .

  10. 雅各嘱咐众子已毕,就把脚收在床上,气绝而死,归他列祖(原文作“本民”)那里去了。

    And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons , he gathered up his feet into the bed , and yielded up the ghost , and was gathered unto his people .

  11. 我母亲的家族是务农的瑞典移民,相片里的他们看起来像是,他们若看见任何令人快乐的东西,就用脚上的钉靴一脚踩上去(我舅舅把他们统称为耕牛)。

    My mother 's family were Swedish immigrant farmers , who look in their photographs like , if they 'd ever even seen something pleasurable , they might have stomped on it with their hobnailed boots .

  12. 寒风刮起,如同磨刀一般霍霍直响,伴随着那山谷深处传来的阵阵狗叫声,似乎也就在脚后。

    Cold wind sweep , be just as grind a knife general the scrape rings continuously , accompanying what transmit in that valley blast a dog cry , also be it seems that after the foot .

  13. 他离开她后她就摊手摊脚地躺在床上,甚至都懒得往身上盖点儿东西。

    She sprawled on the bed as he had left her , not even moving to cover herself up

  14. 你要做的就只是动动脚哪也不去

    All you 're doing is moving and not getting anywhere .

  15. 就在他脚上涂药膏的位置

    from where he put the cream on his feet .

  16. 遇见红灯,就见他的脚及时地轻轻打起拍子。

    At red lights , I 'd notice his foot tapping in time .

  17. 这跛足老人利用一根棍杖来各处行走。我曾经有一条腿受伤,那时就跛着脚行走。

    Once I had a game leg , and then I went limping .

  18. 如果脚上的肉腐烂发臭,就要在脚上涂矾粉来遮盖气味。

    Because the rotting flesh stank , the feet were powdered to mask the smell .

  19. 一脚抬起的一刹那,另一脚就变成中枢脚。

    The moment one foot is raised , the other is to become the central foot .

  20. 遇见红灯,就见他的脚及时地轻轻打起拍子。光纤可见红外自旋扫描辐射仪

    At red lights , I 'd notice his foot tapping in time . fibre-optic visible-infrared spinscan radiometer

  21. 第二年我打了七场就伤了脚,错过了65场比赛。

    The next year when I came back I broke my foot ; I was out of 65 games .

  22. 鞋里还有些残留物调查结果,就在他脚上涂药膏的位置。

    There are still tiny traces of it in the trainers from where he put the cream on his feet .

  23. 它是真的,因为路就在你脚边,当然,是人生的道路!

    It 's real , because the road is at the side of your feet , yes , the road of life !

  24. 我知道你是我的父亲,就在你脚前俯伏--我没有像和朋友握手那样地紧握你的手。

    I know thee as my father and bow before thy feet --- I do not grasp thy hand as my friend 's.

  25. 他仅仅因为人们不同意他的话就跺着脚走出餐厅,真是幼稚。

    It was so childish of him to stamp out of the restaurant just because people didn 't agree with what he said .

  26. 大多数人几乎从不更换电话留言之信息。几乎1/4之人不解鞋带就匆忙把脚往里伸。

    Most of us rarely change our answering-machine message , and almost a quarter of us slip into our shoes without untying them .

  27. 后来她又怕自己变得软弱了,就光着脚跑上楼,把写的信从门底下塞了进去。

    Then , lest the flesh should again be weak , she crept upstairs without any shoes and slipped the note under his door .

  28. 郝想起了多年前,那时一次“简单”的旅行要长达21小时。而火车上也十分拥挤,甚至有人就在他脚边的地上睡觉。

    Hao remembered when simple trips took as long as21 hours and carriages were so crowded that people slept on the floor at his feet .

  29. 斯特朗的尸体就在他脚边的地板上。邓恩尽量不去看那具尸体。但是,他不得不注意观察。他抽出了手,握住了刀把。

    Richard Strong lay on the floor at his feet.Dunne tried not to look at the body.But something made him look.He put out his hand and touched the knife .

  30. 我们没有书面证据就站不住脚。

    Without written evidence , we don 't have a leg to stand on .