
  • 网络visiting rate
  1. 与两周就诊率有关的因素为性别、年龄、婚姻和是否患有慢性病等。

    The influential factors of two-week visiting rate were gender , age , the marital status and chronic illness .

  2. 流动人口两周就诊率低,对社区卫生保健机构利用较多。

    The floating population had low two weeks visiting rate , and they preferred to community health services . 5 .

  3. AFP病例在县级医疗机构就诊率最高(38.30%),报告率较低(44.44%)。

    The consultancy rate of AFP cases was the highest at county-level medical agencies ( 38.30 % ), whereas the reporting rate was low ( 44.44 % ) .

  4. 轻度COPD患者到医院就诊率仅15.9%,表明早期干预比率太低,对COPD的防治极为不利;

    Only 15.9 % of mild COPD patients had seen a doctor , that indicated a very low rate of early intervention which was disadvantageous for the prevention and cure of COPD .

  5. 结论认为通州市AFP病例监测工作重点应提高,AFP病例的就诊率和报告的及时性。

    The focal points of AFP surveillance system in our city from now on were to raise the clinic rate of AFP cases and the timeliness 、 of AFP case report .

  6. 脑力劳动者和高学历人群的就诊率较高。

    The patients of intellectual highly educated workers were higher .

  7. 在恒牙中,第一磨牙的就诊率最高,占总患牙数的33.38%;

    Among the teeth involved , 33.38 % were the first molar .

  8. 两周患者就诊率为72.06%;

    The two week consultation rate of patients was 72 06 % ;

  9. 2周就诊率为22.86%;

    And the two-week consultation rate was 22.86 % ;

  10. 两周就诊率为27.00%,一年住院率为28.10%;

    The resident rate in hospital is 28.10 % ;

  11. 在计划免疫接种率和疾病正规医院就诊率方面较以前有了明显的提高。

    The EPI rate and hospitalizing rate of the floating children improve greatly than before .

  12. 结果:妊娠期龋齿及牙龈炎患病率分别为49.67%和75.68%,软垢及牙石发生率分别为86.87%和52.41%,而龋齿和牙龈炎就诊率仅为3.38%。

    Results The prevalence rate of caries and gingivitis was 49.67 % and 75.68 % .

  13. 受伤新兵就诊率低,仅为60%。

    Only 60 % wounded recruits had clinical visit , so the rate was lower .

  14. 患者门诊两周就诊率为21.0%,人均年住院服务利用率是3.2%。

    Two-week Hospital Visit Rate was 21.0 % and yearly hospitalization rate was 3.2 % .

  15. 4.4当地腹泻患者的就诊率为47.75%,住院率为1.258%。

    4.4 The outpatient admission rate was 47.75 % , while inpatient admission rate was 1.258 % .

  16. 对呼吸系统疾病的保护率为15.8%,减少了13.1%的就诊率;

    The protective rate of respiratory diseases was 15.8 % and 13.1 % visit clinic rate was decreased ;

  17. 服务员和司机的正规就诊率低(43.17%和39.72%)。

    The rates in waitresses and truckers are low ( 43.17 % and 39.72 % , respectively ) .

  18. 不仅如此,龋病及其并发的牙髓病和根尖周病是口腔科就诊率最高的病种。

    Moreover , dental caries and its concurrent endodontics or periapical diseases are the dental diseases with the highest rate .

  19. 结果被调查居民两周患病率为138.20‰,慢性病患病率143.92‰;人群两周就诊率为105.61‰;

    Results Two-week prevalence was 138.20 ‰, the prevalence of chronic diseases was 143.92 ‰, two-week visiting rate was 105.61 ‰ .

  20. 游牧和定居牧民两周就诊率和未住院率差异无统计学意义。

    The difference of two-week prevalence of attendance rate and none-hospitalization rate between nomadic and resident herder was not statistically significant .

  21. 96.7%的妇女均未享受医保或合作医疗,患病就诊率达70.2%。

    96.7 % of them are not enjoy medical insurance or cooperate medicine , seeking medical advice rate is 70.2 % ;

  22. 居民的两周未就诊率是42.53%,应住院未住院率是24.68%。

    Residents in two weeks is not 42.53 % attendance and the rate should be patient hospitalization rate is not 24.68 % .

  23. 其中自感疾病严重程度、文化程度和年龄是影响患者两周就诊率的主要因素。

    Among these factors , serious level of illness , education level and age are the major factors for two-week physical treatment rate .

  24. 影响老年人就诊率的主要因素为年龄、职业状况、就诊距离及健康状况。

    The major factors influencing the rate of their hospital visits were age , job status , distance to the hospital , and health status .

  25. 即两周患病率高,就诊率低,住院费用占家庭收入比例和灾难性卫生支出发生率高,受益比例低。

    That is to say , high Tow-week Morbidity Rate , low Visit Rate , high Incidence of Catastrophic Health Expenditure , low Benefit Rate .

  26. 接种3~6个月内,分别减少了流感样疾病和呼吸系统疾病17.3%和29.9%的就诊率;

    During three to six after influenza vaccination , 17.3 % and 29.9 % visit clinic rates of influenza like disease and respiratory diseases ware decreased ;

  27. 结果表明,龋病患病率很高(36.66%),而就诊率很低(9.57%)。

    The results showed that the prevalence of the caries was terribly high making up 36.66 % , but the visit rate was only 10.5 % .

  28. 两周门诊就诊率为9.23%,慢性病门诊就诊率为8.91%,年住院率为6.03%。

    In two weeks the out-patient rate was 9.23 % , chronic disease out-patient rate was 8.91 % and the annual hospitalization rate was 6.03 % .

  29. 农村居民两周就诊率受到性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、职业类型、家庭人均年收入等因素的影响。

    The influential factors of the two-week consultation rate of residents were sex , age , marriage , education , occupation , the average income of family .

  30. 年龄、文化程度、家庭收入、自感病情严重程度和医疗保险均对患者两周就诊率有显著影响。

    Age as well as education level , income of family , serious level of illness , medical insurance have statistical meaning with two-week physical treatment rate .