
  • 网络physiological disorder;abiotic disorder of edible fungi
  1. 猕猴桃黄化病(ChlorosisofKiwifruit)是近几年陕西省猕猴桃主栽区发生比较普遍、危害比较严重的一种生理性病害。

    Recent years , the Chlorosis of kiwifruit , a kind of physiological disease , became widespread and serious in Shaanxi province .

  2. 蔬菜病虫害辅助诊断与防治系统VPS是用VB6.0编写的基于图像及文本的农业专家系统。其知识库主要由侵染性病害、生理性病害、虫害3个数据库组成。

    Vegetable pathological system based on picture and text is an agricultural expert system programmed with VB6.0.The repository is mainly composed of 3 databases such as infective disease , physiological disease and pest .

  3. 甜菜缺素症状及焉耆垦区甜菜营养生理性病害的诊断

    Nutrient Deficiency Symptom and Diagnosis of Malnourished Disease in Sugarbeet

  4. 甘肃双孢蘑菇栽培常见生理性病害及防治措施

    Common Physiological Diseases and Prevention Measures of Agaricus bisporus Cultivation in Gansu Province

  5. 综合以上结果可以初步判定:该病害属于生理性病害。

    On the basis of all above results , it could be deduced that this disease was classified to the physiological types .

  6. 茶树荧光性绿斑病是一种全国范围内普遍发生的茶树成叶生理性病害。

    The fluorescent green spot disease is a physiological disease of tea mature leaves that happens widely in all over the country .

  7. 结果表明:番茄类筋腐病系低温冷害造成后的一种生理性病害。

    The results demonstrated that tomato similar rib rot was a kind of physiological disturbance , which was caused by low temperature .

  8. 橡胶树死皮病为一严重的生理性病害,其成因十分复杂,迄今为止仍没有得到圆满的解决。

    " Tap Panel Dryness ( TPD )", a serious physiological disease in Hevea , is still a matter of debate as its complicate causality .

  9. 其中危害辣椒的病虫害8种,包括病害3种,虫害4种,生理性病害1种;

    The results indicate that total 8 kinds of plant diseases and insect pests , including 3 plant diseases , 4 insect pests and 1 physiological disease are found for hot pepper ;

  10. 试验表明,花生叶面喷施锰肥,能减轻甚至避免因缺锰引起的生理性病害发生,平均增产3.8%~20%。

    The study showed that the physiological disease of peanut due to Mn-deficiency could be reduced even avoided by spraying application of MnSO_4 . And the rate of increase in the yield were 3.8 % ~ 20 % .

  11. 植物激活蛋白能调节脐橙生长,增强对不良环境的适应性,对日灼病、脐黄病、裂果病三大生理性病害有32.18%~50.54%的诱抗效果。

    The resistance inducing efficacy of three main physiological diseases which include sun scald and fruit split and navel yellow was from 32.18 % to 50.54 % . Navel orange treated with plant activate protein appeared symmetrical size and sheeny fruit husk .

  12. 研究认为,桉树生理性病害在广西严重发生的主要原因是由于严重缺乏磷、硼元素,其次是缺乏镁、铜、氮、钾,第三是缺乏锌造成的。

    The causes of high incidence of physiological disease in eucalyptus in Guangxi Province were as follows : first , lack of phosphorus and boron , secondly , lack of magnesium , copper , nitrogen and potassium , and thirdly , lack of zinc .