
  • 网络Cossack;the cossacks
  1. 在海参崴地区政府工作的一位哥萨克领导欧雷格‧梅尼可夫(OlegMelnikov)向他保证,土地发放计划运作如常,并没有遭遇任何严重问题。

    A Cossack leader in the regional administration in Vladivostok , Oleg Melnikov , assured him that the land giveaway was on track and faced no serious problems .

  2. 俄罗斯哥萨克是历史上一个独特的现象。

    Russian Cossack is a unique phenomenon in the history .

  3. 根据已刊出的报道,他出生在几乎算是文盲的哥萨克家庭。他们家在偏远的阿尔泰(Altai)地区务农。

    He was the child of near-illiterate Cossacks , born in the remote region of Altai , where the family farmed , according to published reports .

  4. 当俄罗斯和波兰分裂乌克兰在第聂伯河,哥萨克呼吁土耳其人,谁利用这一机会捕捉Kaminiec在1672年和事先向利沃夫在波兰。

    When Russia and Poland divided the Ukraine at the Dnieper River , the Cossacks appealed to the Turks , who used the opportunity to capture Kaminiec in1672 and advance to Lvov in Poland .

  5. 所以你们要站在哪一边,哥萨克们?

    So who are you going to stick with , cossacks ?

  6. “这个地方很好。”哥萨克一等上尉说。

    " It is a convenient spot ," said the esaul .

  7. 村里的许多哥萨克站在叛乱者一边。

    Many of the Cossacks of the town sided with the rebel .

  8. 工人和哥萨克的血流在一起!

    The workers and the Cossacks were shedding blood together !

  9. 哥萨克为获得自由而与波兰奋战。

    The Cossacks fight against Poland for their freedom .

  10. “呶,真麻利。”哥萨克一等上尉说。

    " Well , he 's a smart fellow ," said the esaul .

  11. 到时你让哥萨克们干什么?

    What role do you assign the Cossacks then ?

  12. 哥萨克只要一唱歌,形势就不坏。

    As long as Cossacks are singing , the situation is not that bad .

  13. 几天之后,哥萨克们攻打奥伦堡。

    Several days later the Cossacks attacked Orenburg .

  14. 哥萨克与俄国兵,被马刀杀得一片惶恐,逃跑四散,无影无踪。

    Cossack and Russian Reel 'd from the sabre stroke Shatter 'd and sunder 'd.

  15. 如今,哥萨克统领与沙皇一起向波兰共和国进军。

    Together the Cossack Hetmanate and Tsardom of Moscow march on the Polish Republic .

  16. 向劳动哥萨克致以我们兄弟的问候!

    Our fraternal greetings to the working cossacks !

  17. 哥萨克将军们把你们收买了!

    You 've been sold to Cossack generals !

  18. 把权力给苏维埃,才会叫哥萨克们追随布尔什维克。

    Giving power to the Soviets and call on the Cossacks to follow bolsheviks .

  19. 当他们都回来了,他们检查了头部的哥萨克。

    When they had all inspected the head they gave it back to the cossack .

  20. 1920年,苏维埃政府发布取消哥萨克特权的法令,哥萨克作为一个特殊的军人阶层不复存在。

    In 1920 , the Soviet government issued a decree to cancel Cossacks ' privileges .

  21. 第三部分,哥萨克与沙俄政权之间关系的演变。

    The third part is the relationship between the Cossacks and the tsars in different stages .

  22. 6月29日晨,村民们目睹了哥萨克的壮观的编队和机动。

    The villagers witnessed the spectacular marshaling and maneuver of the Cossacks on the morning of29 June .

  23. 第二部分,俄国哥萨克的社会结构、经济活动和生活习俗。

    The second part is exposition of the social structure , economic activities and customs of Cossacks .

  24. 一是萌芽阶段,这个阶段的代表成果是小说《哥萨克》。

    The first is the infancy , the representative novel in this stage is " The Cossacks " .

  25. 俄国的哥萨克

    The Cossacks of Russia

  26. 我根据哥萨克舞蹈中的动作自创了一套拳法

    Follow me . Have no fear , I have developed a fighting technique based on Cossack dancing .

  27. 哥萨克式仿麂皮茄克衫

    Cossack style suede jacket

  28. 哥萨克酋长国是博赫丹。梅利尼茨基统领领导的由狂放彪悍的战士组成的乌克兰王国。

    The Cossack Hetmanate , a Ukrainian state comprised of wild-spirited independent fighters lead by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky .

  29. 头戴哥萨克毛皮帽子的布加耶夫宣称,这项任务比他原本想象的更为迫切。

    Donning his Cossack fur hat , he declared his mission even more urgent than he had thought .

  30. 在看林人的小屋旁边,隐隐约约可以看见哥萨克的窝棚和拴在一起的马的黑影。

    Close by the hut could be seen the black outlines of the Cossacks'shanties and the horses tied together .