
gē sī dá lí jiā
  • Costa Rica
哥斯达黎加[gē sī dá lí jiā]
  1. 他逃到了哥斯达黎加以逃避服兵役。

    He fled to Costa Rica to avoid military service .

  2. 我们分别对丛林中(生活的)两个不同物种进行了追踪研究,一个物种在越南,一个在哥斯达黎加,我们用它们的粪便进行了DNA测序。

    We tracked two different species in the jungle , one in Vietnam , one in Costa Rica , and then we sequenced the DNA from their stool .

  3. 随着C组另一场小组赛的结束,哥斯达黎加1比1战平土耳其,中国队已经无望进入第二轮比赛。

    Rica 's 1-1 draw with Turkey in group C had ruled China out of reaching the second round .

  4. 哥斯达黎加人均GDP差不多是11000美元,当然这在于你是怎么计算的。

    the GDP per capita is around 11000 dollars , depending on how you measure it .

  5. 波兰在2比1战胜哥斯达黎加后后来居上,最终在A组中排名第三。而巴拉圭则以2比0意外击败特立尼达和多巴哥,最终排名B组第三。

    Poland came from behind to beat Costa Rica 2-1 to finish third in Group A , and Paraguay upset Trinidad and Tobago 2-0 to be the third-placer of Group B.

  6. 这些群体被认定在公元前200年至公元1600年间创造了哥斯达黎加的石砌地区(stonespheres)。

    These groups are believed to have created the stone spheres of Costa Rica , between 200 BC and ad 1600 .

  7. 这就是为什么在2014年的时候,我们创建了CostaRicaLimpia(“纯净哥斯达黎加”)。

    That is why , in 2014 , we created Costa Rica Limpia .

  8. 哥斯达黎加食品饮料公司FloridaIce&Farm在生产饮料过程中采纳严苛的耗水量标准。这些企业还通过环保事业来衡量自身价值。

    Florida Ice & Farm , a Costa Rican food and drink company , has adopted exacting standards for the amount of water it can consume in producing drinks .

  9. 哥斯达黎加有人均11600美元的GDP,但综合排在第五位因为他保护他的森林和丰富的生态多样性,这两点也是他生态旅游的要点。

    Costa Rica has a per-capita gross domestic product of $ 11,600 , but ranks fifth overall as it protects its forests and rich biodiversity , both lures for ecotourists .

  10. 特鲁尔在2013年到哥斯达黎加的一个小型野生动物复原诊所工作,该复原诊所被称为“KidsSavingtheRainforest”。在那之后,她首次见识了树懒的奇妙世界。

    Trull was first introduced to the wonderful world of sloths in 2013 after arriving in Costa Rica to work for a small wildlife rehabilitation clinic called Kids Saving the Rainforest .

  11. 哥斯达黎加已跟美国签署了自由贸易协定,英特尔(IntelCorp.)等美国公司在该国有相当大的业务规模。

    Costa Rica already has a free-trade agreement with the U.S. , and U.S. companies like Intel Corp. INTC + 3.95 % have sizable operations there .

  12. 对参加第17届世界杯足球决赛阶段C组的中国,巴西、土耳其、哥斯达黎加4队6场小组赛主要攻防技术指标进行对比分析。

    Comparison and analysis on main offensive and defensive skills index to six matches in group of four teams , which join the 17th Football World Cup Finals phrase in group C , including China , Brazil , Turkey and Cosa Rica .

  13. 他们提到,印度的Ashoka生态与环境研究基金会和哥斯达黎加的地球(EARTH)大学就是这方面很好的例子。

    As examples , the authors cite the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment in India and the EARTH University in Costa Rica .

  14. 他的妻子卡罗尔(Carol)当时与他同行。受到震惊的她获准继续飞往哥斯达黎加。

    Carol , his wife , was travelling with him and , shaken by the experience , was allowed to continue the journey to Costa Rica .

  15. 巴西和墨西哥领跑A组。用新式打法击败卫冕冠军西班牙后,智利得以出线B组。哥伦比亚领衔C组。乌拉圭使英格兰从D组淘汰,并为自己同哥斯达黎加一同晋级创造了机会。

    Brazil and Mexicolead Group A. Having so stylishly seen off the defending champions , Chile are already through in Group B. Columbia lead Group C. Uruguay have eliminated England from Group D and now have the chance to progress with Costa Rica .

  16. 2002年,台湾在哥斯达黎加北部的滕皮斯克河(TempisqueRiver)上援建了一座造价2800万美元的台湾友谊大桥。

    As a gift in 2002 , Taiwan built a $ 28 million bridge across the Tempisque River in Costa Rica 's north .

  17. 我喝着可可汁,地点在哥斯达黎加的Osa半岛外的一个无人小岛。

    Here I am drinking fresh coconut juice on an uninhabited island off the coast of the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica .

  18. 近年来,美国与哥斯达黎加展开的伙伴关系扩大了对宫颈癌的科学认识并开发出能够预防这种癌症的HPV疫苗。

    A U.S.partnership with Costa Rican cancer researchers in recent years expanded scientific understanding of cervical cancer and developed the HPV vaccine , which can prevent this form of cancer .

  19. 花旗集团于1985年聘用了刚刚获得沃顿商学院MBA学位的彼得森,然后他通过工作表现逐步获得晋升,从阿根廷企业银行部门客户经理职位晋升到哥斯达黎加区域经理,此后又曾担任乌拉圭区域经理。

    Citi hired Peterson in1985 , fresh from Wharton 's MBA program , and he worked his way up from corporate banking role in Argentina to country manager in Costa Rica and then Uruguay .

  20. RicardoRadulovich是哥斯达黎加大学的海园项目的主任,该计划是由世界银行资助的。

    Ricardo Radulovich is director of the Sea Gardens Project at the University of Costa Rica , which is funded by the World Bank .

  21. 哥斯达黎加在中等收入国家中排名第一,据EIU分析,这一结果部分得益于该国广泛的志愿者系统为公共服务提供了很多支持。

    Costa Rica ranks top among middle-income countries , thanks in part to extensive volunteer networks that support public services , according to the EIU .

  22. 乔治亚大学哥斯达黎加的SanLuisdeMonteverde有一处中心,该中心是为那些想了解环境友好型农业和生活而建立的。

    UGA has a center in San Luis de Monteverde in Costa Rica . This center is for students and visitors who want to learn more about farming and living in environmentally friendly ways .

  23. AndresAcostaEgea拥有西班牙和哥斯达黎加的双重国籍,昨天申请了10家公司。

    Andres Acosta Egea , who holds dual Spanish and Costa Rican nationality , applied with some 10 companies yesterday .

  24. 为了在该领域扩张,星巴克买下了哥斯达黎加的HaciendaAlsacia咖啡园。该咖啡园将仅为该公司供应精品咖啡。

    To expand in this area , Starbucks bought Hacienda Alsacia in Costa Rica , an estate that will produce specialty coffee just for the company .

  25. 乔治亚大学也帮助哥斯达黎加农民通过旅游创收,QuintNewcomer教授指导该项目的实施,她说,学生们帮助设计咖啡农场旅游线路。

    The University of Georgia is also helping farmers in Costa Rica increase their income through tourism . Professor Quint Newcomer directs this program . He says students help design tour routes through coffee farms .

  26. 在随后的几年里,Aspire非洲演变为“Aspire足球之梦”(AspireFootballDreams),范围扩展到多达17个国家,包括三个美洲国家(危地马拉、哥斯达黎加和巴拉圭)及两个亚洲国家(越南和泰国)。

    In the years that followed , Aspire Africa was rebranded as Aspire Football Dreams , its scope expanding to as many as 17 countries , including three in the Americas ( Guatemala , Costa Rica and Paraguay ) and two in Asia ( Vietnam and Thailand ) .

  27. 1986年哥斯达黎加成立了科学技术部(MICIT),以统一协调及管理全国科技活动。

    The Ministry of science and technology ( MICIT ), established in1986 , is responsible for Technology Management in Costa Rica .

  28. 2014年8月,她同树懒爱好者朋友SedaSejud一起成立了“哥斯达黎加树懒研究所”,他们两人自那以后就一直拯救、使他们康复、并且放生树懒宝宝。

    In August 2014 , she founded The Sloth Institute Costa Rica with fellow sloth enthusiast Seda Sejud , and the pair have been rescuing , rehabilitating and releasing baby sloths ever since .

  29. 其中的一种名为rotateq的疫苗在6.8万名儿童身上进行了试验,这些儿童来自包括哥斯达黎加、危地马拉、牙买加和墨西哥等拉美国家,以及七个发达国家。

    The rotateq vaccine , for example , was tested on68,000 children from Costa Rica Guatemala Jamaica and Mexico as well as seven other countries in the developed world .

  30. 哥斯达黎加的环境和能源部长RobertoDobles说,他们希望这笔投资将改善当地居民的生活质量,让他们从旅游业中受益。

    Costa Rica 's environment and energy minister , Roberto Dobles , says that they hoped the investment would improve indigenous people 's quality of life , allowing them to benefit from tourism .