
yuán shǐ sēn lín
  • virgin forest;primeval forest;primary forest;wild wood
  1. 一片原始森林需要7万年才能长成。

    It takes 70,000 years to grow a primary forest .

  2. 生物资源极其丰富,局部保存有原始森林,具有重要的科研、经济价值;

    This district was very rich in biological resources . There was surviving primary forest in some areas , it was of great importance to research and economy and sightsee as well .

  3. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州到处都是茂密的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest .

  4. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was not the arid place it is now . Rather , it was warm and damp , populated by dense primordial forest

  5. 铁路穿越原始森林。

    The railway cuts through a primeval forest .

  6. 你去过原始森林吗?

    Have you ever been to a virgin forest ?

  7. 据新数据显示,这些原始森林持续以惊人的速度遭到毁坏。

    According to the new data , these primary forests continue to be destroyed at alarming rates .

  8. 去年,巴西原始森林损失的比例占所有损失的三分之一以上,其主要缘由是为了农业生产砍伐森林。

    Brazil accounted for over a third of all losses last year , with deforestation for agriculture the main motive2 .

  9. 当我还只有六岁的时候,在一本描写原始森林的名叫《真实的故事》的书中,看到了一副精彩的插画,画的是一条蟒蛇正在吞食一只大野兽。

    Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book , called True Stories from Nature , about the primeval forest . It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal .

  10. 原始森林土壤NH4~+/NO3~-生境特征与某些针叶树种的适应性

    Soil NH_4 ~ + / NO_3 ~ - nitrogen characteristics in primary forests and the adaptability of some coniferous species

  11. 对湍流的局地各向同性进行了讨论并与Kansas和长白山原始森林湍流实验得到的结果进行了比较,得到了一些湍流特征量在不同下垫面情况下的一些有意义的特征。

    Characteristics of the turbulence spectral local isotropy are analyzed under different stability and compared with Kansas Experiment and Changbai Mountains Experiment results .

  12. 在41份出土Bt的土壤中,32份(78%)采自原始森林,14.6%土壤取自森林草地,7.4%属于大田土壤。

    Among the 41 total soil samples containing B. thuringiensis , there were 32 soil samples ( 78 % ) collected from primeval forests , 14.6 % of samples obtained from grasslands , and only 7.4 % from agricultural soils .

  13. 祁连山还是一个庞大而完备的生态系统,海拔2500~3000m之间的坡地为原始森林与大片的草地,构成祁连山独特的水源涵养林。

    Qilian Mountain was a large and comprehensive eco-system , between 2500 ~ 3000m the slope of Qilian Mountain were large tracts of virgin forest and grassland that constituted Qilian Mountain unique water conservation forest .

  14. 原始森林里碧树参天。

    Green trees reach to the sky in the virgin forest .

  15. 许多人跑到邦加的原始森林里躲起来。

    Many of them escaped into the primary jungles of Bangka .

  16. 这条小路婉蜒伸入神秘的原始森林之中。

    It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest .

  17. 四分之一的地区都是原始森林。

    A quarter of the area is covered with virgin forest .

  18. 铁路正向原始森林地带延伸。

    The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest .

  19. 中国西北部沙漠中的丝绸之路早已闻名遐迩,而中国西南部的一条隐藏在崇山峻岭和原始森林中的丝绸之路,长久以来却鲜为人知。

    The Silk Road in desert of Northwestern China has been known .

  20. 黎母山的原始森林保留完好。

    The virgin forest is preserved well in Limu Mountain .

  21. 通过分享,我们实际上可以找回我们的原始森林。

    By sharing , we can actually bring back our native forests .

  22. 世界上大多数原始森林都被毁坏了。

    Most of the ancient forests in the world have been destroyed .

  23. 到原始森林去探险充满了危险。

    The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger .

  24. 他们在原始森林中开拓出大片大片的土地。

    They carved out great areas of land from the virgin forest .

  25. 掠夺俄罗斯远东地区原始森林

    Virgin Forest on Far East Area of Russia Being Plundered

  26. 从湖北神农架原始森林土壤中分离的高毒力苏云金芽孢杆菌

    Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates from Soil in Primitive Forest of Sheng Nong Jia

  27. 世界上大多数的原始森林都已遭到破坏。

    People have destroyed most of the ancient forests in the world .

  28. 湖北省的神农架原始森林吸引着生态旅游者。

    Shennongjia prime Forest in Hubei province attracts eco-travelers .

  29. 原始森林神秘莫测,又被称为处女林。

    The virgin forest is so mysterious and unfathomable .

  30. 我们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。

    Our exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents .