
yuán hé shēnɡ wù
  • prokaryote;prokaryotic organism;procaryote;protokaryotic
  1. 原核生物中小RNA的功能及研究进展

    The Function and Advance of Small RNA in Prokaryote

  2. 草鱼IGF-ⅠcDNA的克隆和在原核生物中的表达

    Cloning and expression in prokaryote of grass carp igf - ⅰ cDNA

  3. 本文概述了促成原核生物DNA复制准确性的因素。

    The fidelity of DNA replication in prokaryotes is discussed in this paper .

  4. DNA碱基损伤广泛存在于原核生物和真核生物中。

    DNA base damage exists in almost all living species , both prokaryotes and eukaryotes .

  5. DNA甲基化是一种DNA的复制后修饰形式,主要发生在胞嘧啶嘧啶环的第5位,并且这种修饰方式从原核生物到真核生物高度保守。

    DNA methylation is a kind of post-replicative modification and it is conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes .

  6. 几种植物病原原核生物实时荧光PCR检测方法的研究

    Studies on Establishment of Rapid Detection Method for Several Plant Prokaryote Pathogens Using Real-Time Fluorescent PCR

  7. 光合细菌(PhotosyntheticBacteria,PSB)是地球上最早出现的具有原始光合成体系的原核生物,广泛存在于自然界中,易培养、无毒害,在腐败有机物质浓度高的水域中更为常见。

    Photosynthetic bacteria are the earliest protist that have original photosynthetic system .

  8. 耐辐射奇球菌是迄今为止发现的对辐射抗性最强的原核生物,是研究DNA损伤与修复的模式生物。

    Deinococcus radiodurans , as a model organism in DNA damage and repair , is the most resistant bacterium to ionizing radiation .

  9. 其中腺嘌呤甲基化在原核生物限制-修饰系统、DNA复制、DNA错配修复和基因表达调控中发挥着重要的作用。

    Adenine methylation plays important roles in restriction-modificaton system , DNA replication , DNA mismatch repair and gene expression regulation in prokaryotes .

  10. 在原核生物中,核物质仅是一个简单的环状DNA,而不与组蛋白结合,并且细胞为无丝分裂。

    In prokaryotes the nuclear material is simply a circular strand of DNA , not complexed with histone proteins , and cell division is amitotic .

  11. 5SRNA一级结构的信息量的研究原核生物部分

    A Study on Information Content in Primary Structure of 5S-RNA Molecules & Prokaryote Part

  12. 结果(1)多种原核生物均可扩增出16Srdna;

    Result ( 1 ) 16S rDNA could be amplified from multiple prokaryotic organisms ;

  13. 为了预测原核生物中的直系同源关系,我们开发了一种新的算法,称之为GOST(GloballyOptimizedSTrategy)。

    We developed a novel algorithm called GOST ( Globally Optimized STrategy ) to detect the orthologous relationship between prokaryotic genomes .

  14. 热休克蛋白家族(Heatshockprotein,Hsp)维持着细胞内环境稳定和蛋白质相互作用的完整,几乎存在于各种原核生物、真核生物中。

    Heat shock protein ( Hsp ) family maintaining the intracellular homeostasis and proteins interaction integrity of the cell exists in almost all of the prokaryotes and eukaryotes .

  15. 信号识别颗粒(Signalrecognitionparticle,SRP)途径是一个高度保守的蛋白靶向途径,先后在真核生物、原核生物和古细菌中被发现。

    Signal recognition particle ( SRP ) pathway is a highly conserved pathway for protein targeting , and was found sequentially in eukaryotes , prokaryotes and archaebacteria .

  16. 豆腐废水UASB反应器中的原核生物多样性及主要功能菌群

    Phylogenetic Diversity of Prokaryotes and The Main Functional Groups in A UASB Reactor Treating Bean Curd-farm Wastewater

  17. 在真核生物,特别是动物细胞中,顺式-NATs是反义链RNA的主要形式,而在原核生物中大部分是反式的。

    In eukaryotes , mainly mammal cell , cis-encoded antisense RNAs are the main type , but in prokaryotes , most of the antisense RNAs discovered are trans-encoded .

  18. Z曲线理论是本文中我们分析原核生物和真核生物基因组的主要工具,因此对其做了较为详细的介绍。

    The Z curve theory , which is the basic tool in analyzing prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomic sequences in this paper , is also presented in this section .

  19. 从原核生物的细菌到真核生物的人类,当接触高温或其他应激因素时,可以合成一组被称为热应激蛋白(heatstressproteins,HSPs)的蛋白质。

    Both prokaryotic bacteria and eukaryotic human being , when exposing to high temperature or other stress factors , will synthesize a group of proteins called heat stress proteins ( HSPs ) .

  20. 原核生物信号识别颗粒(SRP)介导蛋白识别转运途径的研究进展

    Research progress of targeting and translocation of proteins mediated by signal recognition particle in prokaryote

  21. 分析结果在表明原核与真核分析对象的平均码距在起始密码子附近和终止密码子附近均呈现出显著变化,在原核生物的SD区域也有显著变化。

    We observe that average code distances fluctuate obviously near the initiation codon and termination codon . Remarkable changes also appear in the SD field of procaryotic organisms . 2 .

  22. 目的:构建ECHO克隆系统构建人生长激素的哺乳动物表达载体,以克服原核生物表达系统生产人生长激素存在的缺陷。

    AIM : To construct mammal expression vector of human growth hormone ( HGH ) by using ECHO system , which overcame the expression limitation of HGH gene in the recombinant prokaryotic expression system .

  23. Xmaltophilia是第一个发现既具有内源性配基(xCG蛋白),又具有受体(CG样受体)的原核生物。

    X maltophilia is the first prokaryote in which both the CG-like receptor and the endogenous ligand xCG protein have been discovered .

  24. 结论:用ECHO克隆系统可以构建人生长激素的哺乳动物表达载体,且方便、快捷,为取代原核生物表达系统生产人生长激素,提供了依据。

    CONCLUSION : Successful construction of mammal expression vector of HGH can be undergone by using the ECHO system conveniently and rapidly . It offers evidence for replacement with novel prokaryotic system to express HGH .

  25. sRNA(小RNA)又叫ncRNA(非编码RNA),广泛分布于原核生物和真核生物。

    SRNA ( small RNA ), also called ncRNA ( non-coding RNA ), are widespread in variety of organisms , ranging from eukaryotes to prokaryotes .

  26. 论文第一部分介绍了生物信息学的发展背景及主要研究内容、原核生物与真核生物基因的结构特点、主要的蛋白质编码基因识别算法以及DNA序列的Z曲线理论及应用。

    The first part of the paper introduces the development of bioinformatics and the progress of computational gene-finding algorithms . This paper describes some new approaches for recognizing protein-coding genes and horizontally transferred genes in bacterial genomes using the Z curve method .

  27. 该抗生素通过与原核生物30S核糖体亚基16SRRNA高度保守的A位点结合而阻碍蛋白质的合成,继而导致细菌死亡。

    These agents bind to the highly conserved A-site of the 16S rRNA of the prokaryotic 30S ribosomal subunits , interfering with the protein synthesis with subsequent bacterial death .

  28. 选定GC含量不同的12种原核生物和9种真核生物作为分析对象,利用(6,3)分组码模型对它们的DNA序列进行分析,利用码距作为特征参数与分析对象的生物特征进行对比。

    DNA sequences of the twelve procaryotic organisms and nine eukaryotic organisms with different GC content were selected for analyzing with the ( 6,3 ) block code model . Code distance was used as a characteristic parameter for detecting the corresponding biological feature .

  29. 原核生物的翻译起始调控一直是生物信息学研究的一个重要内容,核糖体与mRNA如何正确结合并有效识别起始密码子是研究基因翻译起始调控的重要环节,是调控基因表达水平的一个核心问题。

    Translation initiation regulation of prokaryotes is a central challenge in bioinformatics . An important step in this challenge is how ribosomes correctly combine on mRNA and effectively identity translation initiation codon . It is also the key of gene expression level regulation .

  30. 在原核生物的进化过程中,基因的横向转移(HGT)是一个重要的进化机制。

    Horizontal gene transfer ( HGT ) is an important evolutionary mechanism in prokaryotic genome evolution and has been widely studied .