
  • 网络Spill;Oil spill;Oil leakage;crude oil leak
  1. 奥巴马总统指出,沿墨西哥湾的美国海岸最近遭遇了另一次灾难,也BP公司的原油泄漏。

    The president noted that America 's shores along the Gulf of Mexico recently suffered another tragedy-the BP oil spill .

  2. 据知情的官员表示,昨日英国石油(BP)与奥巴马政府达成一项初步协议,同意建立一只总额200亿美元的基金,来支付与墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件相关的索赔请求。

    BP reached preliminary agreement with the Obama administration yesterday to set aside $ 20bn to cover claims relating to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill , officials familiar with the negotiations said .

  3. 成千上万加仑的原油泄漏,流进了海洋。

    Thousands of gallons of crude oil were spilled into the ocean .

  4. 这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟灭绝。

    The spill could wipe out the Gulf 's turtle population

  5. 为阻止苏格兰北部沿海一艘油轮的原油泄漏所进行的堵漏工作因风暴天气而告中断。

    Efforts to staunch the spill of crude oil from a tanker off the north coast of Scotland are being held up by gale force winds .

  6. bp宣布,其封堵原油泄漏的最新努力已取得成功,同时一份新的政府报告表示,四分之三的漏油已经消失。

    BP announced its latest attempt to plug the leak had been a success , while a new government report said that three-quarters of the spilt oil had disappeared .

  7. 而外界广泛认为,英国石油(BP)事后不力的公共关系和危机管理战略,进一步加重了墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件对其形象的损害。

    BPis widely perceived to have compounded the damage done to its image by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico through a poor public relations and crisis management strategy in its aftermath .

  8. 英国石油(bp)昨日表示,尽管墨西哥湾的大规模原油泄漏对公司财务造成了压力,但该公司不计划发行新股。

    BP is not planning to issue new shares , the company said yesterday , in spite of the pressure on its finances caused by its huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .

  9. 商界人士都记得(或许还带着一丝苦笑),英国石油公司(BP)前CEO唐熙华曾在墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件后表示&他渴望重新过上安生的日子。

    Everyone in the business world remembers , perhaps with a sad laugh , when BP ( BP ) leader Tony Hayward said that he wanted his life back after the Gulf spill .

  10. 自4月20日发生原油泄漏事件之后,BP成本不断上升。该公司在6月份暂停发放今年的股息,以稳定财务状况。

    BP suspended its dividend payments for this year in June as part of a series of steps to stabilise its financial position in the wake of mounting costs from the oil spill on April 20 .

  11. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,周二晚上,一艘船撞上了一处密封的井口造成原油泄漏。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports oil has been leaking since Tuesday night when a boat struck a sealed well head .

  12. BP将于今日公布其二季度业绩,分析师预期,该公司将会留出250亿至300亿美元的资金,来支付原油泄漏带来的费用。这将带来英国企业史上最大的亏损之一。

    In its second-quarter results statement today , BP is expected by analysts to set aside $ 25bn - $ 30bn to cover the costs of the spill , creating one of the biggest losses in British corporate history .

  13. 美国政府和英国石油(BP)周三宣布,封堵墨西哥湾原油泄漏的战役进入一个转折点。BP宣称,封堵油井的努力到达了一个重大的里程碑。

    The US government and BP proclaimed a turning point in the battle to combat the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Wednesday , with the UK oil company claiming it had reached a significant milestone in its efforts to seal the well .

  14. 美国政府指控英国石油(BP)在2010年墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故发生之前,存在故意失当行为,并争取法庭对BP处以最高数额的罚款和损害赔偿金。

    BP acted with wilful misconduct in the lead-up to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill , the US government has alleged at the start of the trial over the accident , as it pushes for the highest possible penalties and damages .

  15. 随着bp接近实现封堵macondo油井的目标,该公司应致力于找出一个(在原油泄漏事件之后)引人信服的投资理由,说服现有投资者(以及新投资者)购买更多的股票。

    As it nears the critical goal of plugging the Macondo well , BP should work on developing a compelling post-leak investment case that will persuade these investors and new ones to buy more shares .

  16. 提出了基于SCADA系统的原油泄漏检测系统,不仅可以检测、显示、控制管道的工艺参数,而且可以动态仿真整个管道水力状态和实时检测管道泄漏时间、地点和泄漏量。

    The proposed leak detection system based on SCADA can test , display , control pipeline parameters , and it also can simulate dynamic state of pipeline system , and achieve real time detection of leak time , leak position and leak quantity .

  17. 自2010年墨西哥湾Macondo油井490万桶原油泄漏后,全球各国石油管理部门严厉无比。

    After the 4.9m-barrel spill from the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 , oil regulators around the world are in no mood for leniency .

  18. 他们担心,倘若情况复杂的北极水域发生开采事故,就会产生比2010年墨西哥湾的严重漏油事故更为惨重的后果。当时,深水地平线(DeepwaterHorizon)钻井平台的爆炸共导致11人死亡,并致使数百万桶原油泄漏到了水中。

    They fear that a drilling accident in the treacherous Arctic waters could have far more devastating consequences than the deadly Gulf of Mexico spill of 2010 , when the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion killed 11 men and sent millions of barrels of oil spewing into the water .

  19. 然而这次雪佛龙所受的惩罚就不是这样了。11月7日,这家来自美国的石油公司正在Frade油田钻探,剧升的压力引发了(明显的)原油泄漏。

    Not so the retribution against Chevron , an American oil company that was drilling in the Frade oilfield on November 7th when a sudden rise in pressure caused a leak .

  20. 航运和原油泄漏也使它们处在危险之中。

    They are in danger from shipping traffic and oil spills .

  21. 没有什么比原油泄漏更能让人动感情的事了。

    There is nothing like an oil spill to stir emotions .

  22. 原油泄漏到水中,浮油层开始形成并扩散。

    Oil sprays into the water . A slick forms and expands .

  23. 这次大量的原油泄漏对环境造成的影响是无法估量的。

    The impact on the environment of this massive oil spillage is imponderable .

  24. 但它首先要做的是阻止原油泄漏。

    But first it needs to plug the leak .

  25. 在阿拉斯加近海的原油泄漏极大地破坏了那里的生态系统。

    The oil spill off the coast of Alaska has greatly upset the ecosystem there .

  26. 因原油泄漏,路易斯安那州关闭了附近普拉克明教县的牡蛎层。

    The spill prompted the State of Louisiana to close nearby oyster beds in Plaquemines Parish .

  27. 消化原油泄漏的影响还需几年的时间,在此期间,英国石油公司也将继续保持其完整性。

    It could take years for that mess to be sorted out , keeping BP together by force .

  28. 上周五凌晨时分,一条破裂的输油管线导致原油泄漏,流入城市雨水排放管道。

    A damaged pipeline leaked crude oil into city storm sewers in the early hours of Friday morning .

  29. 该原油泄漏事件稍早于蟹、虾和牡蛎的捕捞季。

    The spill comes shortly before the start of the fishing season for crab , shrimp and oysters .

  30. 自从原油泄漏成本可能螺旋式上升以来,这家石油公司一直在增强其流动性水平。

    The oil company has been strengthening its liquidity levels since the costs of the spill threatened to spiral .