
yuán shēnɡ dònɡ wù xué
  • protozoology
  1. 纤毛虫的纤毛模式(又称纤毛图示)的研究,一直是原生动物学研究中较为活跃的领域。

    Study on the ciliary pattern has been an active field in protozoology .

  2. 微卫星DNA遗传分析在原生动物学中的研究进展

    Advances on genetic analysis of microsatellite DNA in Protozoology

  3. 原生动物学对原生动物的生物性研究。

    The biological study of protozoans .

  4. 回国后,服从国家建设的需要,毅然从原生动物学研究转向渔业发展事业,并奉献了自己的一生。

    After his return , subordinated to the needs of national construction , he determinedly transformed from the research of the protistolohy to the research of fishery , and dedicated all his life .

  5. 根据国内外文献报道,对土壤原生动物研究的方法学、动物地理学、生态学以及土壤环境生物学等多个方面进行了综述。

    Based on the references reported , the methodologies , zoogeography , ecology and environmental biology on the soil protozoan studies have been reviewed in the paper .