
yuán shǐ xì bāo
  • initial cell;archaeocyte;archecyte
  1. 关于原始细胞的概念问题

    Regarding the concept of initial cell

  2. 老年AL骨髓原始细胞中位数明显低于非老年组(P<0.05);

    The median of bone marrow blast cell in the aged group was significantly lower than that in the young group ( P < 0.05 );

  3. 检测18例MDS患者和15名正常人染色体核型,分析MDS患者肿瘤细胞负荷与Th1细胞的比例关系及MDS患者骨髓原始细胞比例与Th1细胞的相关性。

    The karyotypes of 18 MDS patients and 15 normal controls were assayed .

  4. 结论二次设门策略能反映MDS原始细胞的免疫表型特征。

    Conclusion Secondary gating strategy could accurately reflect the immunophenotype features of blasts in MDS .

  5. 初诊时外周血白细胞数目、骨髓原始细胞比例、染色体分层均与AML患者疗效及预后相关。

    The initial peripheral blood WBC count , blast cell counts and chromosome karyotypes are related to the efficacy and prognosis of AML patients .

  6. 原始细胞表达干细胞相关抗原CD34、HLA-DR和髓系抗原CD33、CD13、MPO。

    The blast cells expressed stem cell associated antigens CD34 , HLA-DR and myeloid antigens CD33 , CD13 , MPO .

  7. 方法对27例急性白血病化疗后骨髓涂片首次完全缓解(CR)时的骨髓切片进行同步观察,计数单位面积内原始细胞簇及原始细胞总数。

    Methods We studied 27 cases of AL by observing their bone marrow ( BM ) biopsy sections and simultaneously , their BM smears from which the first complete remission ( CR ) were determined after chemotherapy .

  8. NEC中原始细胞≥30%,原始粒细胞呈圆形,染色质细致,核仁明显,胞质少。

    NEC in the original cell ≥ 30 % , myeloblast cells were round , fine chromatin , prominent nucleoli , little cytoplasm .

  9. 作者在细胞形态学、细胞化学诊断的基础上,采用一组单克隆抗体检测了8例CML-BC白血病性原始细胞分化抗原的表达特征。

    The cell differentiation antigens were assaied by a panel of monoclonal antibodies based on cell morphological and chemical staining in 8 cases of chronic myeloid leukaemia in blast crisis ( CML-BC ) .

  10. 方法:对54例MDS患者的骨髓细胞悬液应用三色流式细胞术和一组单克隆抗体对CD45/SSC设门提取的原始细胞进行免疫表型分析。

    Methods A panel of monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry using CD45 / SSC gating strategies were used for the immunophenotype in the bone marrow nucleated cells of 54 patients with MDS .

  11. rhG-CSF有促进强烈化疗所致骨髓抑制和粒细胞缺乏的恢复,但未见骨髓原始细胞增多和白血病复发。

    Conclusion : rhG-CSF has the potential to accelerate the recovery of depressed marrow and granulocytopenia after intensive chemotherapy with no leukemia relapse or bone marrow blast cells increase .

  12. DAPI染色直观检测空腔形成过程中细胞核的形态变化,原始细胞的细胞核是规则的圆形,然后染色质凝集、细胞核畸形,最后细胞核消失。

    DAPI can clearly show that all periods of nuclei changes in shape . Initial nucleus is regular roundness , then chromatin condensed , nucleus deformity finally disappear in the cell .

  13. 16例-7/7q-患者中位原始细胞计数0.135,在20个月的中位随访时间内,43.8%(7例)的患者进展为FL,总的中位生存时间仅10个月;

    16 patients with - 7 / 7q - had higher blast cell count of 0.135 ; 43.8 % of them developed into FL and the median overall survival was only 10 months within a 20 - month follow-up period .

  14. bcl2和bax基因表达及baxbcl2比值与AL患者的年龄、性别、血小板计数、血红蛋白水平、骨髓原始细胞百分率、FAB分型和S+G2M%均未发现相关。

    No relationships were found between the expression levels of bcl-2 and bax and AL patients ′ age , sex , platelet counts , hemoglobin levels , percentage of marrow blasts , FAB classification , and S + G 2M % .

  15. 目的:观察小剂量马法兰治疗高危骨髓增生异常综合征,即原始细胞过多的难治性贫血(RAEB)和转变中的原始细胞过多的难治性贫血(RAEB-T)的疗效。

    Objective : This paper is designed to observe the effect of small dosage melphalan on highly dangerous myelodysplastic syndromes ( RAEB , RAEB T ) .

  16. WHO分型按照原始细胞百分比将RAEB分为RAEB-Ⅰ和RAEB-Ⅱ,对临床诊断、治疗和预后有益。

    Based on the percentage of blast cells , division of RAEB into RAEB - ⅰ and RAEB - ⅱ is better for clinical diagnosis , treatment and prognosis .

  17. 本文通过观察1例49岁骨髓增生异常综合征-难治性贫血伴原始细胞增多(MDS-RAEB-1)予allo-NST术的患者并结合相关文献对MDS的病理生理学特点、预后因素、治疗进展做一总结。

    We observe one patient with MDS-RAEB-1 who has received allo-NST and review related documents to summarize the pathophysiology , prognostic factors and the advance of treatment of MDS .

  18. 平邑甜茶的无性胚囊原始细胞始于盛花期前后靠近合点端的珠心细胞,并很快发育为单核无性胚囊,盛花后5~7d的坐果初期形成无性的八核胚囊。

    The aposporous initials , the nucellar cells in the chalazal end , developed during full blooming stage . Then it grew rapidly to unreduced embryo sac and formed 8-nuclei aposporous embryo sac , which happened 5 to 7 days after full bloom .

  19. 在病态造血中以小巨核细胞、pelger畸形具有诊断意义,在外周血片中仔细寻找原始细胞及淋巴样小巨核细胞,对诊断有特殊意义。

    The small huge-nucleus cell and pelger catface have diagnosis meaning in the morbidity hematopoiesis , and the originality cell and lymph-type small huge-nucleus cell have special meaning for diagnosis of MDS in around blood patch .

  20. 珠心胚原始细胞发生频率为27%。

    The frequency of initial ( s ) origination was27 % .

  21. 郭沫若把情绪视为文学的原始细胞乃至文学的本质。

    Guo regarded emotion as the original cells and essences of literature .

  22. 干细胞是生物体内原始细胞。

    Stem cells are the body 's ultimate master cells .

  23. 干细胞样肝原始细胞的体外分化

    Differentiation of hepatic stem - like cells in vitro

  24. 目的:建立一种细胞图像自动分拆方法,以达到将原始细胞图最佳分拆为胞质、胞核图像之目的,而且此分析过程可自动进行;

    Objective : To explore a method of automatic segmentation for cell image .

  25. 干细胞样肝原始细胞的分离和鉴定

    Isolation and identification of hepatic stem cells like

  26. 还首次报告了M7原始细胞的形态学定量参数资料以及判别函数式。

    M7 blast cell quantitative parameter data and discriminate function were first reported also .

  27. 转变为分生组织细胞群(即根原始细胞);

    The cells from the division transformed into cambium cell groups ( root initials );

  28. 其胚性原始细胞既有内起源,又有外起源。

    Both within the original cells of embryonic origin , but also foreign origin .

  29. 粒单系白血病原始细胞表达血小板特异性抗原与周期蛋白D3异常表达关系的研究

    Abnormal Expression of Cyclin D_3 Causes Aberrant Expression of Platelet Specific Antigens on Myelomonocytic Leukemia Cells

  30. 结论:脐血里富含干细胞等原始细胞成分。

    Conclusions : primitive cells such as stem cells were more in the cord blood cells .