
  • 网络crude oil pollution
  1. 海洋水体原油污染存在形态及处置技术研究

    Research on the forms and treatment technologies for crude oil pollution in ocean water

  2. 采用SBR活性污泥法,选用从海水、采油废水及长期受原油污染的土壤中筛选的耐盐有机物优势降解菌来处理高含氯采油废水。

    The method of SBR activated sludge with salt-resistant organic degradation bacteria is adopted to treat produced wastewater with high content of chlorine .

  3. 生物通风堆肥法修复原油污染土壤的实验研究

    Remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil by bioventing and composting technology

  4. 原油污染地表的无伤害清理剂的合成与性能研究

    Synthesis of Harmless Oil Cleaning Agents for Oil-contaminated Soil and Its Properties Study

  5. 三种洗涤剂淋洗落地原油污染土壤的试验研究

    Test on three kinds of detergent washing the soils contaminated by crude oil

  6. 木质素盐在原油污染土壤清洗中的应用

    The application of lignosulfonate in oil-contaminated soil washing

  7. 原油污染土壤的颗粒活性炭增强微波热修复研究

    Microwave Thermal Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Crude Oil Enhanced by Granular Activated Carbon

  8. 治理原油污染土壤的经济,简便方法是就地生物治理法。

    The economical and simple method that remedies crude-oil contaminated soil is in situ biology treatment method .

  9. 依据此地的原油污染情况和地质特点,设置灌注井和控制井。

    Depending on the petroleum contamination and the geological characteristics of the site , injection and monitoring wells can be installed .

  10. 采用异位生物修复技术堆式堆制处理方法,对辽河油田原油污染土壤进行了生物修复处理研究。

    With composting technology of off-site bioremediation , the bioremediation of soil contaminated by crude oil from Liaohe Oil Field was studied .

  11. 几周来,佛罗里达州一直做好最坏的打算,担忧原油污染会损害沙滩,摧毁旅游业。

    For weeks , Florida has been preparing for the worst , amid fears that oil contamination could ruin the beaches and destroy the tourist industry .

  12. 按照我们燃烧原油和污染环境的速度

    At the rate we 're burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment

  13. 加工高硫原油恶臭污染及其控制对策

    Odour pollution in processing high sulfur-containing crude and Its Countermeasures

  14. 按照我们燃烧原油和污染环境的速度…

    At the rate we 're burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment ...

  15. 鉴于漏油量大小和洋流方向,泄漏原油绝无污染里约热内卢海滩的可能。

    There was never any risk of oil washing up on the beaches in Rio given the size of the spill and the direction of the ocean currents .

  16. 通过室内和现场试验表明,该清蜡剂具有溶蜡快、分散作用较强、对原油无污染等特点,应用于输油管线清洗效果显著。

    Laboratory and field experiments show the wax-rid reagent has the characteristics of rapid smelting wax high degree distribution , no pollution to oil , and it has got an obvious result in petroleum pipeline .

  17. 原油稳定装置污染源分析与控制

    Analyze and Control of the Pollution in Crude Oil Stability Plant

  18. 中原油田洒落原油对地下水污染的研究

    Pollution of groundwater by scattered oil in Zhongyuan oil field

  19. 长输原油管道的污染控制

    Pollution Control of Long - distance Crude Oil Pipeline

  20. 最后,对落地油土地污染治理方面,提出油坑原油回收、污染土层燃烧处理和换土复垦等措施。

    At the end of this paper , the measures of harnessing land pollution , such as petroleum reclamation on oil pit , polluted soil burn and changing soil reclamation , etc. are proposed .

  21. 一名环境官员表示,兰州一条石化管道发生原油泄漏,污染了当地自来水厂的水源,使兰州自来水的苯含量达到危险级别。

    An environment official says Crude oil leaked from a Lanzhou Petrochemical pipeline , poisoning the water source for a local water plant , and bringing hazardous levels of benzene into the city 's tap water .

  22. 经过142井次的使用,证明该二合一液压锚定器既能泄油,减少原油、污水污染,又能锚定管柱,提高泵效,减少检泵周期。

    This anchor has been used in 142 oil wells , and it shows that it can both release oil to decrease the pollution of crude oil and produced water and fix the tube to increase the pump efficiency and reduce the check period of pump .

  23. 政府称,原油泄露已经严重污染了约870平方公里(合336平方英里)的海域。

    The government said the spill had seriously polluted about 870 sq km ( 336 square miles ) of sea .

  24. 本文是通过对湄州湾30万吨原油码头溢油污染风险分析,针对湄州湾海域的特性提出了降低污染损害的防范措施。

    This study covers the risk analysis of Meizhou Bay 300,000 tonnage crude oil berth spillage pollution and particularly in consideration of the characteristics of Meizhou Bay sea area , brings forward the related preventive measures to reduce the damages of pollution .

  25. 然而,能够利用原油的微化物不仅能从被原油污染的土壤中分离出来,也可以从未被原油污染的土壤中分离出来。

    However , crude oil utilization is not a monopoly of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites .

  26. 因此,为了提高土壤生态系统对原油污染物的生物降解作用,本研究探讨了原油污染对土壤中细菌种群和土壤性质的影响。

    Therefore , the study was designed to enhance crude oil biodegradation in the soil ecosystem , and to ascertain the effect of oil pollution on bacterial population and physicochemical properties of the soil .