
  • Nuclear leakage;nuclear meltdown;nuclear leakage, nuclear leak;Hazmat Spills;release of the radioactive materials
  1. 日本核泄漏让包括中国人在内的很多人担心。

    Japan 's nuclear leakage makes many people worry , include Chinese .

  2. 石油污染和核泄漏引发的跨界损害给受害者造成的损失和灾难无法用语言描述。

    Damage and loss brought to victims by transboundary oil pollution and nuclear leakage cannot be described in words .

  3. 在切尔诺贝利核泄漏灾难发生以后,她开始投身政界。

    She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

  4. 它们能让我们更深入地洞察物理灾难,如三哩岛核泄漏事故(ThreeMileIsland)。

    And they provide insight into physical disasters , such as Three Mile Island .

  5. 你们的程序员正在干扰核泄漏的程序。

    Your programmers are trying to interfere with the meltdown sequence .

  6. 日本核泄漏将促使美国重新考量反应堆选址策略。

    Japan 's nuclear leak to affect site of US reactors .

  7. 它是世界上最严重的核泄漏事故的发生地。

    It was the site of the world 's worst nuclear accident .

  8. 无论是否发生核泄漏,乡邻们都需要他们。

    Nuclear fallout or no nuclear fallout , their neighbors will need them .

  9. 日本核泄漏已流入中国海域。

    China keeps close eye on Japan nuclear leak .

  10. 日本核泄漏对中国暂无影响。

    China faces no immediate threat from leakage .

  11. 此次行动是由引人关注的日本福岛核泄漏事故危机推动的。

    The move was prompted by the crisis gripping Japan 's Fukushima nuclear power plant .

  12. 失事海区核泄漏条件下救捞潜水员水下辐射防护的核辐射监测研究

    The Research of Inspect and Survey on the Divers ' Safety in Wreck Sea Area with Nucleus Radiation

  13. 由冷却系统失灵引发的部分堆心熔毁和核泄漏导致了自1986年切尔诺贝利核电站事故后的世界最严重核事故。

    The resulting partial meltdown and radiation leaks represented the world 's most severe nuclear power accident since Chernobyl in1986 .

  14. 五个月前的海啸和核泄漏事件让日本受到重创,而如今日本经济正惨遭新一轮打击。

    FIVE months after a tsunami and nuclear meltdown assailed Japan , the economy has been pummelled by fresh blows .

  15. 日本核泄漏事件重新唤起民众对辐射疾病的恐惧。

    The serious radiation leaks at Japan 's damaged Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant have reawakened public fears about radiation sickness .

  16. 氢气爆炸向大气喷涌辐射,造成了自1986年乌克兰切尔诺贝利核泄漏之后最严重的核事故。

    Hydrogen explosions spewed radiation into the atmosphere , causing the worst nuclear disaster since the1986 Chernobyl accident in Ukraine .

  17. 由于担心福岛核泄漏之后空气和食物受到核辐射,公众似乎对他的建议表示支持。

    The public , concerned about post-fukushima radiation in the air and in their food , appears to support him .

  18. 艾德克鲁克斯,金融时报工业和能源的编辑与大家一起分析日本核泄漏对美国能源工业的影响。

    Ed Crooks , the FT industry and energy editor , takes stock of the impact on the US nuclear energy industry .

  19. 福岛核泄漏灾难之后,公共和私人部门的节约努力在很大程度上遏制了电力需求。

    In the wake of the Fukushima disaster , public and private conservation efforts have helped keep power demand comfortably in check .

  20. 尽管没有探测到任何核泄漏,但官员们担心系统故障可能导致反应器的核心过热。

    No radiation leaks were detected , but officials are concerned the reactor 's core may overheat due to a system malfunction .

  21. 4月12日该核泄漏事故已经升到了7级,是国际范围内最高的等级。

    On April12th the nuclear accident there was upgraded to level seven , the highest rating on an international scale of severity .

  22. 福岛核泄漏事件已经过去了20个月了,反对开发核电的活动分子一度撼动了自由民主党的最终选举结果。

    More than 20 months after a nuclear disaster in the country , anti-nuclear activists are shocked over the Liberal Democratic Party 's victory .

  23. 碘化钾确实能有效防止放射性碘进入身体,预防甲状腺癌,因此儿童在核泄漏中患病风险最高。

    The pill can help prevent radioactive iodine from causing thyroid cancer , for which children are most at risk in a nuclear disaster .

  24. 近年来,地震、海啸、核泄漏等灾难的发生,给人类带来了沉重打击和损失。

    In recent years , disasters such as earthquakes , tsunamis and nuclear leakage , have caused severe damage and property loss for human beings .

  25. 巨大的灾难发生之后,令人更加恐惧的却是由地震、海啸引发的次生灾害及难以控制的核泄漏事故。

    After the terrible disaster , the secondary disasters triggered by the earthquake and tsunami made people more threatened , especially the uncontrolled nuclear leakage accident .

  26. 日本政府本周五公布了一项援助东京电力赔偿核泄漏事故受害者的计划。

    Japan 's government on Friday announced a plan to help the company that operates the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant compensate the victims of the disaster .

  27. 日本地震所导致的核泄漏的这个事实也证明了人们已经逐渐意识到核辐射的负面影响。

    The fact that the earthquake happened in japan is responsible for nuclear leak also suggests that people have come to realize the negative effects nuclear radiation .

  28. “如果在东京发生一次曾经在俄罗斯发生的切尔诺贝利那样的核泄漏事件的话,后果会要更加严重。”一位从东京最繁华的购物和娱乐中心银座经过的市民李先生说。

    " A Chernobyl-type leak here would be far worse than in Russia ," said Lee Uranaka , a passer-by in Tokyo 's Ginza shopping and nightlife district .

  29. 在这方面,其影响堪比1986年的切尔诺贝利核泄漏事件,这场灾难在西方引发的有关核能的质疑声要超过苏联。

    In this , its effect resembles that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster , which provoked more questioning about nuclear power in the West than in the Soviet Union .

  30. 此举紧随日本政府,暂停了所有核泄漏事故的核电厂,之后德国政府便作了这个决定,时间就在基民盟害怕会失利的那场重要地区选举前。

    The move followed a moratorium initiated by the government in the wake of the nuclear disaster in Japan , just before an important regional election that the CDU feared losing .