
qīng dàn
  • hydrogen bomb;fusion bomb;superatomic bomb;super bomb
氢弹 [qīng dàn]
  • [hydrogen bomb] 利用氢的同位素氘和氚的原子核聚变时产生的能进行杀伤和破坏的炸弹,其威力比原子弹大得多

氢弹[qīng dàn]
  1. 1953年8月苏联爆炸氢弹成功。

    Soviet detonation hydrogen bomb was successful in August , 1953 .

  2. 他们恐吓这对夫妇说他们有氢弹!

    They frightened the couple saying that they had a hydrogen bomb !

  3. 他动员全世界的舆论反对氢弹试验。

    He mobilized public opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests .

  4. 使用氢弹是否违背人道?

    Would the use of H-bombs be an outrage against humanity ?

  5. 氢弹的威胁学生地压在他们的心头。

    The threat of the H-bomb loomed large in their minds .

  6. 毫无疑问,一场氢弹战将会毁灭大城市。

    No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war great cities would be obliterated .

  7. 告诉我,他要那氢弹做什么?

    I need you to tell me why he wanted the bomb .

  8. 她把氢弹说成了最终的清洁剂,显然这是无意中说漏嘴的错误。

    She called the hydrogen bomb the ultimate detergent-an obvious Freudian slip .

  9. 1950年的今天,哈利·S·杜鲁门总统宣布一项开发氢弹的计划。

    1950-President Harry S.Truman announces a program to develop the hydrogen bomb .

  10. 要爆炸氢弹,就需有一个特殊的引爆装置。

    To set off an H-bomb , a special triggering device is required .

  11. 他们刚爆炸了一颗大当量的氢弹。

    They had just exploded a powerful hydrogen bomb .

  12. 1953年,苏联在舆论上公开他们研制了一个氢弹!

    In1953 , the Soviet Union publicly acknowledged it had tested a hydrogen bomb .

  13. 这种铀和氢的结合,叫做氢弹。

    This combination of uranium and hydrogen is called a " hydrogen bomb " .

  14. 他们试验了一颗氢弹。

    They have tested a hydrogen bomb .

  15. 上帝拯救女王法西斯政权他们把你变成一个笨蛋一颗潜在的氢弹!

    God save the queen the fascist regime they made you a moron a potential H-bomb !

  16. 工具正式验收:根据我们的检查氢弹对注射浇铸工具的生产进行检查。

    Official acceptance of tool : according to our check-list for the manufacturing of injection moulding tools .

  17. 1968年,法国首次爆炸了他们的氢弹。今年有好几次火山爆发。

    1968 The French tested their first H-bomb . There have been several volcanic eruptions this year .

  18. 你将创造原子弹和氢弹,或者你将把它们从这里带过去。

    And you will create atom bombs and hydrogen bombs , or you will carry them from here .

  19. 1957年后从事核反应堆的研究工作,与邓稼先等负责并领导中国原子弹、氢弹的研制工作。

    Together with Deng Jiaxian and others , Zhu led the development of atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb of China .

  20. 我们自己的原子弹、氢弹、卫星、空间技术不也搞起来了吗?

    Haven 't we developed the atomic bomb , the hydrogen bomb , satellites and space technology on our own ?

  21. 中国假如没有原子弹、氢弹,就不会有今天的国际影响和地位。

    If China does not have atom bomb , h-bomb , won 't have today 's international influence and place .

  22. 美国1953年试爆第一颗氢弹后,末日之钟调整至晚11时58分。

    Following the first test of the hydrogen bomb , the doomsday clock ticked to two minutes before midnight in 1953 .

  23. 原子核发生聚变,形成较重的原子核,并释放出原子核能,就象氢弹爆炸时所发生的情说那样。

    The nuclei of atoms fuse , producing heavier nuclei and releasing nuclear energy , just as occurs in a hydrogen bomb .

  24. 有历史记载的最猛烈的地震之一是1906年发生在拉丁美洲,其威力相当于100颗氢弹。

    One of the most violent earthquakes recorded in history occurred in Latin America in1906 , which had the equivalent of100 H-bombs .

  25. 氢弹试验成功后,科学家的注意力转向可控核聚变的研究,有军事性质而处于绝密状态。

    After success of hydrogen bomb , scientists turned to face controlled nuclear fusion connected to military and be placed in the top-secret .

  26. 在中美建交前12年,1967年6月17日中国就爆炸了自己的第一颗氢弹;

    In the 12 years before the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations , on June 17 , 1967 , China exploded its first H-bomb .

  27. 这张震惊的图片是被美国宇航局太空望远镜拍到的,我们看到,一团炽热的猛烈喷发出的火焰包围着太阳,其释放出的能量相当于100个氢弹。

    This astonishing image-captured by a new Nasa space telescope-shows a ferocious solar flare looping out the Sun with the power of100 hydrogen bombs .

  28. 原子核的融合释放出大量的能量,这些能被用于氢弹或原子弹之类的东西。

    The fusion of atomic nuclei releases tremendous amounts of energy which can be used in such things as the hydrogen or fusion bomb .

  29. 使用氢弹是否违背人道?这种铀和氢的结合,叫做氢弹。

    Would the use of H-bombs be an outrage against humanity ? This combination of uranium and hydrogen is called a " hydrogen bomb " .

  30. 截至1984年,我国共进行了29次核试验均获成功,其中包括第1颗原子弹和第1颗氢弹。

    Up to 1984 our country has carried totally on 29 nuclear tests and got success including the first atomic bomb and the first hydrogen bomb .