- 网络Corinthians;I Corinthians

I Corinthians 15 : 3 says , " Christ died for our sin . " The Lord Jesus is alive in Heaven now , waiting to save you from sin , waiting to become YOUR Good Shepherd .
So by the time Paul writes I Corinthians , women are acknowledged as an important part of his churches .
Corinthians shows us a church in its sort of adolescent period .
Do you enjoy Him in all the nineteen aspects revealed in1 Corinthians ?
This chapter is a major crossroad in the epistle to the Corinthians .
St. Paul wrote in Second Corinthians ,
They sang another hymn , then the vicar read the lesson from the first epistle of the corinthians .
So back in I Corinthians 13:4-7 , Paul proceeds to provide the Corinthian believers with an understanding of agape love .
Pray and sing with understanding in your native tongue ; also pray and sing in the spirit . ( see1 cor.14:15 . )
I Corinthians 5 : 7 says , " For even Christ ... is sacrificed for us ... " Jesus died on the cross , but He rose again the third day and now He is in Heaven .
I Cor. l5 : 3 & 4 tells us about it : ... how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures .
Let 's say our memory verse again : ... " do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you ... therefore glorify God in your body ... " I Corinthians 6 : 19-20 .
Remember our verse for today ? I Corinthians 6 : 20 " For ye are bought with a price : " Jesus paid that price for you , so you would never have to suffer the everlasting punishment of being in hell .
I Corinthians 15 : 3 says , ... " how that Christ died for our sin ... " Jesus rose the third day and now He lives in Heaven , but He is ready to save you from your sin the moment you believe in Him .
Remember our Bible verse in I Corinthians 6 : 20 , " For ye are bought with a price : therefore glorify God in your body , and in your spirit , which are God 's. " If you know the Lord Jesus , remember : God wants you to glorify Him !
Let 's say our Bible memory verse for today : I Corinthians 6 : 20 , " For ye are bought with a price : therefore glorify God in your body , and in your spirit , which are God 's. " In all that we do and all that we say , God should be lifted up .