
qiáng duó
  • ravish;grab;extort;rob;snatch;wring
强夺 [qiáng duó]
  • [ravish;wring] 用暴力抓取或带走

  • 强夺他人财产是犯法的

强夺[qiáng duó]
  1. 实际上我在强夺她。

    Actually , I was the one who grabbed her .

  2. [谚]公平交易并非强夺。

    A fair exchange is no robbery .

  3. 由于工人拒不停工,警察试图强夺风钻。

    As the men refused to stop working , the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill .

  4. 自由和文明不过是从有钱人和读书人有力的手中强夺过来的一些权利的碎片。

    Liberty and civilization are only the scrips of power which are heisted from the rich and the schoolars .

  5. 如果没有基本的法律赋权,贫困人群的生存就充满不确定性,要担心缺衣少食、居无定所、财产被强夺。

    Without basic legal empowerment , the poor live an uncertain existence , in fear of deprivation , displacement and dispossession .

  6. 一个男人强夺那位老妇的包,她急抓那个男人,但一失手他却跑掉了。

    A man grabbed the old woman 's bag , and she grabbed at him , but missed , he ran off .

  7. 他本有神的形状,不以自己与神同等为强夺之珍,紧持不放。

    Who , existing in the form of God , did not consider being equal with God a treasure to be grasped .

  8. 强夺者往往是武警或者士兵,以及设障人员,他们几乎不试图掩饰他们这样做是否具有合法性。

    The extortionists are often armed police or soldiers , manning roadblocks , who make little attempt to pretend what they do is legal .

  9. 劫持航空器罪是指以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法强夺或控制航空器的行为。

    Aircraft hijacking is a kind of crime that by menas of violence , coercion or by any other menans to seize or control aircraft .