
qiáng fēng
  • strong breeze;line blow;fresh gale;snorter
强风 [qiáng fēng]
  • (1) [strong breeze]∶小时速25到31英里的风,蒲福风级风力为六级

  • (2) [freshgale]∶时速39至46英里的风

强风[qiáng fēng]
  1. 就在这时,一阵强风把他的领带吹得飘起来。

    Just then , a strong breeze made his tie flap .

  2. 棕榈树在强风中摇摆。

    The palm trees wavered in the strong breeze .

  3. 强风使船撞上了礁石。

    The ship was blown onto the rocks .

  4. 潮水小的时候强风可以让船只改变航向。

    Strong winds can turn boats when the tide is weak .

  5. 一阵飓风级强风掀掉了教堂塔楼的一角。

    A hurricane-force gust blew off part of a church tower .

  6. 外墙看起来一刮强风就会倒塌。

    The outer walls looked likely to tumble down in a stiff wind

  7. 仍有强风吹向海岸。

    There was still a strong wind blowing inshore .

  8. 登山者被一连几天的强风暴雨给困住了。

    The climbers were trapped by a fierce storm which went on for days .

  9. 他的飞机遭遇强气流和时速近200英里的强风。

    His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour .

  10. 这是一个暴风雨之夜,大雨倾盆,强风呼啸。

    It had been a night of stormy weather , with torrential rain and high winds .

  11. 强风把旗子撕裂了。

    The flag was ripped under the force of the wind .

  12. 我们利用那股强风,把篷帆张得更足。

    We clapped on more sail , to take advantage of the fresh wind .

  13. 直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文翻译后意思加强了。China中国

    The literal translation is " strong wind . " Experts say the term , typhon from the Greek and Arabic , was strengthened with the Chinese translation .

  14. 强风吹顶着风帆,迫使船改变航道

    As strong wind lashed against the sails , forcing the boat to change course .

  15. 救援指挥中心的信息显示,当日下午1点左右,冰雹、冻雨和强风突然袭击高海拔赛段20至31公里处。因气温急剧下降,参赛人员出现身体不适。

    According to the rescue headquarters , at about 1 pm on Saturday , hail , freezing rain and gales due to the sudden drop in temperature .

  16. 人们可能会说,标准的雨伞设计已算完美——坚固、能够耐受强风以外的所有天气,而且基本能保持你的上半身干燥。

    One might say the standard umbrella is already perfectly1 designed -- compact , resistant2 to all but very strong winds , and it generally keeps your top half dry .

  17. 空气伞的这些特点不但能够比普通雨伞在暴雨时起到更好的保护作用,空气屏障也比普通雨伞的尼龙布更经得起强风。

    Not only would these features protect against storms when a standard umbrella normally may not , but the air curtain has a better chance to survive strong winds than a flimsy nylon covering .

  18. GPS用于强风引起的超高层建筑物位移测量研究

    On Use of GPS to Measure Ultra-high-rise Buildings Displacement Caused by Strong Winds

  19. 完全预报(PP)方法在广东冬半年海面强风业务预报中的应用

    The application of perfect prognosis method to gale wind along the Guangdong coast in winter

  20. 建筑学家们表示,这座高楼可能会在2062年落成,使用3D打印技术建造出墙壁,可以抵挡强风和极端气候。

    They say that the mighty tower could be built by 2062 , using 3D printing technology to create walls that could withstand high winds and unique climates .

  21. 4.hurricane-forcewind飓风风的强风5.wildfire野火一九八七年的野火毁灭了千万公顷的森林。

    The wildfire of 1987 destroied thousands of acres of the forest .

  22. 但当TC进入北部湾后,受地形影响,强风区位于台风东南部。

    But when TC moves into the Beibu Gulf , affected by the landform , the strong wind region locates in its southeast part .

  23. 被记者描述成“由螺钉钉起来的旧桶”――理想x号,遭遇大西洋强风袭击后,船上的珍贵货物是否能安全抵达呢?

    Would the valuable cargoes themselves arrive undamaged after the Ideal X , described by a reporter as an " old bucket of bolts ", had been buffeted by Atlantic gales ?

  24. 因此本文探讨了利用CFD数值模拟技术研究屋面板在强风作用下的破坏条件及破坏后飞行行为的方法。

    Therefore this article use the CFD numerical simulation method to discuss the damaging condition of the roof board and the flight behavior of the damaged board .

  25. 新奥尔良的居民希望飓风Isaac的阴影已经过去。这座城市在飓风到来时受到了强风和暴雨的侵袭。

    New Orleans is hoping the worst is over following hurricane Isaac , The city was pounded by strong winds and unrelenting rain .

  26. ECMWF和T639数值预报产品均成功地预报出了此次强风过程。

    The numerical forecast products of ECMWF and T639 have good performances for the strong gale .

  27. 今天,我们的的主thatches将开始给我身后的这谷仓一个坚固的茅草屋顶能承受强风和长达百年。

    Today , our master thatches will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years .

  28. 国外对强风中列车的脱轨研究始于1879年12月28日的Tay铁路桥倒塌灾难,造成75人死亡,很多专家确信是当时正在桥上运行的列车脱轨后造成的桥毁人亡。

    The abroad started to research the theory of train derailment since collapse of Tay bridge , which happened in the evening of 28 December 1879 . The Tay Bridge Disaster killed 75 persons . Many experts believe that train derailment results in collapse of Tay bridge .

  29. 850hPa和700hPa低空急流的存在,一方面强劲的西南气流输送的暖湿平流加强了华北地区不稳定层结,另一方面急流附近的强风切变为飑线的产生提供了动力条件。

    The low-level jet at 850 hPa and 700 hPa brought warm and moist southwest air to North China and intensified the unstable stratification . The strong wind shear near the low-level jet provided dynamic conditions for the occurrence of the squall .

  30. 屋面板在强风作用下的破坏及其飞行特性研究

    Damage and Trajectories of Roof Panels under the Extreme Wind Action