
qiáng quán
  • power;might
强权 [qiáng quán]
  • [power] 凭借优势地位或权势欺压别人或别国

  • 强权政治

强权[qiáng quán]
  1. 强权终于向正义低头。

    Power gave way to justice at last .

  2. 树立一个榜样没什么错政治学家称之为“规范性强权(normativepower)”。

    There is nothing wrong in setting an example - political scientists call it " normative power " .

  3. 他们的外交政策遵循“强权即公理”的原则。

    Their foreign policy is based on the principle that ' might is right ' .

  4. 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。

    We stood up to the West , and that 's a moral victory .

  5. 他还说为力挽狂澜他将不得不做一个强权总统。

    He has also said he will have to become a strong President to put things right .

  6. 他警告说,如果总统想要实施强权统治的话,那么这个国家将陷入权力真空状态。

    He warned that if the President tried to enforce control , the country would be sucked into a power vacuum .

  7. 强权即公理--这是帝国主义的逻辑。

    Might is right -- that is the logic of imperialism .

  8. 智慧胜强权。

    Wisdom is better than strength .

  9. 公理胜于强权。

    Right prevails over might .

  10. 当然,美国人理想中的第二次机会不应该只留给富人和强权者。

    Surely , the American ideal of second chances should not be reserved only for the rich and powerful .

  11. 全国人大常委会法工委负责人表示,通过反外国制裁法,是反击某些西方国家霸权主义和强权政治的迫切需要,是维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的迫切需要,是统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治的迫切需要。

    It is also an urgent necessity to safeguard China 's national sovereignty , security and development interests , as well as to coordinate both the domestic and overseas-related rule-of-law , an official of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People 's Congress ( NPC ) said .

  12. 按照北京大学的zhufeng所说,这种立足于“政治强权的传统思维方式”的推断是错误的。

    According to Zhu Feng of Peking University , such calculations based on " the traditional mentality of power politics " are misplaced .

  13. 第一种来源于能源的稀缺和传统的强权政治。

    The first is rooted in scarcity and traditional power politics .

  14. 并对外宣扬中国为15世纪唯一的世界强权。

    And show why China was the only 15th century superpower .

  15. 对于强权国家身份,忠实于历史是个有趣的标准。

    Truth in history is an interesting standard for great-power status .

  16. 恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。

    The balance of terror has replaced the balance of power .

  17. 像强权阶段的孩童,这些幼童需长期的监督。

    Like the power stage children , these youngsters need constant supervision .

  18. 对美国强权的战略威胁来自日益高涨的反美情绪。

    The strategic threat to us power has come from rising anti-Americanism .

  19. 黄金和强权,战争之根源。

    Gold and power , the chief causes of war .

  20. 过去的强权政治不再起作用。

    The power politics of the past no longer work .

  21. 他们以为强权即公理,那是大错特错了。

    They mistake grossly in thinking that might is right .

  22. 中国正在错失一个彻底成为全球强权的黄金机会

    China is missing a golden opportunity finally to become a world power

  23. 新的强权中心和活力经济体正在出现。

    New centres of power and economic dynamism are emerging .

  24. “强权为王”的观念习惯性地在强化着。

    The concept that " Might makes right " is regularly reinforced .

  25. 罪恶四处蔓延,强权即公理。

    Nor was there any faith , truth and justice .

  26. 反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治。

    We oppose hegemonism and power politics of all forms .

  27. 我们高举的价值立场是不具有强权性的女性人文主义价值立场。

    The writer 's standpoint of value is female humanism .

  28. 而传统强权政治将继续存在。

    And traditional power politics will still be part of the picture .

  29. 足球教练员强权性与非强权性影响力对球队发展影响的初步研究

    Primary Study on Forcible and Un-forcible Influence of Soccer Coach

  30. 以强权支配外国的政策。

    A policy of extending your rule over foreign countries .