
qiǎnɡ pò ɡuān niàn
  • obsession;obsession idea
  1. 善意的行为转变为吸引力法则(LawofAttraction),这个法则提醒我这样的“否定性”会在生活中产生出一样的情绪,提高嗓门只会加重我自己对强迫观念与行为的趋势的担心。

    Well-meaning converts to the Law of Attraction , who caution me that such " negativity " will create more of the same in my life , only help to increase the anxiety by turning up the volume on my own obsessive-compulsive tendencies .

  2. 认知行为疗法、舍曲林以及二者协同疗法对儿童、青少年强迫观念与行为疾病的治疗作用:儿科OCD治疗研究(POTS)随机对照试验

    Cognitive-behavior therapy , sertraline , and their combination for children and adolescents with obsessive - compulsive disorder : The pediatric OCD treatment study ( POTS ) randomized controlled trial

  3. 并且强迫观念以年长学生多见,而强迫动作以年幼学生多见。

    Elder students report more obsessions , and younger students report more compulsions .

  4. 对蜘蛛无端的恐惧、受死亡强迫观念的困扰、对某人病态的憎恨

    A pathological fear of spiders , obsession with death , hatred of sb

  5. 患者与强迫观念症患者护患共同参与模式在结肠造口患者护理中的应用研究

    The exploratory development of nurse-patient co-participation mode in nursing of patients undergoing colostomy

  6. 强迫观念-强迫行为症执著强迫性神经官能症这个建议是切实可行的,可是我不能强迫自己去执行。

    The suggestion was sensible , and yet I could not force myself to act on it .

  7. 伴随着成瘾,他们会出现强迫观念以及强迫行为,时间和工效观念丧失,人际关系和婚姻丧失,身体和心理健康丧失等后果。

    With addiction comes obsessive thoughts , compulsive behaviors , lost time and productivity , lost relationships and marriages , lost physical and mental health .

  8. 这类患者经常出现重复行为,如洗手、数数、检查或清洗等,但同时却还希望阻止或消除这种强迫观念。

    Repetitive behaviors such as hand washing , counting , checking , or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away .

  9. 成瘾可能发生在人一生中任何阶段,常常与重复行为、强迫性观念,或者在物质成瘾中,一种特殊的药物联系在一起的。

    Addiction Addiction is a process which occurs over time in a persons life . Addiction is usually associated with repetitive behaviors , obsessive thinking about a person or behavior or , in the case of substance addiction , a particular drug .

  10. 他对工作的强迫性保密观念

    His obsessive secrecy about his work

  11. 你不能强迫他接受此观念。

    You cannot drub this idea into him .

  12. 在一般强迫性思维、攻击性强迫观念、性强迫观念和总分上,家庭氛围一般和氛围差的新生得分显著高于家庭气氛好的新生。

    Freshmen in the common and bad family atmosphere reported having higher scores in obsessive thinking , aggressive obsessive compulsory , sexual obsessive-compulsory and total score than those in good ones .

  13. 结果大学一年级新生强迫症状在强迫检查、性强迫观念和总分上,男生显著高于女生;

    Results The scores of males were significantly higher than females in obsessive checking , sexual obsessive compulsory and total score .

  14. 渐渐地,即使强迫性成瘾行为所带来的欣快感变得越来越淡,强迫性观念占据的时间却越来越多。

    The obsessive thinking takes up ever growing amounts of time , even as the compulsive addictive behavior may be becoming less and less rewarding .