
jí duān
  • extreme;utmost;extraordinary;pole tip;height;mortally;exceeding;monstrous;dreadfully;riotously;terminus
极端 [jí duān]
  • (1) [terminus]∶事物发展所达顶点

  • 避免走极端

  • (2) [extreme;extraordinary;monstrous;utmost]∶达到极点的

  • 生活极端贫困

极端[jí duān]
  1. 这种行为如果走向极端则可能是非常危险的。

    Taken to extremes , this kind of behaviour can be dangerous .

  2. 本领就在于避开这两个极端,走中间路线。

    The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes .

  3. 千万不要做出诸如离开国家之类的极端行为。

    Don 't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country .

  4. 他的最新小说充斥着极端的恐怖和暴力。

    His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence .

  5. 他因观点极端而经常受到新闻界的抨击。

    He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas .

  6. 只有在极端情况下才会让孩子离开父母。

    Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances .

  7. 只有极少数人持这样极端的观点。

    Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views .

  8. 她好像觉得我的处境极端可笑。

    She seemed to find my situation absolutely hysterical .

  9. 我们的资源极端紧缺。

    Our resources are strained to the utmost .

  10. 孩子们极端恐惧地看着。

    The children watched in stark terror .

  11. 他为了给上司留下深刻印象,不惜走极端,真令人难堪。

    It 's embarrassing the extremes he 'll go to in order to impress his boss .

  12. 他以前很腼腆,现在却走向了另一个极端。

    He used to be very shy , but now he 's gone to the opposite extreme .

  13. 对增税极端愤怒。

    Fury over tax increases .

  14. 很难想象莱恩克尔能做出如此极端的事情。

    It is hard to imagine Lineker capable of anything so extreme

  15. 这两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。

    The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum .

  16. 苏珊和德博拉两个人都极端自私和自我。

    Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish , egotistic streak .

  17. 她称他的话不负责任、具煽动性且极端无礼。

    She described his remarks as irresponsible , inflammatory and outrageous .

  18. 极端的例子是波兰,共有29个政党拥有议席。

    The extreme case was Poland , where 29 parties won seats

  19. 他们的看法与众不同,政治见解也很极端。

    Their views are non-conformist and their political opinions are extreme

  20. 个别极端的情况下,保险公司可以欺诈罪提出起诉。

    In extreme cases , insurance companies can prosecute for fraud

  21. 那位艺术家自杀的一个原因似乎是极端贫困。

    One cause of the artist 's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty

  22. 他们呼吁西方国家向极端贫困国家投入更多的钱。

    They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations

  23. 谈到烹饪,法国人会颇为得意并且极端排斥外国菜。

    The French are proud and highly xenophobic when it comes to cooking .

  24. 它们能够经受极端的气温和天气状况而不褪色、不破裂。

    They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking .

  25. 他针对特纳发表了一篇极端激愤的长篇演说。

    He launched an immoderate tirade on Turner .

  26. 人们指责该计划太过极端。

    The scheme has been condemned as extreme .

  27. 我必须为自己极端无礼的行为道歉。

    I must apologise for my outrageous behaviour

  28. 正是这些极端贫困的父母没有工作,靠救济金过活。

    The very poorest parents are not in work , they are living on benefit .

  29. 协议遭到了极左翼和极右翼极端团体的批评。

    The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum .

  30. 他们陷入极端贫困的状态。

    They were reduced to extreme poverty