
jí xiàn
  • the limit;the maximum;the ultimate limit;limitation;bounds;utmost;extremity;extreme;saturation point
极限 [jí xiàn]
  • (1) [limit]

  • (2) 最大的限度

  • 一个人的忍耐的极限

  • (3) 自变量的值无限趋近但不等于某规定数值时,或向正向或负向增大到一定程度时,与数学函数的数值差为无穷小的数

极限[jí xiàn]
  1. 我知道他正把自己逼到极限,而且感觉非常焦虑。

    I knew he was pushing himself to the limit and felt rather anxious

  2. 火势在这个遭受旱灾的州里迅速蔓延,消防队员疲于应对,接近极限。

    Firefighters are being stretched to the limit as fire sweeps through the drought-stricken state .

  3. 公司员工已被裁减到极限。

    The workforce has been pared to the bone .

  4. 他克服了25公里时的痛苦极限,进而赢得了他的第一个马拉松冠军。

    He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon .

  5. 人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。

    Overcrowding has taxed the city 's ability to deal with waste

  6. 我很有耐心,可如果我的承受力到了极限,我就撑不住了。

    I can be very patient , and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out .

  7. 我想人们对这种胡闹总有一个承受极限。

    I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with .

  8. 限速每小时四十英里,不要超过这个极限。

    The speed limit is 40 miles an hour . Don 't exceed this maximum .

  9. 世界无极限,你的未来无可限量。

    There are no limits , your future is unlimited .

  10. 这辆卡车的载重量已达到极限。

    This truck has already reached the limit of its load capacity .

  11. 但它们修复工业污染空气的能力早已达到极限。

    But their capacity to renew the air polluted by industry has long reached its limit .

  12. 凭着她的天赋和决心,爱丽丝·摩尔似乎可以将天空作为自己的挑战极限。

    With her talent and determination , it appears that the sky could be the limit for Alice Moore .

  13. 这是一项快速、有趣和危险的完美的极限运动。

    It 's fast , fun and dangerous — the perfect extreme sport .

  14. TaiChi太极按照中文译过来就是“太极(最高极限)。”这也是现在美国武术馆中描述的太极。一些人将其看做一种慢动作的练习方式,但是另一些人将其当做武术来练。

    In Chinese , the word is literally translated to the " supreme art of tai chi . Some emphasize the slow movements as a form of exercise , while others practice it as a martial art .

  15. 她到了忍受的极限。

    She reached the end of endurance .

  16. 根据已有的研究结果及知识经验,提出一个四步的训练程序,来帮助提高运动员在极限负荷下的心理承受能力

    These changed cognitive belief and volitive efforts may have a positive effect on the performance .

  17. 译:正常极限。压力。温度。时间。将执久标示

    Normal ratings ( pressures , temperatures , time setting , etc. ) shall be durably marked .

  18. 哥哥热爱极限运动,而弟弟却喜欢钓鱼,他们俩迥然不同。

    The elder7 brother loves extreme8 sports and the younger9 one enjoys fishing10 – they 're like chalk and cheese .

  19. 超过6个月,基本上就已达到心理承受的极限,很多问题会一一迸发,对职业发展十分不利。

    Six months later , you will be under great pressure and confronted with many problems if no job is located by then , which will be very harmful for your career development .

  20. 关于Fuzzy数的Fuzzy距离与Fuzzy极限一文的注记

    Notes on the Paper of Fuzzy Distance and Limit of Fuzzy Numbers

  21. 平面K型圆钢管搭接节点有限元参数分析与极限承载力计算公式

    Parametric analysis and design equation of ultimate capacity for unstiffened , overlapped CHS K-joints

  22. 另外也讨论了半群S在X的逆极限空间上诱导作用的混沌性问题。

    In addition , the chaotic action of S on the inverse limit space of X is considered .

  23. 高压气球用于对淤泥作机械功的极限效率约为28%。Air(初三适用)

    Theoretically the maximum transfer efficiency from the potential energy of a high pressure air ball to the mechanical work on mud flat is about 28 % .

  24. 轻量级方法包括敏捷过程,例如极限编程(XP)和Scrum。

    Lightweight methodologies include agile processes like extreme programming ( XP ) and Scrum .

  25. 带积分边界条件的Poisson方程边值问题解的极限

    The limit of solutions for boundary value problems of poisson 's equation with boundary condition of integral forms

  26. TX型圆管相贯节点空间作用下的极限承载力分析

    Ultimate capacity of circular tubular TX - Joints under multiplanar loads

  27. 从Hopf分岔到极限环

    From Hopf bifurcation to limit cycle

  28. 论极限、连续与Riemann可积性

    On Limit 、 Continuum and Riemann Integrability

  29. 集成电路制造工艺已经通过了深亚微米极限,使得IC设计者可以在单个芯片上集成上千万个晶体管,集成电路进入了片上系统(SOC)王国。

    As silicon technology has crossed the deep - submicron threshold , we can design tens of millions of transistors on a single chip .

  30. 并运用群论和原子分子静力学方法,推导了SH(SD)自由基分子基态的合理离解极限。

    The dissociation limit of SH ( SD ) radical is correctly determined based on group theory and atomic and molecular statics .